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B*tch Beck & Call Service

Lillywy00's picture

.... 24/7 mobile hotline down!

(temporarily at least)

I was half asleep when I hear dude saying over and over "Siri find my iPhone"

Then as he realizes he's about to start running late for work, he gets more frustrated and starts yelling "SIRI FIND MY IPHONE" 

I couldn't help but laugh inside when I can sense the frustration that he's running around like a chicken with its head cut off and about to be late for work and his BB&C service is at risk of being out-of-service 

I decided to fake sleep and let him figure it out while continuing to laugh on the inside vs wake up and help him find his iPhone/BB&C service mobile alert device


Lillywy00's picture

I assume he did. That phone/Bb&c hotline device is like the equivalent of the strongest street drug for him and his enmeshed clingy kids. Neither him nor his mini-spouses have a life so they act like insane nutjobs if he doesn't promptly respond within the hour or less. 

Catmom024's picture

"BB&C hotline device"  lololol...i love it...that's hilarious.   I am so going to use that the next time Princess Druggie is blowing up her DAAADY's phone. 

Lillywy00's picture


Someone else on here came up with that B*tch Beck n Call service and I realized these Disneyland dads run that service 24/7 

One time dude agreed to go out for a meal with me. I drove and as we backed out of the driveway he realized he forgot his phone and started to panic. 

Girl I floored it. Told him we had reservations, needed to be on time, and was unable to drive back 2 minutes to retrieve that damn phone.

I chuckled on the inside (huge dopamine rush for me) knowing his hotline was temporarily disabled and nothing he could do about it.

Sounds mean but if your dude constantly interrupted dates even intimacy to answer the phone and talk to his kids about nothing important, you'd get this ruthless too. 

Of course his calculating clingy mini-wife / daughter blew up his phone the entire 3 hours (god forbid you go 3 hours without calling your overgrown 11 year old) and sent pictures of herself crying / claiming she thought he was deceased - all in efforts to trick him into calling faster and cement her place as the perpetual #1 priority

Girl BYE!!!




Catmom024's picture

"Girl, I floored it"  lololol...i am dying laughing!!!  

My SO has his text notifications set to silent now...probably so I won't know when his mini wife is blowing it up. 

Lillywy00's picture

Ikr. I was literally in the driveway.... 

BB&C hotline device retrieval request DENIED!!!!


At least you're dude has the common sense to at least put it on silent. 

Catmom024's picture

Only because he wants it to be a SECRET when she's texting at him.  They love having their secrets.

grannyd's picture

Lilly, you've written;

...sent pictures of herself crying / claiming she thought he was deceased...

 You have GOT to be kidding!? I understand that the 11-year-old is a mini-wife extraordinaire but even Mr. Disney Dad must have shaken his head over that steaming pile of drama! Please, tell me that he (at the very least) rolled his eyes? 

Hon, if MDD actually fell for SD's ridiculous performance art, there is no hope for the man. Keep packin' those bags!

Lillywy00's picture

I thought he'd realize the ridiculousness too. 

When he told me about it, he thought I was going to be like "aww poor kid...." 

No I was disgusted her layaway 304 mother was encouraging that behavior (she probably knew her daughter acting like this was going to disrupt our activities) and his dumb ass got the narcissistic supply from his daughter clinging to him in such a dramatic way. 

I said dude why is your daughter crying and acting like she thinks you're deceased every time you go out on the weekend and aren't blowing her up?

First of all stop telling your kids (and ex wife by proxy) all your damn business

secondly, If you were really deceased wouldn't someone tell her? 

I didn't even touch on the manipulative behavior (most likely masterminded by her beastly mother) I could see because I knew he would both deny it and secretly enjoyed the attention from her  

Point blank this kid doesn't like it when he makes her stay with relatives so he can have a life (focus his attention elsewhere) and cries like an infant then demands he come get her asap  

This is the epitome of mini-spouse syndrome. 

These people are total tools  


Rags's picture

My GM was one.  My mom would share with her mother all of the plans for upcoming events.  We had a number of trips scheduled with my mom and dad that would get canceled when my GM would start the manipulating "You have to come visit me. I am dying and you may never see me again."  I would refuse to chase my GMs herse but my mom would take that bait.  I finally had to have a pointed sit down with my mom that she was not tell her mother anything about plans until the trip was complete then she could share the event in convesation with my GM.

GM played those cards for the better part of 25years.  My mom would cave over and over again.  Finally mom did take my request to not mention shit to my GM until after our trip was done.  GM would then play the guilt card about how we all should have visited her instead of going on our family vacation.  Any time my GM would play that crap with me, I would say and do exactly the same thing "Opps, got another call. Gotta go. CLICK!".  I am the only one of her 5 GKs who would call or visit her fairly regularly. But I would not tolerate her maniplulative shit.

My mom did finally put and keep her mother in her place and stopped playing GM's games.  My GM played that crap to the very end.  Her 90th Bday and her 20th anniversary with her second husband were on the same day.  The entire extended family, about 200 people, were together for her celebration.  We all had a great time. At the end of the event GM got up on the event center stage at the Church (founded by my GGPs who donated the land and built the original Church bldg).  GM thanked everyone for coming and closed with "I will not see  you again." Her final interface was manipulative guilt bullshit.  She died 1mo to the day after her 90th.  She just died. Nothing was wrong with her. She manipulated herself into the grave.  The monday after her 90th she had her pace maker replaced, she and her DH moved into a luxury retirement home.  She maniplated every second she was there. She would walk out of their apartment, check the hallway, then slide down the wall, arrange herself in the middle of the hall and start moaning that she had fallen, needed help, etc.... There was absolutely nothing wrong with her. She stopped eating, would hit the button forcing anyone and everyone to come to her beck and call.   

No one visited them once they moved into the retirement home. Everyone was sick of her manipulations by then.  Even my mom did not respond.   We all got together for her funeral and had a great time.   She wanted her 5 GrandSon's and my GrandDad's nephew to be her palbearers.  She got her wish.  Unfortuneately the three taller of us were on one side of the coffin and the three short ones were on the other.  As we were carrying her from the church to the grave side there was a major thud from inside her coffin. She most likely had flipped over toward the low side.  Other than all six of us laughing under our breaths with shocked looks on our faces, none of us ever said a word to anyone else.   I am sure my GM is pissed as hell at having to spend eternity with her face against the side of her coffin. 


Lillywy00's picture

Guilt is one heck of a way to leverage trying to change peoples behavior. 

I was not ready for that ending though....

Rags's picture

18th Bday until we dropped him off at MEPS to leave for USAF BMT.  A slightly different application of the words, but.... accurate.

The BB&C service that so many breeders provide for their failed family spawn & Xs is nauseating.  Why any Sparent puts up with it is beyond me.

Lillywy00's picture

Lol @ Chore B*tch


When this dudes ex breeder moved back in town with her spawns and I saw the dude slinking into a Chore B*tch I wanted to barf. 

Like how tf are you even a real man?!? You can't provide like a real man bc you're too busy being the 24/7 on demand errand runner. 

Definitely nauseating, very unattractive, and one reason why I'll never marry into that level of dysfunction. 

Like dude go back to your failed family, your manipulative layaway breeder, your clingy mini-spouses, and leave me tf alone because you have nothing much to offer for a new long-term relationship!