How much affection is too much affection??
My husband is one of those dad's who has some guilty conscience and fills the need to spend every waking moment breathing down the necks of his kids on the weekends. Holding hands, snuggling, laying on each other, rubbing each other and the list goes on. He thinks I want him to spend less time with them and more with me. I would NEVER ask him to spend less time with his kids as I know how it is because I have two kids of my own. I just feel that every waking moment does not need to be spent physically involved with your kids. His kids WILL NOT do anything without him. I mean NOTHING!! The SD is nearly 11 and the SS is really 13. All I really want is for him to see that his constant affection is not healthy. SD and SS are always laying in his lap or on his bare chest and DH is always rubbing them the way he rubs me.............this is making me push away from SH BIG TIME!! I am at wits end and do not know how to approach this situation!!?? All he thinks is that I am jealous of him and his kids. I AM NOT JEALOUS! Just give the skids some independence. My kids look at his like they are just strange. Their affectionate behavior goes on in restaurants, family parties, at the mall, at the park etc............ The skids are constantly touching him on his belly or rubbing his arms. People are always asking me if they are always so clingy. DH simply CANNOT stand it if the kids are not giving him this attention as well. If for some odd reason they are playing video games or eating........he wants them to come lay with him???
PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE OUT A WAY TO GET THROUGH TO HIM THAT HE IS HURTING HIS KIDS AND HIS WIFE BY ACTING THIS WAY? Or educate me on how constant affection is a positive thing to nearly teenagers.
- moz15's blog
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I agree with you, that is
I agree with you, that is really weird and creepy. How often does he see them? You can tell him that the reason you get irritated is not due to jealousy, but due to human instinct. You are watching a grown man rub all over pre pubescent children constantly and that sends off red flags in your brain and you can't help that! You can mention to him that his daughter is most likely already beginning puberty and at this point his physical affection could be harming her more than helping her, especially if someone else were to see it or hear about it and think it was weird. You said that other people think his kids are clingy, and you said that he is also clingy. Kinda weird. It's one of those things where if he gets too defensive about it it's weird. It's not hard to understand that adult men should be mindful of there physical interaction with children, even his own, ESPECIALLY if he only sees them a few times a month. I dont know, makes perfect sense to me!
I never had to go through that with my husband and his daughter, thank fing god.
He is with them every weekend
He is with them every weekend and every weekend is going to be a fun filled jam packed weekend of THEM! I love my kids to the moon and back....but my kids WANT to do things with their friends. My DH refuses to allow his kids to do those things. If friends need to be involved then it must be at our house.(btw, this never happens either)
It is all so very weird!!!!!!!!!!!!
Google "Inappropriate
Google "Inappropriate relationships between father/daughter" and print out anything that shows that he's hindering their growth and independence.
Sounds to me like you're fighting a losing battle though since dad seems enmeshed and entertwined in his kids. It would be one thing if you were dealing with just a jealous SD and her dad and dad was understanding enough to see that he's carrying on inappropriately. I dealt with that and ugh, my SD was horribly attached to her father.
I took some photos of the two of them, holding hands, her on his lap, touching his face, spooning on the floor, her lovingly looking up at him, etc. When he saw the photos, he was grossed out and didn't realize it looked so "pervy" to the outside world. SD was treating DH like a boyfriend. It immediately stopped and he established clear boundaries with her.
To me, your DH is loving the physical affection and attention and begging the kids for it. HE needs some professional guidance to break that unhealthy tie as well. These kids are not little anymore. They're almost teenagers and need to gain some independence and maturity. Dear ol dad is totally preventing them from growing up! Could be his fear of them leaving him or whatever, but either way, it's NOT healthy to anyone. DH should be getting that physical affection need met by you, his wife, and his kids need to learn appropriate boundaries between them and their parents.
Good luck.
I am pretty sure I have read
I am pretty sure I have read some of your blogs about this. I was relieved to know that I was not the only one.
My SD does the face touching, lovingly looking up at him, rubbing his belly etc........ I really think I might need to take some pictures.
I am just scared of his reaction! He will take it out of me and call me crazy! I know it!!!!!!!!!
The example I give my therapist is like a drug for both of them. They HAVE TO HAVE THE PHYSICAL skin on skin contact!!!! They can't get enough of it????
How are you dealing with it? Do you recommend any books?? I am currently reading stepmonsters??? I am just looking for ANYTHING to help me deal with these feelings I am having.
