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Does this make me a bad SM?

stepmomto2many's picture

We eat all organic in my house. Organic food is very expensive. The Step kids are coming in 5 days for spring break. I went shopping and stocked up on food and tons of snacks because I know how they love to eat. But I put all of the organic snacks in my closet in my bedroom. Not to be mean but because I bought plenty of snacks for the step kids and I mean plenty. They always turn their noses at organic food and say how gross it is but yet if it’s out there they will devour all of their snacks and when that is gone the organic food vanishes even though they supposedly hate it. Organic food is expensive for 3 people let alone 7. DH felt I was trying to say his kids are greedy fatties and that I must keep the good stuff away from them.

That is not the case. I got them all the snacks they like and lots of them and when I cook dinner I will still use as much organic and homegrown ingredients as I can and if they complain I won’t waste the time and money on that either. Let me know your points of view please. Am I wrong? If you feel I am don't hesitate to tell me because I am looking at it from my point of view.


SisterNeko's picture

You are nicer than me, I do portion control with my SKids. If I let them have free reign on junk food they would clear us out in a day and then not eat dinner. So I put 'X' amount into a bowl and say that is all you get for now.

RedWingsFan's picture

I'd do exactly the same. I used to have a designated cupboard for stepdevil's food items or she'd eat us out of house and home in the week or weekend she stayed with us. She'd eat when she was bored, tired, anytime. And I don't mean take one banana from a bunch of six, she'd take five and leave one.

Yep, lock that stuff up.

stepmomto2many's picture

I always give my BD3 a little cup with some organic graham crackers or snack mix and the Step kids will dig their hands in her cup if I am not looking or ask her for one even though the supposedly think they are nasty. So I have to have her eat her snacks in my room because they are greedy. Thanks guys for letting me know I am doing the right thing.

sasha101's picture

You are definitely doing the right thing. I also have to ration and hide stuff as skids are soooooo greedy and will eat a weeks worth of snacks in 2 days. We're on a tight budget and just can't afford for them to guzzle constantly. Organic is very expensive, so why have it guzzled by greedy skids - funny how they suddenly like it when they've gobbled up all the stuff you've bought specially for them. You've bought plenty of stuff that they like so you're not depriving them, and if they eat it all up too quickly then that's their problem and they'll just have to do without till it's time to stock up again. I don't go shopping early when they've eaten everything anymore - if it's gone it's gone and they have to do without, otherwise it'd cost me twice as much for the weekly shop!

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Nope, your more then allowed to have & keep any food items you wish to have kept separately for your own personal use. I have to do this as well- or my skids would come for just the weekend & they ate Everything in site in just that one wkend!! Dh thought at first I was wrong to do so- until- they ate all his snacks in just ine day!!! That next wkend they came- I noticed the day before we went grocery shopping & DH left all his little snack items in one of the bags. At firsr I thought he took them to work. But the next day I was cleaning our bedroom & he had left the nail clippers on top of his night stand. So naturally I opened up his nightstand drawer to put them away/ and lo & behold-- there were my DHs snacks!!! Ha!!! So I guess he now realizes the same thing!!!!

Ive posted about this kinda thing in the past on here & got some very negative responses from a few posters. But I came to realize they were the minority on this topic. & I was only holding a small pkg of chocolates for myself in a high cabinet!!!

You are right in this scenerio as well. Your an Adult, in your home with the groceries You bought. Your well within your rights. & I agree with the above posters!!! DH used to spend a cool $250 in groceries before their weekend trips & it would all be gone when they left!! Rediculous!! Lol. Once I pointed out to DH that they go thru $250 in groceries a weekend when the skids are here-- yet we only spend between $150-$200 when we go grocery shopping every 2 weeks for the 3 of us who live here fulltime!!!! DH used to complain that he wished we were better off financially so he could do more/buy more for the skids while they were here. So I told DH that perhaps if we werent soending $500 in groceries for 3 boy skids who are here 5 days a month-- he Would have $ to do more with them!!! & then you could just see his lightbulb go off!!! Lol.

Bojangles's picture

If you buy it, they will eat it. With a lot of children in the house some type of rationing is essential, otherwise not only do they eat everything, they row about who ate what. I used to hold things back by hiding them on top of the kitchen cupboards. When my oldest was a baby I bought organic to puree for her, and everyone else ate non organic, we just couldnt afford to do it for everyone.

I watched a programme recently about a family with 16 children. They had given up the weekly grocery shop in favour of shopping each day for that days food, because with a house full of growing children, if they tried to keep the house stocked, it just all got eaten. Buying daily was their approach to rationing.

Cocoa's picture

i'd tell your dh that if they ate organically at home it would be different. but, i'd make it a point to make sure they only had organic options the next time around and when they complain, send them to their dad.

xtina's picture

I've done exactly this. My EXBF hated "diet" food but when I would leave my "diet food" in the cupboard, it would be gone in a day. Because he was hungry and ate all the time, he would eat my food. Then he said he thought he would try to eat healthier but would still eat all my shit. It's not healthy if you eat all the fucking healthy food in the house in one day!

Totally hide your food from skids.

xtina's picture

I've done exactly this. My EXBF hated "diet" food but when I would leave my "diet food" in the cupboard, it would be gone in a day. Because he was hungry and ate all the time, he would eat my food. Then he said he thought he would try to eat healthier but would still eat all my shit. It's not healthy if you eat all the fucking healthy food in the house in one day!

Totally hide your food from skids.