At a Crossroads - VENT
This post is lengthy and probably not clear. My mind is spinning so please bear with me.
SS12 visited this weekend. If you all remember, this visit was supposed to occur in February, but SS had a sport tournament, so BM unilaterally moved DH's parenting time to January to accommodate. DH and I didn't have any plans either weekend so we didn't fight it.
The entire drive up from BMLand, DH said SS was silent and he spent the whole 4 hour car ride reading his Bible on his phone and texting BM/GF. DH saw some of the texts and SS told BM and GF that he was having "those thoughts again about his faith." Instead of talking him off the ledge, BM and GF tried to force-feed religion down his throat and advised him to sign up for a 4-day trial of the Bible app so they could all work through it together doing daily Bible study during DH's parenting time. DH put a hard stop to that and kept SS off his phone majority of the weekend, despite BM and GF continually blowing the phone up.
Tonight, DH received an email from BM, wanting to undo the entire parenting plan. She said that because SS missed his sport tournament this weekend, the coach benched him from the match today. BM highlighted that in total, SS will miss 4 major sporting events this season due to our visits. BM feels that since SS has to miss "so many" sport obligations to accomodate visits to our state, the parenting plan is no longer reasonable and doesn't take SS' best interests into account. She went on to say that SS has been crying to BM and GF about how we never visit BMLand to see SS, yet we force him to visit us, and it causes him to miss out on everything, including his ability to participate in even more sports (he is aleeady in 4-5 sports per year). She went on to say that we told SS "family is most important" (which is true, but she did not have accurate context) and that upset SS and BM agrees that DH is sending the wrong message. BM went on about how her and GF have had to give up time with SS and family vacations and such to allow SS to participate in all these sports. BM went on to say that their families dont see them as often due to sports or their families have to come visit them to allow SS to see them and do sports simultaneously. Ultimately, BM wants DH to agree to eliminate all extended weekends from the parenting plan, or add a stipulation that DH will exercise them strictly in BMLand, and she wants DH to give up a whole week of summer parenting time, using the logic that instead of DH having 2 two week blocks in the summer, she will just give him one 3-week block, making it "time better spent" for DH. BM wants this change to take place in Summer 2026. BM finished her email by stating that she wants to foster a relationship between DH and SS that will "last a lifetime" and that DH refusing to work with SS to accommodate his wants/needs is only causing resentment that will negatively impact DH's relationship with SS. BM went on to say that SS' childhood may only be 5 more years, but parenting is a lifetime commitment and DH needs to honor that.
Here's where I am at with all of this:
1. We have accommodated BM and SS too much. DH accommodated BM's request to move around Thanksgiving because BM's MIL was having surgery and the pick-up and drop-off wouldn't work for BM and GF to be there to help MIL. DH did exactly as BM requested and while it gave DH an extra 21 hours with SS, BM demanded a make-up day in the summer to accommodate the extra time awarded. DH agreed to it. BM then asked to move Christmas break around so SS could attend a sport tournament at the tail end of break. DH agreed and we pushed all dates back 2 days so SS could attend. It maintained DH's full number of days, but just changed the dates. Now BM unilaterally moved the February visit to January and we didn't fight her. But then, there was a sport conflict on the day she moved it to and she wanted us to just forfeit the time or visit in BMLand, we refused, and now she is upset about the outcome of her decision, as it had negative ramifications for SS. She is also mad that the coach added a last minute tournament to our spring break with SS and we won't budge on it due to a prepaid vacation. So if you are keeping tabs, that is 5 requests to change visitation in a few month span, with DH accommodating 3/5 changes.
2. BM and GF are following flawed ideology. DH and I would never prioritize sports above family. We are in full belief that we travel and spend family time as it comes and if it interferes with sports, oh well. SS' middle school team has practice during all the school breaks and we are finding out that the coach is scheduling full blown tournaments during school breaks. To us, that is wrong, if school is not in session, school sanctioned sports should not be mandatory. BM is now mad that the coach added a last minute tournament over spring break, but SS cannot attend because we are traveling. IMO, the tournament isn't a priority. But to BM and GF, sports should be prioritized over everything. They told DH in their email that they haven't taken a summer vacation in 4 years to accommodate DH's parenting time and SS' sports. IMO that sounds like a "them problem" for allowing childhood sports to dictate their lives. SS literally has a practice, game, tournament, etc. every single day all year, so to ensure he attends everything, he could never do anything. And everyone has made it clear that SS will NOT be playing college sports, so what is all of this truly for?
3. SS is being taught that he can do whatever he wants. I feel that BM and GF are teaching SS that he should never have to miss anything or sacrifice anything and that the world should cater to him. Kids miss stuff whether it be for school, for sports, for friends, etc. Life is a balancing act. I feel like allowing SS to dictate what he wants and expect everyone to cater to him is wrong. Asking DH to give up parenting time or to only exercise that parenting time in BMLand so SS can participate in sports is wrong and it's giving SS the wrong message. SS shouldn't be able to "have his cake and eat it too" in every situation.
