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Advice on how to keep SKIDs from living rent-free in your mind

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Hey Steptalkers, what do you do to keep the SKIDs from living rent-free in your mind? How do you set yourself free from ruminating on the past, getting irritated with their dumb decisions or holding on to resentment when they mistreat you? Are there tips, activities, ways, activities or things to get them out of there? 


Cover1W's picture

Practice!  I keep busy doing my own things really, I'm a busy person! I am satisfied with my life and my life with DH and concentrate on that. SURE there's always a SD somewhere in there, lately less about OSD, but worries about YSD do crop up (I do care about her even through everything and hope she is well and grows up into a smart independent and kind woman).  But I don't let myself ruminate on it at all.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Thank you - YES to hobbies! I am getting better but sometimes I just get so down. It's been a very unrewarding journey and they continue to do punishing things and then play the victim. It's extremely irritating when one of them turns to daddy (as an adult SKID) and says "stepmom is hurting my feelings" only to find out he's just attacked me behind my back. The betrayal is nonstop. 

Little Type Amy's picture

The whole SM MADE me feel this or that litany. This sounds like deja vu for me too. Thankfully, that "SM hurt me" play the vicitm  Bullshit that pops up when she was made accountable for choices of her own making isnt working on me or DH so much anymore. It's actually quite sad that this stuff pops up every now and then coming from a full fledged Adult Skid...not that i expected much else. 

Rags's picture

Focus on behaviors and confront them in real time. When they  (Skids) are gone, do not recycle the crap they bring.  Do not invest in them by worrying about the why of what they do. Focus on what they do while htey are doing it, then move on.

I recently re-remembered some corporate training I had decades ago. The basics of it are "Be here now." Focus on where you are now. That helps to keep the other stuff out of your head.

The context of the training was it is far more productive to be intent on what you are doing while you are doing it. If you find yourself with your mind wandering and day dreaming, focus on that.  This addresses the situation in real time so it does not ruminate which allows us to get back to the other "now" stuff.

In short, address the behaviors as they are happening then move on.  Do not recycle and go down the rathole of why regarding what the Skids do. Just focus on the what.  Then... be where you are while you are there. Mentally.

This works well for the brain action of men because it fits the waffle, compartmentalized cognitive processes that men generally have.  Women have far more interconnected congnitive processes which address any number of things simulataneously resulting in everything being in contact with everything else.

While a man tends to deal with one problem or purpose at a time (moving from waffle square to waffle square), a woman's thoughts generally flow together (like spaghetti noodles). Once you discover how your spouse processes feelings and thoughts, you're on your way to a happy and healthy relationship!

Men Are Like Waffles-Women Are Like Spaghetti ...

While it is primarily a relationship communication focused concept, I find it useful in understanding some basic differentces between compartmentalized Vs interconnected cognitive processes.  I use it regularly when I am leading project teams.  I engage the team in discussion and reviews of project elements.  I want to know the interconnection that I may be missing and how to include better solutions than my mental processes tend to come up with in isolation.  

In blended family life, I focus on that square when it is forward in the now.  Skid behavior. SpermClan behavior, IL behavior, etc...  My DW, goes far deeper and into far more of the what ifs and than why than I ever do.  I do not have the bandwidth to go after the why and the what if.  I tend to be in the now and the what's next than in the why and what ifs which I perceive as beeing far more past focused than they are now focuses or future focused.

Though this may just be blather on my part.

Take care of you and check into some analytical and interpersonal processes to see if you can find something that will work for you in getting the Skid out of your head.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I love the idea of confronting right away but the one adult male SKID is COVERT- he does things subtly and then when he's making his big assault he'll turn it around and find some lame reason to be upset. I find out LATER what terrible thing he has done after we're done sorting through his garbage reason why his fee fees got hurt. 

Lillywy00's picture


If they keep doing dumb ish and bio parent is a complicit enabler to their unsavory behavior then complete disengagement or worse .... ending relationship and leaving/divorcing. 

Otherwise I remember the more emotional energy I expend thinking about their lack of home training and the obtuse Disneyland parents who raised them to be nerve grating crumbsnatchers .... the more irritated and resentful I become plus less time I spend focusing on myself doing things that make me feel good. 

I also never got heavily emotionally invested in stepkids because I preferred to be more like a mentor so the less invested I was the easier it was for me to ignore their maladjusted behavior 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

This is true- my energy has been going into this dark void of an energy drain vortex for sometime- I'd love to focus the energy on myself. Good perspective to take. 

CastleJJ's picture

I find that BM, GF, and our steplife situation used to take up daily space in my brain. I was so hurt by the extent BM was willing to go to keep SS from DH - the lies, the personal attacks, the manipulation, etc. I was pissed at the family court system for allowing that behavior and giving BM what she wanted, and I was sad that SS wasn't going to be a meaningful part of our lives on a regular basis. I was sad that the court's logic of "a child needs their Mother" was the sole reason to prevent SS from having a meaningful relationship with DH. I used to think about it all several times a day, replaying different moments, remembering words BM and GF said, thinking of ways it could have been different. I used to have panic related symptoms like sweats, shaking, racing thoughts, etc. as a trauma response to everything we went through.

