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Sound Familiar???

Geema's picture

OK the stress is so bad. My chest is red from my blood pressure going through the roof lately. I've been stress eating and bit off all my long beautiful natural nails. All within a few weeks. I don't know how SMs do this for so many years without going completely insane!

BM of SS lives a block away. He drops in even when he is with her whenever he pleases. I never know from one minute to the next what drama SS will cause. (Sound familiar?) Before BioDad moved in with me SS would call him whenever he knew it would cause the most drama to be picked up. He loves to pit his bio parents against each other. (Sound familiar?)

BM isn't that much of a pain to me. Although she will call whenever SS is giving her a hard time and BioDad tells her to deal with it. (You can hear SS throwing things and recently he went after BioMom with a screwdriver when he was mad because he couldn't take apart his lacrosse helmet. She sometimes calls just to make snide remarks to BioDad, which shows you the maturity level of this person. She has never worked and is on welfare and taking meds for bipolar disorder. Her grown daughter 23, SS's half-sister won't speak to her. She likes to play the usual head games with SS though, and his BioDad does the same, constantly criticizing the other parent to SS. You can see SS delight in this as it makes it soooo much easier for him to play them against each other and lie, etc.

When BM has SS he usually misses school. His BioDad calls him every day and asks how he is doing and if he went to school. SS bald-faced lied to his father telling him he went everyday last week when he missed 3 days. His dad goes on to blame BM and shrugs off lying SS. Yes, she should get him to school, but that does not excuse the lying done by SS. I especially hate when BioDad makes excuses for everything he does right in front of him too. (sound familiar?)

Yesterday SS comes in from playing with other kids in the neighborhood. IMMEDIATELY starts his crying jag because "He is hot." It is cold here and might even snow today. Is this is any indication of how psycho the kid acts? Thankfully BioDad saw through his crap drama intended to make everyone else miserable this time and told him to knock it off. Yeah, like that works with no follow through. (sarcastically rolling eyes) Then we get a knock on the door from neighborhood kids saying SS stole a toy. SS denied it but there were a handful of witnesses. BioDad was rude to kids and closed the door and acted like they were crazy in front of SS. Wow, all kids are bad but his seems to be his outlook on the world. Amazing. (more sarcasm)

I've also noticed that when we were watching some friends children he has no problem being Mr. Discipline to other kids, but never to his own. Hmmm.... This hypocrisy sound familiar?

Last night SS kept up with his usual drama whining tantrum baby crap. It did seriously annoy his father but when we talked about it before we went to bed he began to make excuses for it all again. Poor little heathen. He has it so rough not having any rules or discipline and treating everybody like dirt. So rough. (more sarcasm)

I was just glad his BioDad did FOR ONCE tell him to stop acting like a baby and shut up. (Hallelujah it's a miracle!) Maybe these breaks from SS aren't just a relief for me after all?? Now if BioDad would just follow through and stop giving lip service to the kid. Also a little consistency from BioDad would work wonders too. Like stop treating him like an infant for starters. The big mystery to me is how BioDad could miss the kid and want him around when he acts like this all the time???? (sound familiar?) If my own biokid had acted like this I would have shipped him off to military school. (Hmmmm wonder if we could do that with SS? Hey, I can dream can't I?!)

Anyways, after BioDad told him he couldn't play his game and it was bedtime last night, SS kept whining and he gave in yet again. Oh my you could have knocked me over with a feather from the shock of him letting SS have his way even when he is a abusive tyrant to others. (sarcasm)

Oh yes, and SS tried to go into the bathroom and stare at his naked father like he always does, EVERY time (Yes I do mean EVERY SINGLE TIME)his father tries to use the restroom or shower. Turns my stomach it so gross and perverted.

I've started daydreaming of some things I can say to BioDad. (sound familiar?)Like when he uses BM as an excuse:

"Yes, but you are half the problem yourself because you are his other parent."

"All the other kids in the neighborhood were outside playing too." - actually used this one last night when he tried to use the "He's just tired," excuse for SS yet again. Wanted to add "And you don't see the other kids acting like freaks."

Oh yes, and when he says that SS is a little version of him, "Now I know why your own mother turned to drug and alcohol abuse." (drum roll please)

Last night he tried to say that SS only does this stuff when he is around BM and when BioDad moved in with me. I was so mad because that is a total lie. We used to talk on the phone before dating and you would hear his heathen throwing tantrums and yelling rude orders to him. Everyone is the problem but BioDad then? He has no control over anything his own son does then? (puke) He needs to own his own responsibility and teach SS some while he's at it.

I'm holding out a glimmer of hope that I will have some influence on BioDad for the positive, but we shall see. I don't think I can brave this for years like some others on here. My poor sister SMs (and some SFs too) should be given some commendation for surviving it.

For now I'm trying to disengage as much as possible as recommended. But I want my peaceful home back and I won't let another narcissistic psycho abuser take it from me. All murderers and serial killers and abusers started somewhere...


Auteur's picture

Oh yes, and SS tried to go into the bathroom and stare at his naked father like he always does, EVERY time (Yes I do mean EVERY SINGLE TIME)his father tries to use the restroom or shower. Turns my stomach it so gross and perverted.

Sounds like Prince Hygiene. How old is your SS again?

I can tell you that guilty parenting never gets better. It's always lingering in the background. It's a lot like alcoholism or BPD. Biodad might take a step or two forward but that is almost certainly followed by three or four steps back.

Geema's picture

He is 7 going on 2 possibly. His father calls him baby and he eats off of baby dish sets and refuses to wipe his own butt after going number 2. He baby talks and whines at home. Of course he can play grown up video games, play sports, ride a bicycle, watch Rated R movies, go out and play at the playground unattended (all things his BioDad allows). He just likes to act like a baby at home to get his way. He likes to watch his father urinate every time he has to go. He always runs to the bathroom and says he has to go to whenever his dad is in there. It's just demented. Of course his father tells him to get out and then lets him watch. I'm sick of it from both of them. Oh yes, and his father has told me he's caught the kid masturbating so it's not like SS has the total innocence of a baby.

Auteur's picture

Yep you have a Prince Hygiene clone on your hands.

What it boils down to is he has 0% responsibility and 100% authority.

Is stunted socially and allowed to be treated as a baby when it is beneficial to him; conversely, he is allowed adult privileges and exposed to adult things via the bioparents assigning him 'adult spousal status'

It is the worst combination imaginable for a child. Neglectful parenting and literal physical child abuse are things the majority of children can heal from, but this stays with them a lifetime. And it is more likely to affect OTHERS in the community where the neglected child turns inward.

This type of non-parenting creates narcissists and sociopaths.

Geema's picture

Sooo tempting!!! But I'll probably just kick him and BioDad out if this drama continues unhindered.

Anon2009's picture

Wow, he saw SS masturbate? I'm wondering if SS has been sexually abused.

Are you married to BioDad? If you're not, run for the hills.

Geema's picture

I researched that but BioDad doesn't exhibit any suspicious behavior other than letting skid have his way. I don't think BioMom would do that as she is all about herself. I have suggested counseling. It seems SSs behavior is not all that uncommon among skids sadly.

Auteur's picture

Children who have been granted "adult spousal status" are often sexually precocious as they view themselves on equal footing or actually ABOVE their parents.

They are overstimulated in the crap they watch on TV and have been exposed to "adult things" then quickly revert to infanthood when they think they can get their way. . ."AWWWWW isn't Junior so CUUUUUUUTE when he talks that way???! Give him another cookie!"

Geema's picture

Words of wisdom there and very accurate! Thanks for the insight Auteur. You hit the nail on the proverbial head there.