4. We are being blamed for decisions we did not make. It seems that BM fails to acknowledge that she created this situation by moving SS at age 5 out of state, away from all of his family. BM has put SS in this position to either have a relationship with DH and our families and miss sports, or prioritize his life in BMLand including sports and friends, and lose a relationship with DH and family. DH was involved in SS' sports when BM was local and SS would have had the ability to have both DH and sports if BM didn't move. Ever since the move, BM has tried to act like it is our fault SS can't have everything he wants, by trying to enforce DH's visits. I refuse to take accountability for the fact that BM decided to move 4 hours away and take SS away from an involved Dad. And again, because BM moved, she feels that everyone needs to cater to her/SS' needs and they shouldn't have to sacrifice. Plus, BM and GF have been full PAS for the last 7 years so we know we are damned either way.
5. I am really over this situation. While the visit with SS was okay, it is like having a guest in our home. He comes with all of his screwed up baggage, BM chaos, and BM/GF influence and ideology and it makes his visits difficult. He is no longer adapting well to being with us and blending into our household, so it becomes a power struggle. He feels like he deserves an "adult seat at the table" in our family dynamic, giving him the ability to have a say in adult decisions and adult topics, because that is how BM and GF treat him, yet we don't operate that way. I find myself walking on eggshells while he is here and it's becoming miserable. Many times, I wish we just ended this all and let SS stay in BMLand and cease all visits, moving on with our life.
6. SS isn't being honest with DH. BM is telling DH that SS is crying to them all the time, yet SS won't tell DH what he wants or how he feels. We know he is telling BM about conversations had because she is quoting the verbal conversation between SS and DH. DH just had this conversation with SS over Christmas break that if SS wants something or is bothered by something, he needs to talk to DH about it because DH can't address an issue if he doesn't know it exists. Well, clearly that did little good as SS is still only sharing his feelings with BM and GF and is expecting them to play messenger.
DH and I talked about it and DH doesn't want excessive travel to BMLand. He feels that BM fails to take into account travel expenses including lodging, gas, food, activities, etc. which easily turns a 3 day weekend into $1k visit. DH feels that if SS lived here full time, BM wouldn't visit DHLand and would expect SS to constantly visit her. DH also feels like no matter how many times he visits BMLand, it will go unappreciated by SS and it still won't be enough to satisfy SS due to the years of PAS and the power SS feels he has over DH and this situation. DH knows that SS has a pattern of "if we do it 8 times, it should have been 10. If we do it 10 times, it should have been 20." It is a forever changing goal post with SS, BM, and GF. DH said we could literally move to BMLand to be close to SS and SS would find flaw in it. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't.
I am in a spot where I don't want to continue to force this to work. I read a post the other day that said "I regret bringing my children into an environment filled with chaos created by someone else." I feel that in my soul. DH and I have DD3 and are trying to Baby #2 and we don't need our children's lives constantly uprooted at the whims and demands of BM, GF, and SS, even if that means losing SS. Maybe that is wrong, but I don't want the world to revolve around StepLife to the detriment of my kids. My priority will always be my children, even if that means it ruins SS. I am already feeling loads of resentment about StepLife and the impact it has had on DD3. DD3 will be 8 when SS ages out of the CO and I hate the thought that half her childhood would be spent dealing with his crap because of BM, GF, and SS.
DH wants to email BM back and very plainly tell her that he is not agreeing to permanent changes to the court order that she wants to occur 18 months from now. Nobody knows what could happen 18 months from now - people could die, people could move, SS could injure himself and never play sports again, SS could not make a sports team, etc. We are not making changes to the CO based on a hypothetical without examining every fact in play at each given time. DH also does not want to agree to give up a single day of the 57 days he has per year and feels it is unreasonable for them to ask. I'm sorry, but BM is complaining about having to 308 days per year, saying it still isn't enough time to suit their needs and to fit it all in, and that is ridiculous.
DH doesn't know how to handle the backlash that will come from SS, but I feel like we have no other options here than to give in (which results in BM and SS running our household) or give up and let SS have his life without us. DH knows the reality is that SS is walking away slowly but DH is struggling to cope with that and wants to keep trying to keep SS around. Part of me just wants to rip the bandaid off and focus on grieving and healing, not surviving in this half in-half out arrangement for the next 5 years and beyond. We aren't willing to spend the time, energy and money to go back to court for a semi-PASed almost 13-year old. At that rate, DH would rather give up.
Thank you for reading my novel and for any insight/advice.