Honestly, counseling and time have been the greatest healers. Now, I am by no means perfect in this arena. I just had a dream about BM, GF, and SS a few days ago that messed me up for a whole day. But I find these days to be less and less frequent. Now instead of several consuming minutes or hours per day, I think about it all every for a moment every few weeks, maybe even months. Going to counseling and learning that this wasn't mine or DH's fault was helpful. Learning to accept the situation for what it is was helpful. But I have healed most with time. Finding joy in DD, exploring new hobbies, and spending time with people I love help. I hope to find peace in the next 6 years when SS ages out and we can block BM permanently and her legal bond to DH is gone. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I want to get where you are! The SKIDs are adults now- their problems are least the ones they create but I am no longer holding the bag when they do stupid things. I DO need to get to a point though that they are not in my mind more than a second. This is encouraging, thank you. 

Harry's picture

They will make the same/ different mistakes as long as they live,  disengaging from all of it is the way to go.  If you keep leading them to water you will get tired.  

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Wise words Harry - oh yeah...I have tried PLENTY of times to get them to go to the water and I am very tired. Both have been extermely stubborn and the minute I stop trying SOMETIMES they go in the right direction. It's about a 20% chance but higher than if I promote it. 

Dogmom1321's picture

I had to stop caring about what SD13 thought of me and my son. I used to constantly worry about what she was "bad mouthing" me for, trying to defend myself, thinking of ways to bring it up to DH, etc... 

I came to peace with, you know what, she can hate me, not like to be around me, not want to accept our son, etc... but I won't let it affect my mood. And I SURELY won't let it affect my DS3. Fact of the matter is, myself and our DS3 will ALWAYS be around, so when she is older, she can choose to not have a relationship with us if she doesn't want to. And I am finally okay with that. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yes, you have to stop caring about when lies are spread and bad mouthing - I learned. that one SKID really believes he's a victim and touts it. It's become his ballad...if you convince yourself enough that something is true than you start believing it. He has done just that. And yes some of his "memories" are deliusional - straight up from another fairytale. 

Elea's picture

I spent a lot of time out in the yard gardening when they were with us EVERY weekend. (BM was too lazy to care for her children even though on paper she had primary custody, we had them more.) I have my own children to care for so I also stayed very busy with my children. I began seeking out and staying active with my own hobbies and interests. I reached out to my own friends and family for support.

I ignored SD's bickering and whining and let DH deal with his diablas 100% of the time. He made their lunches, drove them to their activities and so on.

The main thing I did for SD's was prepare a "family dinner" and the only reason I did that was so that DH, my BK's and I could have a nice, nutritious, delicious meal. SD's would make snide, snotty comments about having dinner together or the food that I prepared. I ignored them and didn't change anything about how I prepared the meals. DH allowed them to be brats which was frustrating but not my job to fix.

I taught my children to make polite requests and be courteous when making their personal preferences known. I don't respond to demands. When SD snottily whined "I don't like tomatoes in my salad!" I made sure that salads always included tomatoes.

As the SD's have gone off to college and BM moved out of state (hallelujah) there are fewer reasons for me to get wrapped up in rumination. One thing that helped me is I ask myself "Does BM think about me more than I think about her?" If the answer is probably "No, BM doesn't think about me at all." then you are allowing BM too much space in your head.

BM is self-absorbed and selfish. I don't think she thinks about me or my children at all. She thinks only of herself and how her own children can serve her own needs. I want her to think about me far more than I think about her. This helps me to stop ruminating and instead enjoy knowing that I am taking up more space in her puny head than she is in mine. This means I can hardly think of her at all because she hardly thinks of me at all. Same goes for Sdiablas.

I give myself permission to indulge in thinking about how annoying, stupid, manipulative, rude etc BM and Sdiablas are when it is relevant, such as right before, during or right after SD's visit but I keep my thinking about them contained to short periods of time. I don't think about them on a day to day or moment to moment basis anymore. It takes practice.

I think it's healthy and fine to let off steam now and again such as I am doing right now. We have to process the insanity that we're dealing with.

They don't deserve constant space in your head tho. Read a book, play with your children, enjoy nature, exercise, go for a walk, grow a garden, watch the sunset and forget about them.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Thanks for this- I agree wholehearedly in finding other activities. I love that you would go garden. I would pre-occupy myself too. And I still do when they swarm down on us. One SKID is a bit better and there are times I enjoy his company but I proceed with extreme caution and never get too caught up in the moment just enough to say "it was alright." Seems like when I am less happy or satisfied their satisfaction levels go WAY up. LOL

Elea's picture

and I think about it I think SD24&26 satisfaction goes way up when they sense I am less happy.

