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Loving Life 33's Blog

Help! what do I doabout this ?

Loving Life 33's picture

Hello fellow step parents ive Busy and I havnt Really had anything Happen until todayI was cooking breakfast this morning when I noticed my boyfriends phone went off with a text scrolling across the top so I can read it it was in plain sight and I wasn't trying to pry but it read from baby momma are you going to get married?

I need insight please:)

Loving Life 33's picture

Hello fellow step parents..its been a month since ive needed was a busy month plus my ss8 wasnt around much i guess no drama lol..Ok so i guess i have questions but first the stories...So we just got back yestrdy from Sea World my mans n ss8 1st idea but mostly my mans money used..i did spend a lot prepping..gas..oil change..etc...alll in all a great most trips we take they are amazing..b the most important part for me is bonding n creating memories..especially with was his b day gift from us..Now we have been together 20months n living together..we have

Lol Baby Momma keeps proving me right

Loving Life 33's picture

So today went well..another ballgame..i made sure to say hello to
BM n her man..we even sat on the same bleachers but not too close..i was into the game..but she speaks so loudly its hard not to over hear her chatting with her man n other parents of the team players...Another mom asks: oh wow two boys how cute..u

My 3rd Blog..Baby Momma and I finally met.

Loving Life 33's picture

Ok so me and my man have been together for 19mo..we r both commited to eachother n our lives together..we have busy schedules and so on which hasnt let us do a lot of things either together alone without little boy or with little boy especially with baby momma around..Now that the little darling is in baseball its created a world where both sides are united for one purpose: the bratty 7 yr old me n the BM have seen each other during pick ups n drop offs but have never spoken..usually i smile her direction wearing my shades..but she never smiles back or says hi..So which brings me t

My 2nd blog..Something new happened HELP! lol

Loving Life 33's picture

Hello fellow Step persons..i have a question but first the story..Ok yesterday i went to my 7yr old StepSons baseball game. 1st one ive attended..upon getting there my boyfrend was busy talking to the coach..and my SS was by me near the bleachers..another team mate they talk the boy asks: wheres ur dad? SS: hes over there.... Frend: Who was the other guy with u last time then?