- CastleJJ's blog
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It strikes me that BM is
It strikes me that BM is being very manipulative and controlling, and the changes she wants aren't so much to improve SS's life or his relationship with his Dad, but because BM wants to yank DH's chain and prove that she has the power. Honestly, that is all it is - we had this constantly with NPD BM when the Madams were growing up. She just wanted to push us around for the fun of it. And maybe SS has now taken a leaf out of her book and finds it fun to pull his Dad's strings.
I suggest that you and DH decide what the two of you want and stand firm. Don't be cajolled into going to BMLand because the stupid bint says you should!
I agree, very manipulative.
I agree, very manipulative.
BM finished her email by stating that she wants to foster a relationship between DH and SS that will "last a lifetime" and that DH refusing to work with SS to accommodate his wants/needs is only causing resentment that will negatively impact DH's relationship with SS. BM went on to say that SS' childhood may only be 5 more years, but parenting is a lifetime commitment and DH needs to honor that.
This sounds like something BM over here would say. Of course, she wouldn't mean a word of it. She would, however, use it to prove that DH doesn't care about his daughter. "See, he doesn't care about you and your wants. He doesn't care about what he is doing to your relationship."
I am so glad my SD is an adult, now, and is seeing her mother for what she is.
Has your DH ever told herp
Has your DH ever told her point blank that he sees through her attempt to complete alienate SS from his dad? just a throw it on the table and see what happens kind of last ditch effort?
Yes. DH engaged in this
Yes. DH engaged in this tactic for several years, pointing out her attempts to PAS and her refusal to coparent. BM in return sent dozens of lengthy emails, filled with emotional abuse, gaslighting, etc. Our attorney said they were very creatively written to hide the abuse patterns until you read multiple emails and saw what she was doing. BM then increased her behavior because she knew she got a rise out of DH. It took 5 years of hard boundaries after court to reign BM back into the BM we deal with now. It was 10x worse back then.
I'm going to say, you have a
I'm going to say, you have a very clear view of what is going on... and the negative impact it has on your family, and your SS.
A child's sports should almost never be the top priority in a family. I will only put the "almost" there.. because in some situations, I guess, you have some massively talented child that is destined for greatness.. (olympics, nba, nfl etc).. and even if the kid "is" talented, not every child can or should require their family to sacrifice everything for the sports.. because things like family dynamics (other kids etc..), finances.. etc.. the family has to also be sustainable for everyone.. you can't sacrifice everyone for one person's benefit.. If a kid is massively talented, generally, you will find that the sporting community will often figure out how to support families through struggles.. kids get scholarship support... other support etc..
but, you all realize that this is NOT where your SS is headed. For him, sports are an interest.. and he (I guess?) enjoys participating.. whether it be for social aspects.. fun.. etc..
I will also throw it out there that I am personally not a fan of the "new sport" dynamic for kids.. these "pay for play" type "travel teams" that seemed designed to separate parents from their money... pretending they are some conduit to the big leagues... lining the kid's shelves with trophies that are earned at "tournaments" where divisions are so sliced up that almost every team participating comes home with some kind of award. (the cheer my SD was in that would compete in tournaments with only 2 or three teams in her division.. so guaranteed.. first, second or Here comes my "old lady rant".. In my day, if you were on a team, you had a schedule of games maybe 8-10 games in a season (all in your fairly local area).. then maybe there would be a tournament at the end for the ONE or TWO winning teams in the league... that would be larger regional.. ONE tournament..
And.. kids would generally participate in a couple things a year.. a fall sport... and a spring sport. Some kids did things like swim team in the summer.. other kids had just regular old summer break.. families traveled.. kids went to camp.. older kids had pt summerjobs. Schools "might" have some practices for fall sports like football training start in August (before SEPT school start). Kids were not generally put in round the clock sports.. where parents struggle to carpool to multiple obligations every week. Practice was maybe once a week.. you practiced your skills with dad in the back yard..or with friends at a local park.
Especially now, with most homes having all the adults working.. it becomes overwhelmingly a tiime suck for everyone.. and when multiple kids are involved.. shew.. parents going this way and that...
And.. yes.. I get that being active is good.. encouraging social activity is good.. there are definitely very positive things from being involved with sports.. but there are also a lot of important things learned from spending time with your family.
IMHO, your DH should not give in on changes.. he needs to insist that he remains an involved parent.. and everything you said above.. the judge needs to understand that while your DH supports his son's interests.. he can't do it to the point that he becomes a non- person in his son's life.
Perhaps your DH could offer up that HE will take full custody and enroll kid in his local sports. BM can take the NCP role..
Definitely At A Crossroads
The sports issue...not going to address I'm in your corner. My kids played sports. It did NOT rule our lives. One of my children was excellent at all sports she did....guess what? No scholarship offers on that but she did get scholarships on academics. So, yeah...sports didn't rule here.