Although overall, I am really good at keeping my true feelings to myself. They get frustrated that I don't show any signs of jealousy. Lol They are constantly doing a tit for tat measurement. They make snotty comments about the nice things DH and I have, or do, for ourselves. They cry, whine, act out and blame other's for their unhappiness and for their BM's problems.

Girl devils are the worst. They play games to try to make plans with DH in front of me. They pretend I do not exist when I am standing right there in front of them and can hear their mean, scheming little plans. I remain silent. I think it really makes them angry that they can't get under my skin.

Lol Sometimes I talk to DH later on about it and other times not.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

That's where I need to get. I just sit there silent too - but it's got to get to the point where I could care LESS. Good for you- continue to not let it get to you.

OH yezzz...SKIDs can "feel" and actively observe to find out if you are unhappy. But what is the crypotnite for them? When YOU are HAPPY. As Rags has put it - it's like they scatter into the darkness when you shine a light. Recently I've been writing super happy posts because well...I am HAPPY - of course SKID comes to dad complaining about it. There was absouletly NOTHING to be upset about - but...what SKID was actually upset about is I am not sitting in a dark hole. 

Rags's picture

For sure do not show signs of jelousy.  Signs of contempt and pitty towards how pathetic they are is the way to go IMHO.  Wrapped in a cloak of happiness and radiant joy in life.  Talk about it regularly.  Share it loud and proud.  Even innocuous little things that make you smile.  A beautiful sunset, a butterfly that followed you, a fun work lunch with colleagues, a talk you had with your stylist, a book you read, innovations unfolding in your profession and work, non specific references to success (Did you see our retirement investment balances with the recent market rally?) directed at DH when a kid is lurking in the peripheral shadows, etc...

A happy SParent in a happy marriage is tghe cryptonite.  So mine that mineral, wave it around energetically, etc......  When you are in a lull, stay at work late and do stuff for you iwth some well invested alone time. But ... when the Skids are lurking, beam it loud and boisterously.  Drop the occassional look that lets them know that you are baring their asses... then get back to happy.

Overt, wrinkling of the nose, and commenting on how pathetic they are with applicable specfics is also what I recommend. "Why do you insist on being such a miserable person?  Hmmmm?"  Shake the head and sniff a flower or pull out a roller ball of your favorite joy inducing essential oils.

Be the light, stomp on the roaches.  When you are tapdancing while stomping, the crunch of the roaches can be quite satifyingly musical.



Elea's picture

When SD's throw a dramatic fit is to pull out my nail polish, file my nails, paint my nails and give myself a manicure while I watch the show. 
It is quite gratifying. I feel like a cat licking her paws after enjoying a tasty mouse. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Love it ! Agree shine the light (Rags) or at least pull out the nail file (Elea.) Next time I am dealing with some of their "drama" I am going to think of this. Unfortuantely in the past I have felt like I have had to fix it or that I am at fault but the more and more I distance myself from the dysfunction of the SKIDs, the more I realize that's the way to do it- sit back and watch the show, DO NOT get involved or try to help. 

tryingjusttrying's picture

I ruminate on SS way too much. I don't want to do that because 1. anything that detracts from being in the moment can only lessen contentment and add to stress. 2. There is so much I could be devoting my thoughts to that are positive and productive, including my own BS. Yet, I find my mind ruminating on SS, often right before and after a visitation.

I read something that I think explains this. The article talked about how humans are cued to notice and dwell on threats exponentially more than beneficial signals in the environment. If we ignore a threat, it could mean grave danger or even death. So even if it's a false alarm, humans are quick to notice and react. There is no downside to reacting even to false alarms. You run away, and find out later that it was just the wind or something. So there is no downside to repeatedly reacting to threats even if merely perceived (much better than ignoring it which might get us killed).

Although SKs are hardly dangerous, and certainly not mortally so, I do think psychologically, humans are naturally condtioned to notice and dwell on those who may threaten our well-being. If we perceive someone at work as a threat, we might stay away, or strategize to diminish their influence. But when it's someone you're living with and who is beloved by the one you love, then it becomes quite fraught ('the call is coming from inside the house!'). All that to say that the more I can feel safe, the less compulsion I have to focus my attention on SS. More recently, taking more of the reins in organizing SS's visitation has helped. It is making me feel less helpless, and more in control of my environment.

One very negative result of runimating on SS is that I end up dwelling in a head space that I feel very uncomfortable with. I am typically pro-social, respected by my colleagues at work and church, cares for and is cared by my family and friends. But when I start to worry about SS, I become internally defensive which makes me more closed and reactive. I'm less focused on how to help and more focused on how to protect myself and strategize around manipulative behaviors, etc. I'm trying to be more forgiving of myself because it is natural to react badly when someone is hostile towards you. But I also want to, as much as I can, be the person that I want to be rather than the person who is merely reacting to hostility.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I agree! The ruminating gets me more closed off and less trustful also I feel a shade of blue takes over- I am very actively trying not to dwell on their terrible actions even when they impact me. Thanks for this!