Im dealing with the same
Im dealing with the same weird behaviours!!!!! Read my blogs- youll see we probably mirror each other!! Im not the only one who gets creeped out by it- all of DHs family gets beyond irritated with it!! In our situation its mostly SS11- but BM is emotionally stunted SS9 & now that DH cannot see that we are supposed to help them grow & mature, not coddle them- now darnit SS9 is following SS11s weird behaviours. Its a Huge problem of physical boundaries!!!! I have been reading articles for almost a year now trying to understand "why" it gets under my skin so much & this is what Ive read in books, articles & parenting sites. As Moms we have a very real & natural desire thats innate in us. Our jobs as parents are to TEACH our children right from wrong, and our kids Mimmick our Fammiliar behaviours!!!! By having rediculously passive DHs who frankly, get their damn Egos stroked by this un-natural behaviours-- our DHs have totally lost sight of whats extremely important to teach their sons!!!!! They are doing Harm by not only encouraging these behaviours but they are gonna cause Huge problems down the road for their kids!!!!!! Again, WE are supposed to teach our kids, naturally, what right & wrong touch is. How to act & how to behave!!! Our DHs that do this are emmotionally stunting their own kids!!!!!!
I started taking pics & videos of the bizzare behaviour a year ago!!!! A picture really IS worth a thousand words!!!! I encourage everyone to do this!!! Then when alone, without the kids there, show the pics to DH!!!!! Ask Him if he were in a restarsunt & saw this behaviour with another Father with his kid--- umm--- doesnt it look disgusting? And perverse?? Hes lying if he says its "normal". We are supposed to teach our kids, at the BEGINNING of Adolescence to start to move into the direction of them developing their Own person. This means less physical touch!!! & frankly its also SUPER normal for kids who are taught right-- to start to NOT want such physical touch from BOTH their parents!!!!
If all else fails-- use Natural Consequences to your advantage-- post the strange behaviour on the FB pages!!!!! Ha!!!! Write a sickeningly sweet message like "Awww junior still likes to cuddles wiff daddyy dearest allllll weekend long". Bwahaha!!! They willl be begging you to take it off cause their friends will call out the bizzare behaviour & call them babies & crap!!! If it were normal-- then theyd hv no prob with you putting it on there, right?!?
Its a GAME to these kids. Trust me, they KNOW its NOT normal. Our DHs need to knock their shit off & realize something!!! What do they WANT for their kids?? To loose relationships when they are older- cause umm... No woman thinks its cutesy to watch this sick behaviour!!!!
I wanted to add: when I say
I wanted to add: when I say that its a TOTAL game to these kids, I absolutely mean that!!!! For instance, do the kids Literally run to your DH when they See you & your DH showing Normal Affection between a Husband & Wife?? Mine Sure Do!!! Do they glare at You WHILE they are getting their Un-Natural over- abundance of physical affection from your DH?? Mine Do!! & Ive got TONS of pictures to show their down right Hate Filled Stares towards Me!!!!!!! If they thought this was normal behaviour--- then why so "in your face" about it?? Do they do this Overly- Physical crap with their BMs or any other Family Member??? Mine sure as Hell Dont!!!! Do they physically & intentionally keep your DH & your kids AWAY from you & them? Are the Blatently Aware of this & use it as a Game & DH as a Pawn?? Yep!! Mine DO & theyll even TELL me they want us Divirced & want their Mom & Dad Together ??? Mine DO!! Do they use your DH as a damn human Jungle Gym?? Mine do!!!
Do the go so far as to SIT outside the damn Bathroom while DH takes a Shit??? Yep!!! Mine Does!! Do they INVADE your bedroom & anything personal to YOU? Yeppers!!! Mine DO!! Do they Freak the crap out if DH leaves the damn room for 5 minutes??? "Wheres Dad? Whereyd He go? I want my Daaaaaddddddyyyyy" even tho they are OVER toddler- hood? Yep!!! MineDO!!! Do they CONSTANTLY bring up BM Directly to YOU?? Yep!!! Mine DO!!! "My Mom makes her chicken XYZ way-- YOURE wrong!! Im telling My Mommy on You!!!"