Now....crossroads. As ESMOD said, you have really clear thinking on this subject and the impact on your family. I would strongly suggest NOT giving in to the BM and send a hard "punch" back, so to speak. Send an email.....very little words...."this is not acceptable. I will continue to follow the court ordered visitation times." Do not elaborate. That is ALL I would send back on that ridiculous email.
With that said, I don't see much changing with the PAS. In fact, it will ramp up. And sadly, the end result will not be good. But standing up for that visitation is an important thing to do and to document for SS when he's an adult, should he question these days. And while I advocate for standing strong on the CO, I also would not fight it within the courts nor fight very much in my personal life. Let the BM waste her money in the courts. Let her withhold visitation (and I wouldn't fight it...just send an email to document).
Bottom Line - Your BM and GF are masters at PAS. It's rare to win against that behavior. And its sad because the PAS'd parent and the child(ren) are the ones who really suffer. I read a psyche paper years ago on PAS that said most kids never come out of it and the ones that do, it's often after the PAS'd parent has died so no closure for the child.
You and your DH have little to no power when it comes to SS. You and your DH have ALL the power to protect your child(ren) in your home. Focus on that. I'm sorry, CastleJJ. My heart hurts for you everytime I read about your SS and that nasty BM/GF. Big hugs.
Wow, what a Control Freak
Everything you said about her points to a real selfish, control freak. But the thing that stood out to me the most was your DH having to give up a day of his piddly 57 day allotment because he had SS for 21 more hours one time. That is so sad, I can't believe somebody would do that.
I can see the manipulation
I can see the manipulation from over here. She knows good and well what she is doing. She wants to have SS in all of these sports as an excuse to keep SS with her, then tell SS "See, Daddy doesn't care about you. If he cared he would come visit you here and cheer you on at your million and one sports". Nothing you and your husband do will EVER be good enough for the great, wonderful and powerful BM. It's all about control with her.
As a Christian I find it funny that she's having him reading the Bible and trying to help him with his faith? Did I read that correctly? Us Christians are NOT perfect by any means, but I've never seen a true Christian behave the way that BM does. Many claim to be but they are called wolves in sheep's clothing.
No kid needs to be in that many sports. I know just baseball alone takes up A LOT of time. SS played it and spent many days after school at practice or he had a game. He wanted to play football one year and we let him. That was the only year we let him do two sports in a year. It helped that they didn't overlap. After that my husband told him to pick one. He chose baseball. It's good for them to be involved in things, but not too many things. They need down time, they need time to do homework, concentrate on studying, etc. They are in school mainly to learn, not become a famous athlete. If they do someday become famous, great, but they need to get their education. Most kids are NOT going to be famous athletes.
Your husband should tell her no. No more adjusting the schedule. You can't with this BM. You give her an inch, she takes 100 miles.
"Us Christians are NOT
"Us Christians are NOT perfect by any means, but I've never seen a true Christian behave the way that BM does. Many claim to be but they are called wolves in sheep's clothing."
Religion has always been a tool that certain types of power-hungry sociopaths use to exploit those who truly are trying to live their faith.
OP, i think all you can do is try to remain supportive of your DH, whether he decides to fight this and keep the custody schedule in place or drop the rope. Anyone in your shoes would be sick of the BS and want it to end. Is there any chance that if your DH does "drop the rope", though, that BM would put him on the hook for more CS? An evil B like that would certainly try.
DH cannot pay anymore CS. He
DH cannot pay anymore CS. He is already at the maximum CS amount due to having less than the minimum number of overnights to push him into the next bracket for CS calculations. Even if DH dropped rope, BM would not financially gain anything.
I Follow The Christian Faith Also
I cannot fathom doing the things this woman is doing to CastleJJ and her husband. What I have learned in there are a lot of pew warmers in the church. I dealt with one myself. In the church at least 5 days a week, singing on stage and then being a "red devil" all the other days. That was the name she gave me to her kids. The Red Devil. SMH
UPDATE: DH responded to BM
UPDATE: DH responded to BM with the following response:
"Hi BM,
At this time, I am not willing to adjust the court order. I have repeatedly said that I am willing to be flexible to a certain extent with dates/times, as long as I maintain my full parenting time and have proven that with every visitation over the last few months. I am willing to work with SS to accommodate sporting events, but due to the volume of events (i.e. daily practices, weekly games, weekend tournaments, events over school breaks, etc.) accommodations cannot always be made. Please continue to communicate with me as scheduling conflicts arise so we can attempt to find a solution that works for everyone. If an agreeable solution cannot be reached, we will follow the current court order."
Much better than what I suggested. I like the clarity of it. Please keep all of these communications for the future. Kids CAN come out of PAS. Having this evidence of you guys trying your best to parent will help.
