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YSD was supposed to drive herself today, HA!

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Annnnd nope. She efing came up with THE LAMEST excuse: her tailbone hurt so she couldn't drive herself. Eff. Off.

I said quite loudly, B.S., it's an excuse!

FFS she's been sitting on her ass all weekend, no problem stiing at the table for dinner the last two nights, or playing games with DH two nights in a row, sitting down!

Ask DH how she did it. "She doesn't know."

So I had to run around the house like crazy, thees dirty dishes still in the sink, while DH dropped her off. We are going out of town for the night and her leaving an hour before we did was part of the plan. At least she's gone.

No freaking backbone is not a good way to start a quick vacation.


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I'm totally doing this if she complains again. Note it's never in my earshot, just to DH. She's with BM for the next month, 3 weeks I think. DH has seen her for a total of four days this summer.

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I would have but it was right when they were leaving, she totally avoided me. Plus, DH would not have accepted my response.

When I met up with him at our transfer point, I laid into him you can count on that.