& lastly--- what if ANYTHING is your DH doing about it?? Mine seems to get this self- righteous overly inflated Ego trip by all this Pathetic behaviour!!!!!!! Damn. Do they REALLY want their kids Beat Up by their peers???Do they NOT care that they are SETTING their kids UP to have FAILED marriages?? Theres NOTHING cute or sexy about an OVERLY-CLINGY grown Man!!!!! Does he & BM think your somehow "jealous" of these kids?? I sure as hell am NOT!!! See what our DHs DONT get is that EVERY time they DO & ALLOW these SICK Behaviours---- well, sure DOESNT make me want to be physical or have sex with my DH!!!! It makes MY DH look Weak & Perverse!!!! It makes me think " he doesnt CARE about his kids really-- their real futures-- their very scewed semse of HORRIBLE betrayal of NOT respecting ME, Our Family & Mostly---- RESPECTING THEIR OWN KIDS DEVELOPMENT!!!!
Sorry if Im being really strong & blunt here---- just dealt with a weekend with the skids--- where SS had to literally touch DH at ALL TIMES & now youngest SS is MIMiking SS11s VERY disgusting &. Gross behaviours!!!! I WONT even have my DD8 here on the same weekends now--- cause I REFUSE to allow her to see this shit anymore & Ill be DAMNED if Id allow her to Act like this!!! Ewwww. Hell No!!!! My Daughter & I ate VERY close & have a great relationship. Yet we DONT cross boundary lines & she doesnt hang on me or sit in my f'ing lap like a damn toddler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are NORMAL!!!! & I CARE ENOUGH to make sure she understands boundaries & Id be damned if Id allow my ego to get stroked in a wrong way-- AT HER DEVELOPMENTAL EXPENSE!!!!
Augh!!! 3 loooong years of this crap!!! See WHY I disengaged????? Lol
Isnt it?? I swear, until I
Isnt it?? I swear, until I came here, I thought I was the only one living with such stuff!!!! But sadly, Im not! Id LOVE to hear from anyone who has a psychological idea of 'why' this is. Id Love more insight. Ya know?
Why is it up to you to decide
Why is it up to you to decide what is appropriate and healthy?
Do you think your DH is molesting his children?
If not, and you say you're not jealous, then why is it your business?
The man is affectionate with his children. That beats the hell out of the alternatives.
Sheesh... I think some SMs just look for something to be upset about.
Obviously I don't know her
Obviously I don't know her situation, but my first concern is about the children. I've seen bio dads in intact marriages tell their tween daughters that some things are just not "right" as they age.
Exactly! They are so
Exactly! They are so dependent on him and his affection that they literally will make themselves miserable anywhere we go by sitting on his lap or hugging him at the waste instead of playing with their friends or cousins. DH does get to a point where he is fed up with the clingyness(in public) but it takes A LOT before that happens and then the skids are all whiny like "WHY CANT WE!!???" If he tells them to go play their response is, "No Thank You!!" So the skids sit there and mope and eventually start beating each other up til one starts crying. Literally!!
I honestly feel my DH is
I honestly feel my DH is doing what he feels is his only way to show his kids love. But the boundaries have been crossed. My DH doesn't see it as strange at all. He thinks I am looney for thinking it is strange. I am seriously considering the picture thing. I mean, laying in bed with just your boxers on while SS12.5 and SD10.5 lay on your chest is a boundary that has been crossed. Just like stepmomto3bioto1 stated.......why in the hell would I want to be affectionate with DH after that??
Yes, stepmomto3bioto1 SS is that nearly 13 yo who wants to know where "daddy" is the second he walks out the room. Heaven forbid he go for a walk around the block or run to the store. Anytime we go ANYWHERE SS and SD MUST and I mean MUST be on DH's lap while laying their head on his chest. SD is always kissing all over him and rubbing his belly. SS is usually rubbing his head on DH's arm if they are just standing there and cant get in his lap.
I have a BS 12.5 and a BD 9 and they are not independent like this. They look at them with confusion. I hug and kiss and love on my kids. We just have the boundaries. My son is going through puberty......he doesn't want to be baby'd! My youngest just wants to play play play and not sit on my lap. She tells her step siblings that they are PARTY POOPERS! Why would kids want to sit on their parents laps while everyone else is having fun.
I give my DH plenty of normal love and affection. However, he withdraws from me on the weekend to apply all of that to the skids. Which btw, we have EVERY weekend. He says I should not need that affection on the weekends because I get it during the week. So, I guess I am only technically married Monday thru Friday. Whatever??!!
I am sorry but I am totally bothered by this and scared to death to bring it up to DH.