Again, hugs, friend.
Good lip service. Now, follow the CO to the letter.
Nothing less, and nothing more.
"I have considered your request. It does not work for us."
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Even better, start yanking and banking BM and her GF just as they have done to you this whole time. They of course will not accomodate. However, keeping the constant demand for more time, changes to schedule, etc.... in play may cause Harpy twin hair loss and Harpy twin freak outs that will provide a ton of entertainment value for you and DH to enjoy. As a bonus PITA tactic, start flooding SS's phone with texts, several calls a day, etc... every day, 24/7. Just like the Harpy twins do. Make it so that kid will avoid his phone like the plague just to get out from under the flood of contact. Hey, it is is good for the geese's side, it is good for the gander's side. When BM cries about it, be ready to rub her nose in her crying by pointing out that your side is just doing what she and GF have always done to you.
Start playing thermo-nuclear war while they are playing tiddly winks.
It is long past time that this kid sees his father being a man instead of BM's beck and call boy.
IMHO of course.
And.. as always, take care of you and your LOs. This had to be so infuriating and exhausting for you.
May I suggest
I think this is great, and I would shorten communications like this...and NOT give BM an audience or engage when she drones on and on. If she chooses to be verbose, ignore her. She's nuts. We were advised by a therapist to keep communication to a bare minimum, as a lot of back and forth just feeds these monsters. They seem to thrive on bs and upset.
"Hi BM,
I am not willing to adjust the court order. I have been flexible, but due to the volume of events you have arranged (i.e. daily practices, weekly games, weekend tournaments, events over school breaks, etc.) accommodations cannot always be made. Thanks for your understanding." When she starts blowing up his phone, ignore it.
Edit: Or do what Rags said! Seriously: the shorter the better!
Follow the CO. Cross all ‘T’s’.
You are right BM Wants to run the show where you get no time with SS. SHE [BM] knows the visitation schedual and should plan all sports teams around said schedual. I can't believe he's was bench because he went to see his BF. If he was bench BM picked the wrong team. That's on her not you.
You know living so far away puts you in a bad spot and thus is not going to end well
BM moved and created all of the tension. She also drags you
BM moved and created all of the tension. She also drags you and DH around by the short and curlies and you both have allowed her to turn you and your family into her show ponies who she has trained to jump through y our own asses backwards for her benefit.
So, no more changing shit for anything on the parenting plan. Never. For any reason. She and GF give up family time for sports and that is on them. Not you.
So, no more discussion. When she asks, smack her in the face with a rolled up copy of the parenting plan. SS needs clarity that the parenting plan is the official document. Period. Dot!
No more unlateral shit for anything from BM. It is her parenting plan if I recall correctly and it should be your and DH's unequivocal stance that she follows it to the letter.
She moved, she can accomodate SS's time with DH and your family. And for F-sake, stop letting the Hag team stay in SS's head 24/7 while he is with you. He loses the phone from the second he arrives with DH, gets it under direct DH hairy eyeball for 20mins each evening, and that is it. BM and her Hag twin are so interfering with DH's visitation that it is time to go to the position of NO! and NO! only for anything BM attempts.
Really, they have trained you and your family to be their beck and call biotchs to the point that you are fully indoctrinated into their controlling bullshit.
As for BM and GF and their cult indoctrination of SS, end that crap now when he is on visitation. SS expects an adult seat at the table when he is with his father and you, play that as a parenting tool. Talk with him, put him in the position of understanding that faith is an individual relationship with God and his mom and her Hag twin cannot define that for him. His faith is his to define.
No more sports bullshit interfering in family time. BM hates the message that family comes first because it is a threat to her manipulative controlling bullshit.
Really, keep it stupid simple. The parenting plan says what it says and it will be complied with. Beat BM to a pulp with the parenting plan, review it with SS in full and minute detail highlighting that BM can't do the shit that she keeps doing and from now on the rules will be followed. I would review it with SS ever visitation highlighting BM's bullshit between visitaitons and exactly how it violates the PP.
We never had this crap to deal with because we never, ever, entertained any deviation from the visitation schedule or the CO. They complied with it, and so did we. Though the fact that there was zero indication that they had even read the CO let us pretty much do what we wanted as long as we payed lip service to the CO. The main element that we leveraged was to ignore the part where they were required to give us a 60 day notice prior to any visitation they were excersising. Specifically around the start date of their 5wks of summer visitation. We pretty much just told them when it would start rather than them telling us. We did that to accomodate our summer vacation/travel plans and they sucked it up and dealt with it. "Sorry, that start date does not work for us. He can come on Date X".
It has always baffled me that your side has always been the jump through your asses trained circus act to BM's crap rather than taking the animal trainer whip to her idiot ass any time she violated the parenting plan.
