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I didn't get an Alice

godess-clueless's picture

Years ago I believed our new life together would follow in the foot steps of the adult Brady Bunch. Widow and widower meet, fall in love, Children are young adults. Grandchildren are becoming new additions to this Brady Bunch movie. All that this family needs to excel is love and understanding. The Brady home is the location of constant visits and parties with all the step children and grandchildren. A family of love.

So what went wrong? For beginners, we did not have Alice. I am sure it would have been so much easier with her in the picture. I could have been getting a massage, having my hair done, and enjoying a manicure. Alice would have been busy entertaining , caring for the many grandkids, cleaning cooking and doing the laundry.

I would appear refreshed, and happy as DH and I made our entrance for picture taking of these family moments. Thank goodness, Alice can do everything. If a demand can not be met---Alice is to blame. If anyone is unhappy---Alice is to blame.

This must have been my first mistake amongst many. I did not have an Alice. No wonder I ended up feeling like an old worn out cast away shoe. Trying to do it all on my own was exhausting.

Lesson learned. If hubby can not afford an " Alice" who will do all the work and take all the blame then NEVER ACCEPT OR VOLUNTEER to take on responsibilities that are not your own,


whatwasithinkin's picture


Lalena75's picture

I used to complain in my old marriage (no steps involved) that if we'd had a husband and wife we could of made it. A husband to go to work and pay the bills (exh was lazy selfish entitled stay at home dad who didn't do housework, or really child care beyond feeding and changing) and a wife to cook clean and care for the kids (I worked a lot and paid the bills and wanted to go to school and raise my kids)I think an Alice would make all step situations at least cleaner.

sterlingsilver's picture

I was just watching Brady Bunch the other evening at work with a client. We were laughing and saying how fake it always looked with everyone so happy, and problems solved in half an hour! I would LOVE an Alice too! I even thought that very thing, she could do all the hard manual work of keeping this home clean and I could be the sahm but get pampered and be sitting there smiling when dh comes home! *sigh*!!