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i feel like im in a bad morgan freeman movie

cassidysmom's picture

But instead of Morgan Freeman's smooth like butter voice doing the narration its Gilbert FREAKING Godfrey!

I know im not the only one, but does anyone else have skids that have to narrate their entire day, just to hear themselves talk?!!!

Im playing with my optimus prime, optimus prime is a good guy, he is blue and red, hey (my name) is he blue and red? do you like optimus prime? he's my favorite! i was playing mario kart. i like luigi, luigi is super fast do you think luigi is super fast? im in 7th place. am i in 7th place? do you think i am a good racer? next time you should play you should be luigi....HEY(my name), Hey ( my name) , hey ( my name). i like super heroes. who is your favorite super hero? can i have a snack. im the fastest eater ever. i have to go pee, can i go pee, hey (my name) im peeing.
ME: please be quiet you are making my ears bleed.

Skid: how am i doing that , are you okay, do you need to go to the doctor? i had to go to the doctor before, remember you took me, remember when you took me to the doctor, i put a bead in my ear, they got it out, it didnt hurt, i was not afraid , where you afraid. can we play the wii, can i play your tablet, can i give you a hug, why arent you talking... where is daddy, daddy is in the shower. he shaves in the shower.....

and then i shoot myself.


StarStuff's picture

^^^^This. Lol, me too! FDH read it and laughed too. I know how annoying it can be though! My SD8 is like that, then she goes on repeat mode b/c she's ADD and forgets everything.

Pinki3663's picture

You seriously described my weekend except I have 2 Skids who do this. I would have laughed, it is funny to read! but I just finished my shift with them and if they didn't leave when they did I was going to kick someone in the face.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

SD used to do that and am I glad she doesn't anymore. She would sometimes even read magazines and tell us every little detail of what she was reading down to page turns. But she stopped after SO told her a couple of times that we really didn't need a running commentary of every little thing she did.

maree80's picture

Oh wow that's my SS9 too!!!! I wrote a blog today saying how much this drives me crazy'!! Another poster said "it's like a movie of their life with them as the star"

StepDoormat's picture

OMG. How old is this skid? Maybe its an age thing... my SS10 does it and its so F-ING annoying!

Lalena75's picture

I understand how annoying this is my own ds does this when playing video games we all get on him over and over, now the rule is 1 reminder to stop narrating then the game goes off. I'm kinda glad he's grounded from them. I have one tv, one game system, the desktop and mine and SO's laptop. I see no point ever witg more TV's in the house way easier to control and no kids vegging in front of screens all the time. SO's kids complained at first cause "I mom says we can sleep to tv and you should let us." Me: "No it rots your brain I don't allow it in my home and your moms not in charge here."

Shaman29's picture

It's not the skid that does this.....its my DH. He stands in front of me in what I call his "SuperMan" pose (feet planted hip width apart, fists on his hips, all he needs are the blue tights and cape), then goes and tells me everything he's done in the last few hours.

And if that wasn't enough, I have to hear about how he's going to spend the next 180 minutes. In technicolor detail. I appreciate all of the tings he does around the house, but at the same time I'm suffering from chronic fatigue. After working 50 hours a week, I have minimum energy at night and on the weekends. So his constant run down of his to do list and what he's done makes me feel guilty.

I keep wondering how much trouble I'd get into if every time he did this, I started offered him a cookie and scratched behind his ears. To me it the equivalent of "I pooped in the potty!"

onebright1's picture

One of the Stwins9 did this and after days of it, I did it back to her. I went on for 7 minutes nonstop. "Hey Stwin that lady has blue pants on, the rug is pink, its nice outside today, my feet are cold, that basketball is orange, look at the squirrel, I did 5 loads of laundry this morning, your sister is asleep, that guy over there has a purple hat, we have stairs in our house....." she started laughing and hasnt done it so much since then Wink

unsure99's picture

My granddaughter does this. I love her with all my heart but she never shuts up. I do it back to her, she don't like it when I do it to her. She is 5. She will stop for a while when you do it back to her but then it's right back at it.