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Update on SD

floralsm's picture

Thank you for your responses on my last post. I agree with what people have said about putting SD10 in therapy, regardless of the reasons why. Definitely agree it's a trend thing to have a mental illness and that anxiety is the norm. 
So the school rang DH this morning from the school counsellor. Apparently SD has sent messages to another girl in class about wanting to kill herself. She also sent a video of herself holding a screwdriver and not sure.. maybe attempting to cut her wrist. The mother saw it in her child's phone and reported it to the school. 
SD and SS refuse to bring their phones to our household every since DH monitored their phones when they are here, so this is happening at BMs. 
DH has now seen her TikTok and not sure how to handle this. BM was also called apparently by the school. 
I have decided to put my hands in the air and not be involved. DH said he would attempt to talk to BM regarding it but I can't see any good that will do. BM is a narcissist and she will play victim and make it all about her as she always does. 
I've decided to keep DD3 at my parents house this weekend for a sleep over. I haven't told DH about it yet but I don't want DD exposed to this toxic BS. Especially if SD will be emotionally unstable. I suggested DH arrange an appointment with a GP and SD go on a mental health plan and speak to a child psychologist.


ESMOD's picture

Your DH has a lot of serious conversations to do with your SD.. your DD doesn'tneed a front row seat.. and he needs to 100% focus on this issue with his daughter.. I agree with your suggestions to him.. and that's as far as you should need to go.. she has two parents.. and they need to address this.

Harry's picture

DD exposes to this craziness .   You know, shoulder know SD I has major problems.  What are not being addressed.  As she gets older it's going to get worst.  She is at that age where mental illness get really going.  

PERSONALY  I would. Not let DD have any contact with SD at all.  She is too young to undrerstand any of it,  will think SD is normal and everyone else is crazy.    If SD keeps on this killing herself. One day she may actually do it.  You are already worn about it and did nothing. .  DH can do what ever he wants, except to much dealing with BM, and this seeing your sister crap.