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Ohmigod... I did it.

red flags's picture

I can't believe I did it, but I did. I called off the wedding & moved out. Should be fully out by next weekend. Wish me luck! Just can't do it. Thank you to all of you wonderful ladies for being there when I thought I was losing my mind. I just took it back, and I feel relieved as much as sad. I will still check in, and I wish you all the best, but for me... Operation Step Mom = EPIC FAIL! And, I'm out!


love_my_shichi's picture

That is courageously brave. Something I bet several of us here wish we could do, probably should, and maybe never will and instead will sit here miserable and complain for years about how bad things are. GO GET WHAT YOU DESERVE. Cheers and more power to you!

hereiam's picture

Good luck and go have a great life! The fact that you feel relieved as much as sad says you are doing the right thing for yourself.

Krispey Kreme's picture

It must have been a hard decision, and you will grieve and possibly second guess yourself, but some day you'll look back and be glad you took this step. If your relationship is hard from the start because of the guy's family, it will not get better. A lot of us here learned this lesson the hard way. Best of luck, now you know what to look out for. Now go live your best life and don't settle for being treated second (or third) best!

Jsmom's picture

Good for you....You are taking back your power....Wish I had done it early on....

RedWingsFan's picture

Congratulations on putting yourself and your happiness first! So happy for you!!!!

Bojangles's picture

It's a big thing to call off a wedding when you feel like there are other people's expectations involved as well as your own, so it takes real courage and clarity to admit that it's not right.

Quite apart from the obvious stresses and conflict caused by his child, he was so much older, and that combined with the fact he's already 'done' having a baby wouldn't have played well if you had had children with him. The disappointment of having a baby with someone who has done it all before, and feels a guilty tug of war between new baby and older child, is a whole other area of step parenting pain which you have saved yourself. I envy friends who started a family with men with no first marriage baggage who could really share the experience and the new feelings, now you can be one of those people!

red flags's picture

Thank you, everyone. Yes, I will still have to office with him for the duration of our commercial lease, but I'd rather deal with that headache than pretend our impending marriage will work when it clearly won't. I really do credit this site with getting me through some of the toughest times I've had in the last year and for giving me a realistic picture of what to expect if I had stayed. Big hugs to you all! I can't wait to get back into my house and to institute my new dating policy... NO KIDS!