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My 3rd Blog..Baby Momma and I finally met.

Loving Life 33's picture

Ok so me and my man have been together for 19mo..we r both commited to eachother n our lives together..we have busy schedules and so on which hasnt let us do a lot of things either together alone without little boy or with little boy especially with baby momma around..Now that the little darling is in baseball its created a world where both sides are united for one purpose: the bratty 7 yr old me n the BM have seen each other during pick ups n drop offs but have never spoken..usually i smile her direction wearing my shades..but she never smiles back or says hi..So which brings me to yesterdays game..I knew she was gonna b there cuz we didnt pick up little boy to take him to im sittin on the bleachers in the looking cute by thr way lol..and i see her with shades on and i smile her way..i watch the game but every time i happen to look her way im being stared at..she has no shades on mind the end of game comes and i felt this coming...she sneaks up behind the bleachers cuz im in the top of them and says Hello Im so and so..i thot id introduce myself since your boyfrend wont..we shook hands and i said oh yes hi..made very small baseball talk n then she said something suprising..she says yeah my son was hoping u would b here on a sat game..i said oh yeah i come wen i can cuz i work..(she doesnt n wont work) lol..and she said see u next i was thinking that she signed him up for baseball just to meet me and she only came over to me to ease her own anxiety..i could care less if we ever officially met and shook hands cuz i know im not goin anywhere lol..i know how she is..shes condesending..rude..nasty...and has a self entitlement to her..and she shakes like a told my boyfrend that no fool..i will b nice and make small talk but i will def keep my distance n i will be an adult for the kid n my boyfrend..but im into her fake hellos lol. thatz my story:)


oneoffour's picture

It is much better for the children for the parents or adults sharing their life to all get along. No one is saying you become her BFF. She didn't come over and try and push you off the bleacher. She didn't need to tell you what her son said. Just be grateful this exchange was relatively pleasant.

Loving Life 33's picture

agreed..and i will continue to be an adult in these situations but i wont kiss buttbor b a fool..she has most fooled but not me..i can b very civil and nice but i will not play into her drama or hrad games..i want peace for all..i would never wish her ill...but i will keep my wall up because i know her agenda thru a third party..ive heard stories that have proof to them..thanks for ur comments:(

Loving Life 33's picture

Thanks for your comments:) yes she is a very co dependant in her man she is very imature..ive heard her on the fone ive seen her texts..shes even gone as far as to text my man that she will meet me some way or other since you wont introduce ur new girl to me..So thatz why i say she put him in baseball and made sure it was a team called the Angles to make sure dad was there..My man has told me over n over he wanted him in Karate..but wen she calls n drops her sons name saying he wants to sign up i knew it wasnt true and i knew why..this little boy tells me he doesnt want to play..and ive seen her facebook comments about ne and my man..shes crazy jealous and doesnt like that we are yrs thats why is stated the above blog..i will continue to b frendly at the games but i wont b her fool..i admit my man can often b her slave wen it comes to what she wants for their son..BUT I REFUSE TO BE..but thanks for ur comments everyone:)

Disneyfan's picture

The fact that she shared the info about the kid wanting you to attend the game speaks volumes.

Many moms view the kids accepting dad's SO as a threat to them.

Great Mom but horrified Stepmom's picture

I think the BM meant well. She was at her son's baseball game. She came over to meet you. She introduced herself. She was pleasant. She told you the boy was happy to have you there.


Lady. Give your head a shake. YOUR attitude is going to cause problems. YOU are looking for trouble where there is none that anybody can see.

Loving Life 33's picture

Yes and i see what ur saying but did u read my above comments..shes being FAKE..thats all..i will continue to recieve her poitenesses and i will be civil but trust me theres a very good reason my man didnt n hasnt introduced us before hand..she will use anything i say n do against my man and uses her child as a pawn in her games of control..I forgot to mention i knowbfor a FACT that she is still in love with my please trust me wen i say i am no fool..but thanks for the insite:)

herewegoagain's picture

I think you are smart to be cautious. We haven't seen the texts or anything else that she talks about. While there are indeed some BMs that might be normal, there are way too many who aren't...and only those who see the texts, hear the phone calls, etc...know when someone is off...

herewegoagain's picture

PS - this speaks VOLUMES about her BS...

"i thot id introduce myself since your boyfrend wont"

If she really was as nice as people here are wanting to make her, she could have come over and said "Hi, my name is such and such. I am such and such's mom. I wanted to meet you as my son was really looking forward to you being at his game. Thanks for taking the time to come see him". END OF STORY.

She is trying to start shit I don't care how some here want to sugar coat it...

Loving Life 33's picture

yes exactly..this is why i posted my 3rd blog in the first place...i want insight from u all. i want to know im not alone..and i want to aldo educate someone in a similar situation as mine..You can b civil but u dnt have to b a fool..i know for a fact she plans to ruin me..but i wont let her:))

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

What do you mean by "she plans to ruin me"? What evidence do you have that leads you to believe this?