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I've been gone awhile. No SK visit, CPS, PD, order of protections, and parenting plans.

newbiemommy's picture

So I've been MIA for awhile. I've been busy with school and.... Things with BM1 and SD11 have been HELL!
So let me start with SS5 and SD3. I decided I was DONE playing middle man. I stopped anwering their calls, if DH won't answer why should I? I stopped planning trips. I stopped nagging him to call/set up visits/ anything. So, they have not been here since mid-Oct. I remember it was for sure it was a couple weeks before Halloween and they spent their entire visit with me as DH was at work. It hurts me so badly to back off from them because I love these kids dearly but I decided it is HIS children and HIS responsibilty. I'm not their mom, I get no credit and no respect. This hurt BM2 because we had a fairly decent relationship.
Now on to BM2. She was and has always been hell on wheels. Well, she started causing ALL types of issues. SD11's behaviour was HORRIBLE. She was talking anout sex in school, telling her teachers she hates them and school, peeing her pants just to be a brat to teachers. For example she was being disrespectful and terrible to a teacher, that teacher asked her to please removed herself from the class room. She refused and the teacher tried to make her leave and she stood there glaring at her teacher and wet herself and then told her teacher, "Now I'm wet!" Anywhoo, bad bad bad. BM1 was playing her controlling games and would not pick up SD11 when she was supposed to and always demanded she be picked up early. So BM decided the last day of school before Thanksgiving break to come get SD out of school without permission. She is not the custodial parent and basically told the school a sob story about needing her daughter for a dr appointment and the teacher LET HER TAKE SD.
There was hell to pay for that, the cops got involved. BM1 started making threats so I did what anyone should do, I got an order of protection. BM1 retaliated by 1. sending the cops to our house saying we are physically and sexually abusing SD 2. Calling CPS with the same story and saying that SD11 said that if she had to come back to our house she was going to kill herself and SD MUST be returned to BMs care, 3. She filed with the courts basically saying all the same stuff and saying she would like PARTIAL rights reinstated. (Let me just say if someone truly believed that their child was in an abusive situation why the F would you only ask to have that child in your care part time) Basically her parenting plan is that she wants her daughter whenever she says, yet she claims that it was DH that would only allow parenting time when convienient. We will see how all that ends up in court... I told DH he needs to ask for child support at least(which he declined in 2007). We also turned her in for fraud for receiving benefits like welfare, food stamps, and medicaide since 2007 when she has not had her AT ALL since then. She lied and didn't end up in any trouble over it.
I'm just so over all this BS drama. I seriously wish he would hand this little PITA over to her mother and tell them never to contact him again. I think it's amazing that he would give up our daughter in a heartbeat, and he so easily can go without seeing his other two. I am honestly to the point of asking him and "baby girl" to leave. She literally threatened to "tell the police" that I "do bad stuff to her." Shes manipulating EVERYTHING, especially my DH.


newbiemommy's picture

That is EXACTLY why I got the order of protection. She can not come near me or my house. I have also told the CPS and police that I DO NOT believe a word of her allegations but should they dissagree with me I will promptly have him and his daughter removed from my home. The case against him was quickly dismissed. I believe her actions show exactly what the truth is. Like you said, immediately taking her to the ER, refusing anything less than the abuser loosing all parental rights. This woman is a psycho! Oh, p.s. she used to use Meth big time. So shes not all there.

newbiemommy's picture

I agree! Plus, did I mention this is her THIRD time making some kind of allegations against us? I feel like they should charge her or SOMETHING. This is getting annoying. The case was opened for 2 weeks I think. And SD even said "My dad is beating me." to the social worker, but that was quickly ignored when she then asked, "Are you taking me to my mom? She said if I told you my dad beats me up you have to take me to her." And then theres all these cases you hear about where children are in actual trouble but CPS uses their focus on all the bogus crap.

Lalena75's picture

False allegations made as knowingly false and malicious area felony in my state problem is oroving it.

Clearly An Upgrade's picture

These are the same reasons why my SD is no longer in our home, and will never be welcomed back. Making false abuse claims is one of the most heinous things someone can do to another person. The investigation process is a horrifying and invasive thing to go through, and worse when you have bios of your own. The stakes are very high. And any child of a certain age knows that LYING is wrong. These girls are old enough to know that doing this is NOT OKAY.

So then my question is....If they'll take it that far, what line WON'T they cross? I will not be involved with my SD or her BM to find out. No way. The trespasses against my family were just too large for me to forget. I forgive SD, but I don't want to be around her, because she is dangerous to my pursuit of happiness, and cannot be trusted.

newbiemommy's picture

I agree wholeheartedly! CAU, what do I do to get my SO there? He gets SO defensive and cries and freaks out. And asks me what I would do if it were MY child. I'm tired of this. And you are right it is dangerous and time to permanently put an end to it. How do I really get him to let go. Or do I just give him an ultimatum? It was very scary being investigated when my 19 month old has never been away from me for more than an hour her entire life. Literally. The only time I have been away from her is I took one semester of one class at school. If she was taken away it would destroy us both.

Anon2009's picture

"So let me start with SS5 and SD3. I decided I was DONE playing middle man. I stopped anwering their calls, if DH won't answer why should I?"

Wow. What a sad predicament for all these kids to be in. I hope dh will start answering and returning their calls more. And I hope all the kids, especially sd 11, can get professional help.

newbiemommy's picture

I know it sounds horrible. I am just so tired of trying to MAKE him be something to those kids. And then in turn trying to force them into something. So I just am taking a step back. They are wonderful kids who only know daddy as a guy they sometimes see when they used to stay with him EOW for a year. They really have no connection with him at this point. SD11 is in therapy. Its just NOT helping.

Anon2009's picture

Maybe it's time for a new therapist. It's also worthwhile to keep in mind that things won't improve overnight. It will likely take years. Does sd have a good rapport with her therapist?

Anon2009's picture

I don't blame you for what you did. It's commendable that you tried to help DH. DH is the one I'm a litle po'd at for not calling the kids.

newbiemommy's picture

No they just got in a fight and BM2 refuses to bring them here. And I got so sick of being a parent to DH. So I stopped trying to MAKE him take responsibility. I know that sounds so harsh and I know its unfair to the kids but they have no desire to be with their dad. They told me that they love me and their sister (my daughter) but they don't want to stay with daddy anymore. He has not been a part of their lives. They were having visits once a month and he would be working.