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xmas candles

ladybug1974's picture

HI my partner makes candels as little hobby just a few here and there, Is it strange that he wants to make one with his 11 year old son in our kitchen for his ex wife ? or should i leave that alone and let them do there thing ? 

i just found it strange but have not said anything yet.  he wants him to make one for  xmas gift from the little of course..  i just thought i would ask here before opening my mouth. 

Harry's picture

To get his DS a gift for BM.  At least this is a activity they can do together.  This is the joys of SLife 

Rags's picture

Not a hill to die on in my opinion.

Not unusual or wrong either.

Pretty inoccuous. He is working with his young child to make a gift for the kid's mom.  Be wary of ascribing meaning to this beyond what it is.  Now, if there are other influencing factors, it may be something that is not acceptable for you. In that case, enforce your boundaries.  Only you have the rest of the story.

As for candles, those things breed like rabbits. I have been fighting a valiant but losing battle against the candle invasion for more than 30 years. I am absolutely dying on the defense against candle hill.  IN sight right now there are 4 and there are at least another 80 lying in ambush throuout our home.


ladybug1974's picture

no no other factors really,,,i dont think ill help i will sit it out and do something else 

CLove's picture

Not something to worry about.

Things to worry about: your partner jumps through hoops, and caters to BM all the time for everything, and buys her gifts from himself.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Unless there are other boundary issues with BM, this may not be something to stress over. If your DH likes to make candles anyway, he probably looks forward to doing it with the kid. Maybe making it "for mom" is his way to get the kid to engage in his hobby with him. This is also probably the easiest and cheapest way to check "get present for kid to give BM" off his list since he makes them anyway. Prople who do crafts are always looking for a way to make their creations useful. It justifies their craft. I think this, in and of itself, does not signify any boundary issues with your DH and BM. 

BethAnne's picture

It is an age appropriate gift and sweet that it will be homemade. 

What I would consider inappropriate is your husband spending more than $30 on a gift that he chooses (rather than his son).

Maybe suggest that they could make some for Grandparents, Aunts or teachers at the same time to dilute the ikiness that you might feel.