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Email from BM

buterfly_2011's picture

Apparently everything is my fault. I'm jealous of SD. I have went out of my way to ruin SD and DH relationship. I am not Noble or respectful. I am a worthless parent and a bad person. I need to stay out of hers and skids lives with DH. I need to step back and get my emotions in check. Um hello? You are the dumb bitch who calls at all hours of the night with raging emotions. Guess I'm just suppose to support her kids financially and everything else isn't my business.


DASKRA's picture

Hey are our BM's related?

Mine was ruine BM and SO friendship. Cuz he stated putting "other" people first. Damn right bitch. Your last. After the mail mans dog.

Same thing here. I can do everything for SD. Buy this or pay for classes. Until it makes her feel inadequate. I can have special days with sd babysit the day after she got denied a restraining order on me for possibly being abusive all until she feels inadequate as a mother. Or pushed out of her child's life. It's all my fault for stepping on her toes. For doing too much for sd when BM calls to say SD has an appointment and for me to take her cuz she can't. Or for me to make things for school until I get raves from school and she don't like it. I am being too much like her mother.

We are allowed to pay for them raise them but don't you dare attempt to take or accept any credit.

notagain2012's picture

Oh yeah, same thing here. I'm so jealous of her, and hateful. SO has changed, he's just not himself anymore. It's all my fault. Her son hates me, yet he can wait to come over. Her own mother told SO she was thankful he was not married to BM anymore, because he has become a better father. She has nothing, but I'm jealous of her.

She's nuts. He has changed for the better. Everything she accuses me of, I figure that's how she feels about me. Crazy bitch. All of them. I don't get these women.

bi's picture

i used to work with a disgusting whore that tried to sleep with every married man we worked with and even succeeded a few times. in 2 years, she slept with 9 people that i knew of. and was very proud of it, especially if they were married or had a gf. she talked shit about all the women. women she did not know. who had done nothing to her. she was downright livid if a man showed an interest in anyone but her. there was a man who was very flirty with me. that pissed her off. she told me not to get excited because he told her i was NOT his type. whatever, whore. that's why he was always talking dirty to me and tried on many occassions to get me to go home with him. she didn't know that, because i didn't tell her. i think it's funny that she was so jealous that she tried to convince me the man trying to sleep with me was not interested in sleeping with me. :? she tried to tell me about another one who liked me that he used to hit on her, but she turned him down. that whore wouldn't turn a bum on the corner down! she was pissed off and wanted me to think he only showed interest in me because he couldn't have her. (eye roll)

she thought EVERYONE was jealous of her. she wasn't pretty. wasn't nice. wasn't very smart. didn't have shit. she would let her rent go to pay her cell phone bill. because if she has no phone, how can she get her calls for sex? no one was jealous of her. everyone was disgusted by her. and that's how it works with people like that. they can't take how much they hate other people for being better than them, so they convince themselves and try to convince everyone else that it's the other way around. pretty pathetic.

dragonfly5's picture

Welcome to the golden vagina club. That is what Crazo calls me. She is jealous and insecure. Wants to run our home and hers. That is never going to happen. We have put her fat as* in a very small box and that is where she will reside until fsd12 is 18.

She is jealous because the skids like me and my FDH is happy. She is miserable and wants to blame everyone else for her bad choices.

I know I don't need to tell you but, don't worry about her she will never be happy. And like Crazo, all issues are someone else's fault.

Anywho78's picture

Nasty truly believes that I envy her & her life. She told FDH that I feel that I will never measure up to her as a wife, a mother, or a woman.

Measuring up (or down to her) isn't actually that hard, nor is it something a normal woman would want due to the fact that she has abandoned her own offspring & is unable to NOT be a whore...not great qualities if you ask me Wink

dragonfly5's picture

So now you have hit the nail on the head. She is jealous of you! She is lashing out at you because she is jealous.

Crazo belives that my FDH has changed also since he has met me. The truth is, he is just happy and wants to cut the drama (her) out of his life.

Anywho78's picture

Right? Heaven forbid that your FDH isn't in the same miserable place he was in before becoming happy & loved!

Shame on us! Wink

Hullabaloo's picture


I could have posted every single one of these posts myself!! (well except for the slutty coworker one)

It comes down to jealousy. Jealousy that. . .

1. SO/DH is making it work with us and is actually happy in a relationship, something he couldn't do with her. And something she has not been able to do with any man since.

2. Many times, we put her child before our own needs and act more like a parent than she does. We make her look like a bad parent.

3. I have the respect of SO, SD, SO's family AND BM's family!!! Her own mother recently kicked her out of the house, need I say more.

And the list could go on and on. . . It always comes down to 2 things: Jealousy and Control.