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Alone time

newbiemommy's picture

I know ALL kids need individual attention from their parents. What gets me is the HOURS upon HOURS to "talk about bad behavior." I have had a nightmare of a week with SD. And DH has been waiting for the weekend to address it(don't get me started on that approach). So now, he spent 2 hours last night and 3 hours this morning(so far) closed door in her room. Does that help? Guarantee my week Will read as such: HORRID fn behavior to get more closed door time and everything I say will be answered with "Well, my daddy said. ... when we talked WITHOUT/about you." I am all for dads spending alone time with their kids. Please, take her out for icecream whatever when she has been BEHAVING. Why does he Not realize that is rewarding and encouraging the behavior? That or he doesn't care. *Sigh* Can I move out for the week. Pleeeease?


kathc's picture

Your DH is an idiot. He needs to include you in his "talking to her about bad behavior". This means you are there with him while HE does the disciplining. And if you add anything he BACKS YOU UP on it.