Time for the facts to be crammed up SS's nose how mommy stole him, mommy violates the parenting plan, mommy and GF do not get to interfere in his father's visitation time, and there will be no more digital umbillical cord bullshit beteween BM/GF and SS on DH's time. I so wish for peace and sanity in all of this for you, DH, and your kids.
Stop considering any manipulation by BM and start doing exactly what the parenting plan stipulates and enforcing that on BM as well. No discussion, no "but, what if, whaaaaaa" crying bullshit from BM. BM should have no choice but to STFU and do what the parenting plan she wrote says she has to do.
She has never followed it but is now finding it limiting to her agenda and is extremely threatened by SS's consideration that "family comes first". BM does not get to define shit for anything beyond her "family" on her COd time. IMHO that tells your side very clearly that the parenting plan scares the shit out of BM and it is time to cram it up her idiot ass sideways.
Time for full on enforcement and tolerance of nothing less but total and complete compliance by THEM. No more jumping your entire family through their hoops. Not even a little bit.
DH has been BM's bitch th entire time and you have all suffered because of it. Enough is enough. Daddy needs to grow some man sack and end the BM/GF destroying your family and his son. It may be too late to salvage SS at this point, but..... too late or not, daddy needs to actually be a man and man up for himself, his failed family spawn, and most imporantly for you and your young children.
Stop playing their games.
Is like that meme of the guy riding his bicycle and then taking out a stick and sticking it in the spokes falling and then wondering why (DH is doing this).
Your DH did exactly what I was going to suggest he do,
Your DH did exactly what I was going to suggest he do, and he worded it perfectly. He should try and limit any more conversation about the topic. I know this is easy to say and hard to do, but try and not worry about it until she actually files the paperwork and takes him to court. Then you can decide how much more you want to fight.
UPDATE #2: BM emailed DH back
UPDATE #2: BM emailed DH back and said: "That is disappointing for SS' sake as his peers will likely get to participate in sports when he will not get to at the same level he wants. I think it is important to reframe this as SS' time with you, not just your parenting time. It's clearly affecting him negatively, when his time with you should be positive. I hope you understand that I don't enjoy having any disagreements regarding parenting time. I wouldn't be trying to have these conversations if it weren't for me wanting what is best for SS. As I understand you are not willing to change this at this time, is it something you would consider changing in high school when things become even more competitive?"
DH simply responded: "I would prefer to revisit this conversation when the time comes, as neither of us know what the future holds."
Ugh. I hate that if DH doesn't agree with BM's every whim and demand, then it is "disappointing" and "negatively impacting SS." She claims to want visits to be positive, yet she and GF are the ones making DH and SS' relationship negative through PAS. And trying to reframe the words of "my parenting time" versus "SS' time with us" is just dumb. The legal term is parenting time, no matter how she wants to paint it. I also find it funny that she claims to not enjoy these disagreements when she has been a barrier to SS and DH's relationship since SS' birth, fighting DH every step of the way, and continues to push that the only way to "be positive" for SS is for us to give him up completely and only visit in BMLand. She clearly wants DH to commit to changes in the parenting plan and DH refusing is making her push for future commitment to revisit this. We aren't worrying about high school when SS hasn't even finished 7th grade. Responses like this make me want to go off with all the double standards, reasons she is an idiot, and reasons she created this situation and is fully to blame, not DH. But I know engaging in any sort of blow up would only feed BM's narc supply and result in conflict she craves.
DH thinks BM is pissed because when the court order was finalized in 2020, she only fought for fluidity for summer parenting time due to football. Well now, BM is kicking herself because she wants fluidity across all visits and we can hold her nose to a court order and say "No" and she doesn't like that. Oh well. What is the point of having a court order if you are just going to throw it out anyway?
DH isn't responding if BM emails back. This conversation has been put to bed.
Y'alls crazy BM writes like a
Y'alls crazy BM writes like a corporate mean girl. Ugh.
That's the problem. That is
That's the problem. That is why the judge didn't see any issue with BM's "willingness to co-parent" because she wasn't swearing at DH or blatantly engaging in inappropriate communication like judges typically see.
It took our attorney 3 months to go through hundreds if not thousands of emails to eventually identify a pattern of consistent behavior of emotional abuse, gaslighting, and belittling due to BM's "corporate language." Our attorney literally had to read between the lines. BM is 100% a corporate mean girl when communicating with DH, yet it used to be so much worse if you can even imagine.
That is why DH and I have major PTSD from steplife and dealing with these types of communications. A decade of this communication makes us question reality and often makes us feel like BM is right and we are wrong. A lot of people think we are overreacting because BM seems "so nice" and they don't see it. And this is what makes me worry SS won't see it either and he will think BM was right in all this.
