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what to do???Help?????????????????

zahra's picture

Hi eveyone!

My husband and I are planing to buy a house,I should be happy but the problem is he will bring his 19 years old son to live with us.what to except? Please Ladies I need Advice??
Thank you.


doll faced sm's picture

I'm going off the assumption here that the "child" in question is an able bodied, typical 19 y.o.:

Don't do it. He will never leave of his own accord, and you will end up feeling resentment.

hereiam's picture

My first thought is, don't except it at all.

Does he have a job? Is he in school? Why does he need to live with you?

oneoffour's picture

Please answer the following:

Is the SS working/ in school/ disabled?
Does he presently live with his father?
Have you any children of your own? Do they live with you?
What are the circumstances for SS to move in?
Is this a long term situation or short term?

zahra's picture


sorry i made a mistake he is not my husband yet he is my boyfriend, we have a 9 month baby girl and we live toghter, my step son is working part time and going to school, he is in hight school he is normal,and he is not living with us he lives with his Mom but he alwyse fight with his Mom,and she is calling his father to talk to him,and thats the reason why my boyfriend is buying a house becouse he want to bring his son to live with us.And i don't know if is this along term situation or short term but in my opnion it will be a long term situation becouse my step son is shy and quiet kid.I don't know what to do?

hereiam's picture

You need to sit down with your BF and have a conversation. Get all of your questions answered and let him know what YOUR expectations are. Then, he can let his son know what the rules will be and what will be expected of him, including a move out date.