IMHO, i think this type of
IMHO, i think this type of behavior actually creates attachment issues and problems w/ independence. total doting on one child does not help set basic boundaries and learn basic self-care skills as they age- they actually seem to regress. to me, that's not healthy.
like SMto3's situation, on a regular basis i witness the results- sitting outside the bathroom while DH is trying to piss, DH can't leave the room without jumping up and following or saying "daaaddeeeee? dadddyyy wait!", cant let DH complete a single sentence with anyone else in the family without interruption, wont let the dog be petted by anyone else w/o trying to call him away, wont go upstairs alone, won't pee alone w/o trying to be involved with conversation happening outside the bathroom, i could go on - this is at NINE. same one that MIL tries to feed by mouth like a bird.
i tried the picture thing, and all i got was a sweet look, and "awwww" out of DH. *facepalm*
The SS regresses big time the
The SS regresses big time the longer he is with his dad. If we have them for a week...........he regresses SO MUCH!!!!!!!! We finally got him sleeping in his room alone (on weekend my BS is not there). That was a battle.
As for the self-care issue you mentioned. DH does not promote self care at all in any aspect because he does not want to make them do things that are not FUN! I.E. taking a bath! They will be at my house for 14 days and take 3 baths and those are three fights!! So, I agree that this overly affectionate behavior is hurting them in so many ways.
I totally agree! SS11 has
I totally agree! SS11 has regressed horribly!! I swear that kid was more mature 3 yrs ago then he is now!!! Its awful. Teachers, school counselors, my Inlaws, everyone has noticed what is going on! Its not just us SMs who have & take issue with all this!! Im going to the library this weekend. Our counselor assigned DH & I a job of looking at & reading books made for kids about this exact topic! The book list she jotted down for us is books on teaching kids proper & improper personal space boundaries. Ill let you gals know which ones we liked. Then we are to purchase a book or two for SSs to read with us aloud. Its a great idea really.
My DH is very very aware of the damage thats been done & truly wishes he had stopped it all a ling time ago!! Thru counseling & my MIL telling DH that whats going on, infront of them with SS11 & DH being waaay too passive- DH came to realize the big problem.
My DH does come here to read & learn as well. He read every ounce of this blog & whole heartedly agrees 100% of what I said is true. Both in my blogs & on this blog here. He feels horrible for it. But Im glad to say, he is committed to changing it!! Yay!!
The whole pictures & videos I suggest is because of the following & why. When DH & I started counseling- our therapist suugested I take the pictures of this whole thing for several reasons. Firstly, to show DH just how bizzare this behaviour looks!! DH was uber uber critical of me & very defensive when Id bring it up. He didnt see the hateful nasty stares that SS would glare at me with when he "claimed" his Dad! DH also would try to downgrade to the therapist how things really were. So it was for my counselors urging that Id just pretend to be playing on my phone, and were to just click a few pics out. It worked!!! That next therapy session the counselor, DH & I reviewed them together. DH knew she had asked me to do this & he had no problems with it.
What DH saw shocked him. For one, SS11 is taller then me & hes super skinny & lanky. Now try to picture this 5'4" kid in DHs lap sitting sideways while DH held him like a baby!!! It was soooo unnatural looking!!! SSs arms & legs sprawled all over the place in unnatural ways!! The kids darn legs-- touched the floor even in this baby like way!!! Weird weird indeed.
The other reason was to show to SSs counselor so that his counselor had a bigger picture of exactly how far SS takes things & for DH to be able to hear from SSs therapist how DH not setting proper boundaries causes SS issues!! Again-- DH heard that crystal clear!!
So its Not at all like my DH had no idea I was doing this. He was aware before I did it. However, had DH not been on board with wanting to change things-- I still would use this as a great tool !! Theres TONS of articles on parenting sites that explain these curcumstances that some of us have dealt with or currently are & how UN- healthy it is!!! Tons!!! So obviously its Not "us Stepmoms" who take a skewed view on this!!
What we are talking about here is when over- coddling does Real Damage not only to the kids but also to the whole family unit!!!
I hope this gets better for all of us!! Hang in there!! Try to get your DH to open his eyes if you can. Its hard to deal with. Hugs!!
THANK YOU! I can't wait to
THANK YOU! I can't wait to see what books you guys find.
I will admit that I have a huge fear of talking about this to my DH. I mention therapy/counseling for us and he refuses! I go to my personal therapist once a week to deal with my emotions on this topic alone. I just know that if I talk to DH about this particular issue that he will lose his mind completely. Not only will he lose his mind but he will lose it on me! I have witnessed this once already and am literally terrified to see it again.![Sad](