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DH and SD11 were being idiots..I called them out on it. They didn't like it.

LaMareOssa's picture

Last night I was in the kitchen making dinner. DH walks in from work. SD11 walks in and hands DH a survey he needed to fill out for school. This survey is about how the parent feels about the school, teacher, activities, principal, etc.. I filled one out for DD a couple days ago. DH fills it out and one of the questions was "How much does your child enjoy school?" DH put a 5(Strongly agree)
SD had a fit! "Why did you give that a 5? You should have put a 1!! I hate school!!!" Understandably, most kids don't want to spend their days in a class room, but some DO enjoy it. I get it. DD7 was helping me with dinner and she looks over at SD11 with a puzzled look. DH tells SD that ALLL kids HATE school and it's NORMAL to HATE school. DD is still staring.. puzzled. I give DH the look of "watch it" He just stares at me blankly. SD starts talking a ton of crap about how hard it is and how the teachers suck blah blah. DH gets in on it talking a ton of crap about how school sucks, too and no one wants to do it blah blah. The conversation goes back to all kids hate school and its the "norm" to hate it.
DH and SD are also talking about how they need to bring back the A, B, C, D grades instead of 1, 2, 3, 4 grades. Obviously, a 4=A 1=F etc..
They(INCLUDING DH) have the nerve to say "4'S aren't fair! Not all kids can get a 4!" WTF?!?! Have I entered the Twilight Zone in my kitchen????

I look down at DD7 and tell her to go play. I look over at DH and tell him what he is saying is not true. "Just because SD11 doesn't like school, doesn't mean all children dislike school. You two are making it sound like the children who DO like school are weirdos. You need to watch what you say because you have a little girl over there who LOVES school, who LOVES sitting in her seat in class learning EVERYTHING she can! It IS possible AND FAIR to get 4's. DD7 gets ALL 4's.. which are A's..DD works her little butt off to achieve those 4's. It takes A LOT OF WORK! What's NOT fair is not rewarding those children who achieve A's and B's."

SD11 gives me the stink eye and is moody for the next 2 hours. DH says well thats just my opinion on it! I said thats fine to have an opinion, but you need to watch how you two voice it. DD idols SD and if you guys are bashing school in front of her, it might make her feel ashamed for liking school and enjoying learning.



Starla's picture

He really doesn't get it does he.. :? The young kids who I associate with that LOVES school though they don't always LIKE sitting in class are kids that have good parents. Kids attitudes are learned from their parents. Your DH is lucky that I wasn't there bc I would have rang his neck in front of everyone.

It is good that you sent off your DD to play before you opened your mouth, are you going to have a talk with DD about that conversation and see where she stands now?

Maybe your DH needs to share his opinions with the teachers and principle so that your SD's school teachers will be aware of these attitudes and be further prepared on how to deal with her.

LaMareOssa's picture

After I talked to DH, I talked to DD. I was vague, but told her that SD is having some trouble in school and that is why she doesn't like it, BUT just because SD isn't fond of it, doesn't mean that you need to change anything you're doing, or your thoughts about it. You two are completely different people and you will always like and dislike certain things." DD said "I still love school, no matter what."

tryingmom's picture

Kids attitudes are learned from their parents.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS!!! Bravo!!!

As a parent of a child in school, we must strive to SUPPORT the school and all that goes on there. If a parent talks poorly about school, teachers, principals, rules at school etc, kids pick up on that and that is where the I HATE SCHOOL attitude starts.

BM has taught skids that school sucks, they should hate it. This from a person who was "home schooled" after the 8th grade and has never graduated HS. God help her if she ever suggests that the skids be "home schooled" like she was. BM cannot even help SS10 with his 4th grade homework as it is too complicated for her. DH will get a lawyer so fast her head will spin, we support the schools, teachers, rules etc only to be looked at like idiots by the skids, because school sucks. Thank you BM!