The fact that she probably
The fact that she probably repeatedly talks about the importance of coparenting and her willingness doesn't make it so. I imagine it did take the judge and lawyers a while to catch on.
Our attorneys caught on. The
Our attorneys caught on. The judge never did.
Sadly the morons in the idiot
Sadly the morons in the idiot Harry Potter robes slinging the Fisher-Price wooden toddler's hammer often appear to be sourced from the bottom 10%ers of the legal profession and do not have the intellectual capacity to ever catch on regarding the toxic manipulative side of the blended family equation.
As was the case for our first Judge. Drooling dipshit that he was. Now our second Judge, she was sharp and had the Spermidiot and SpermGrandHag pegged instantly. Though even she did not have the spine to actually bring the full level of earned pain down on them. But it made for a very enjoyable and entertaining CS review hearing to hear the lose their idiot minds when her Honor took under consideration our countermotion for the SpermGrandParent's income to be added to the Spermidiot's for CS calculation. The Hag lost her damned mind when the Judge said that she would consider the motion after immediatley dismission their motion to include my income in CS calculation. Which is specifically not allowed by SpermLand State law.
I'm learning more about PTSD that I wish I had to learn.
I have not suffered from it though I have watched it impact my DW and my son, and a very close friend of ours. It took far too long for me to recognize how debilitating it is for those who experience what can often be the long term situations that can result in PTSD.
Black and white perspective does not easily allow for the recognition of the very convoluted gray that can cause PTSD. My bride suffered that long term stress and PTSD from a hostile work environment, our son has struggled with it for much of his life due to the toxic emotional abuse perpetrated on him by the SpermClan and some events in his adult life, and our close friend struggles with it from the long term crazy making manipulation of her XH. They were married for more than 30 years and have divorced for about 2 years. The lead up to their divorce and the toxic progression of that divorce took about 5 years. DW, our kid, and our friend have a fragility due to the PTSD though they are all three incredibly strong, smart, and solid people. It torques my jaw that people can do this to others and sadly do it almost without any consequences.
Being fed alive feet first into a pig feed lot pen should be a thing for these toxic assholes to experience. What they do to others is unforgivable.
I'm sorry that you and your DH and your SKids have had to deal with a person like the BM you have battled.
"See my above reply." Lather, rinse, repeat.
Though I would take a swipe at BM on the way out. "Reality is that your manipulation and interferance in the time that my son and I have together is what is upsetting him. Stop upsetting my son. Stop interfering in our relationship. Beyond that, see my above reply."
Tw*tfaced eejit
I seriously hate your BM with the fire of a thousand suns. I'm sorry this f*ckknuckle is in your lives.
I also suspect the other reason she is doing this is because
I also suspect the other reason she is doing this is because your last few visits with SS have gone well, and he has even shown a few slight instances of standing up to her. She does not want him to want to visit you, and she does not want him to enjoy himself when he does, and she for sure does not want him to ever stand up to her. She knows the more she can limit visits the more she can control him. So sorry this is never ending - but at least your DH is refusing to entertain her anymore.
At this point and time
You have no choice,,but to stick to your guns. Following CO. Once you give a inch BM will take a mile. With all this sports games and practice There will never be a time he will not miss something. And if he dies have a free week BM will sing him up for something else. Sports teams are use to divorce parents and visatations. At 12. There has to be a certain amount of talent needed to play, or start all games. At 12 yo you know the amount of talent SS has. College scholarships, or not.
You will have to tell us how
You will have to tell us how BM responds once she finds out DH will get to claim SS on taxes since he pays CS once that executive order goes into effect.
I think HCBMs all over the
I think HCBMs all over the country will lose their shit if this executive order goes through. I think it will be more involved than what is being portrayed in the news and I see this being challenged legally.
DH would even be happy alternating years. I think it is stupid that these Dads who have barely any visitation or EOW visitation due to HCBMs and pay child support, can't claim the children on taxes. It gives HCBMs more financial reasons to withhold the kids.
I agree I just think it would
I agree I just think it would be an amazing FU to BM.
IMHO, fair is basing tax credits on % of support.
If they provide less than 50% of the costs to support the child in full, then no. A parent should never get to claim the kid on taxes if the NCP does not pay more than half of the costs to raise that kid. Per the USDOA numbers..
If they pay 51%, then sure. They get o claim the kid on taxes. Make it a clean formula and give the robed morons slinging the Fisher-Price wooden toddler's hammer zero discretion on that crap. Simple, direct, no argument, no discretion for moron Judges. You breed em, you support em.
The USDOA sets the cost to raise child from birth to age 18 at $233.61K all in. The SpermLand robed morons set CS over nearly 18 years at <$58K. No where near 50% of the cost to raise the kid. Interestingly total CS paid was exactly 25% of the cost to raise a kid from birth to 18.
