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flowers's picture

Hi eveyone!

My husband and I are planing to buy a house,I should be happy but the problem is he will bring his 19 years old son to live with us.what to except? Please i need Advice??
Thank you.


stepmom2one's picture

email, wis strange but he does say "not lover" "a true friend"

the pic is beyond strange and should be removed--pronto

stepoff's picture

Pictures in the bedroom ... no no. It sounds to me like for whatever reason he can't seem to let this girl go and just move on. That's fine to part as friends, but I think they should make a clean break and move on. Luckily for you, it doesn't sound like the ex-gf wants much of anything to do with your DH. But his continued contact with her is inappropriate. I'm sure he can find lots of other friends to keep in touch with.

mommommom's picture

That picture would be gone if were me. And my DH better not contact an ex girlfriend asking to be friends, etc....

imagr8tma's picture

Well, we can just know that there would not be any pictures of an ex in my bedroom or displayed anywhere my home where i resided with my husband. It is a matter of respect for the person he decided to marry.

He should be more concerned with learning about you and being close friends with you " HIS WIFE " then his x-girlfriend. Looks like he is missing what he had.

The good thing going is that - this x-girlfriend - does not look like she is too concerned with him at all. He is trying to use the marriage as a tool to make her jealous or curious to talk to him.

He needs to spend his time and energy on making his marriage work then worried about some girl who no longer wants him.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************