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laugh of the day.

purpledaisies's picture

Had skids this weekend. Bought a gallon of milk and it was time in a day! Dh said something and ss13 said it was all they had to drink. I said so there was no water? Ss13 said no the sink ran out. Dh days and the bull ran out of shit. Lmao.


PeanutandSons's picture

Hahahah. Sounds like my skids. Drinking water is beneath them. If its not juice or milk then they just won't drink anything all day.

They bitch and moan that there's nothing to drink and if you suggest water they look at you as of you just told them to drink their own urine.

step off already's picture

SS13 has a thing with milk. My bios barely drink it and a gallon will last all week. SS will have two glasses with every meal if allowed - I don't allow it and shocker, he's actually dropped a few since my taking over his diet.

He even went so far as to tell his doctor that we don't let him drink enough milk and DH relayed the info that the doctor told SS: that he needs 2 servings a day.

Well guess what? Two servings are in that GIANT glass you just poured yourself so you don't need more. And when I give you a cheese stick in your lunch, that counts as a serving. And oh ya - so does the yogurt I give you.

Damned kid thinks he's so smart. As if I'm malnourishing him just because he doesn't get his widdle milky poo.

PeanutandSons's picture

Sd10 also is addicted to milk. If I didnt limit her she would drink a gallon a day. She gets milk with breakfast at school....lunch at school...and I allow two cups at 4 cups a day and she acts like I am running a prison camp and denying her basic nutrition.

RedWingsFan's picture

SD14 would get pissy if we didn't have a gallon of WHOLE milk when she'd come over, because she'd eat 3 bowls of cereal in one sitting. I was buying the 1% because DH was saying he wanted to lose weight but couldn't handle the skim milk.

I don't drink milk because I'm lactose intolerant so I have the Light vanilla Silk milk (which in my opinion tastes better on cereal anyway) and I told her that she wouldn't like it, it's "diet", so she'd stay away from it!

Tuff Noogies's picture

RWF- at least she'd eat cereal! DH cooks skids breakfast, every morning.

i understand your dh not handling the skim- as much milk as we drink, i'd be as wide as the hood of my car if i didnt do skim, but it took me a long time to adjust (i grew up with unlimited source of raw milk, and yet now i cant even drink store-bought whole mile :? )

good trick too to protect your Silk!

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh she would only eat cereal if we weren't up when she was so that DH or I could cook for her! So, she'd get up early, eat 2-3 bowls of cereal and then we'd get up an hour or two later and all of a sudden, guess who wants food even though half the box of cereal and half a gallon of milk was gone?

If I told her anything was "diet" she'd stay away from it. Although DH did give her one of my Fiber One granola bars once and yeah, from then on, I had to hide them.

And gee, she wonders why I LOST over a hundred pounds and she's GAINED about half that? Oh but she whined to her mom that WE teased her about her weight and now she's BULIMIC? MY ASS she is...

Tuff Noogies's picture

DH and i are addicted to milk - we go through about a gallon a day (SKIM!). but all we ever drink is water, coffee, milk and beer (occasionally some wine, every once in a while).

we have to buy strawberry syrup for 2 of them to drink any milk. they always want soda - OSS went through a 2 liter of coke in less than 24 hrs- AND he'd slept in 'til 10 that day! oh and god forbid it GENERIC...

but all of them will drink the hell out of apple juice (100%) or orange juice (i buy calcium fortified) so it's not too bad.

but unless it's individual bottled water, YES we get that same reaction. aside from some minor differences in minerals, H2O has like NO flavor - how in the hell can you not like water? WTH do ya mean "ewwww it's gross!!!"

step off already's picture

Wow! Off topic, but that's a LOT of calories and sugar that your family is consuming through liquids. :jawdrop:

Tuff Noogies's picture

yeah i know, but it's FAR less than what they get at BM's (or have been accustomed to at MIL's - nothing but sugar sugar sugar, salt, fat and chemicals)
DH and i are good- tend to cook a lot at home (i stay away from boxed stuff for the most part) and take leftovers for lunch, and we simply dont keep sweet stuff at home - which works for me cuz when skids are here and say "do we have anything sweet to eat? can u go buy me a candy bar or fruit rollups?" if he ok's it then HE has to go out and buy it }:)
i cant change their eating habits they've formed from people outside my control, esp since they dont live here full-time. but i do try to see some positives - at least the strawberry milk and oj has calcium, and the oj and apple juice are 100% (they dont eat fruit or veggies anyway, at least drinking it is better than none at all...)
*sigh* if they lived here, it'd have to gradually change for the better.