The straight line formula for monthly CS as half of costs to raise a kid is $540.76/mo based on USDOA numbers. That is a per kid number. So, divorced couples with a large failed family would be in a world of financial strain. Particularly for the NCP paying CS. Though CS for a specific kid ending at 18 would make the incremental reduction of CS on a per kid basis easy to identify the end/reduction date for.
If that dumb ass had been able to claim SS on his taxes, I would have lost my damned mind.
That is false - he never said anything about a change
That is false - he never said anything about a change to who gets to claim a child for tax purposes. Snopes checked it out and it never happened. And even if he tried to do it, it would be another thing that cannot legally be done by executive order.
I do agree that whoever
I do agree that whoever provides most of the support for kids should get to claim them. Guys who have them 50/50 or more and pay CS should get to claim them. Tax credits and deductions get used as a type of welfare. I would rather there be just more honest welfare (food subsidies, healthcare) than the convoluted crap we have now. The current system encourages people to do the wrong things in order to get help (have kids they can't afford, fake disability, etc.) I think there should BE help, but not like this.
Project 2025
Actually, it's in Project 2025 explicitly. I've read that section. It may not be there in his order directly, but it's in the tax plans! Basically the father is viewed ALWAYS as the #1 parent, or his family. Even if BM has MORE time in the court order, the father ALWAYS will get the tax credit. Dads will have always then have more sway than moms legally, which is not a bad thing, but when it's dictated by the government it sure is. We can only hope the courts don't let this happen.
Cover - that is worrisome! I was not aware, thanks for bringing
Cover - that is worrisome! I was not aware, thanks for bringing it to my attention. About two thirds of his executive orders have come directly from Project 25, so I guess it is still a possibility. I should have figured it would come from their notion that men are always head of the household.
Gov't overstep. No doubt about it.
The usual unnerving blather from any new administration. I am all for simplifying CO related stuff. However, blanket dictates are not the way to protect anyone/everyone in situations that are nearly never cookie cutter in nature.
That was a hoax meant to get
That was a hoax meant to get views on social media and the deadbeat parents (mostly men) ate that up like hotcakes lol.
But this is why men should exercise better control of their reproductive organs. Procreating with unstable women then expecting said unstable women to be fair/reasonable IS the definition of insanity.
In life, We win some we lose some .... if I were a man who procreated with an irrational person, I'd simply take the "loss" (on claiming the child tax credit) while getting that money from some other source.
The weaponization of religion
The weaponization of religion is sickening to me because we went through that too. This time BM used it to disrupt your DH's time with SS by keeping him glued to the phone, in the future I wouldn't be a bit surprised to hear that she's using it to turn SS against you somehow, assuming your religious philosophy doesn't 100% align with hers.
I feel like your DH handled her message about schedule changes the best way he could. Best to keep it direct and concise because this woman clearly wants to fight. She's a complete nightmare.
This is incredibly childish, but if it wouldn't cause unnecessary drama for SS, I would be so tempted to tell BM that one or both of you have landed an dream job in her city and you'll be relocating. Make her scramble and panic thinking that you'll be pursuing 50/50 custody since she's so eager to "reframe SS's time with you". Even if you just let it play out for a couple of days, it would be a hilarious way to mess with her.
Love this!
I'd lay it on thick!
"How nice for SS that he'll be able to see his siblings more often!"
"We'll being able to go to lots of his games!"
Oh the fun you could have!
Make her scramble and panic
The best threat is full custody AND BM pays maximum amount child support the law will require.
These nut job BMs don't want to acknowledge how unstable they are that not only could their custody will be revoked but also they'd have to come out of their pockets in a major way.
Then tell her you will invite her to the sports games and the Bible studies
Make her feel like the guest/ncp lol then if she crashes out tell her "you'll be in my thoughts and prayers"
What your bm is doing IS
What your bm is doing IS right out of the high conflict BM handbook , once again. I always find it striking how these bm's are always the same.
The response to BM was perfect.
Years ago there was a ST member named "ORANGE COUNTY". He said the following about court orders. "Don't ask for any changes and don't give any changes". Orange County was right, he was always right.
OC had such wisdom.
It has been a long time.
I miss OC. *sad*
I miss OC. *sad*
BM highlighted that in total,
but didn't you say at the beginning that she unilaterally dropped this kid off with y'all and now all of a sudden it's a problem?
I wouldn't even reply anything but "wow" to that nut job then go discreetly consult with a lawyer
What does the kid want to do? Or is he being heavily influenced by BM?
Bio dad has a right to uninterrupted access to see and spend time with his son. And those extracurriculars are something everyone has to come to some middle ground on. Unless this kid is projected to go D1 / on elite teams at the current time then BM is likely using sports to interfere with bio dad's time because she is jealous and controlling.
just my opinion