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O/T Never in my life... but maybe now.

Rags's picture

I have never quit a job without having another with a Start Date.  I have been RIFd, I have been displaced due to acquistion when my business became redundant, I have been displaced due to my busness being sold to another company. I have never been terminated for cause, nor have I ever resigned just because the situation was no longer tolerable to me.

I have never quit due to a toxic situation though I should have a couple of times when I ended up working for a toxic boss.  My boss now is not toxic. I like him, he is professional, and has my back.  However, the company we work for is extemely toxic due to a nearly entirely reactive management structure, and my direct client business and leaders are as toxic as I have ever seen.

I leave for a week's vacation tomorrow AM.  Oddly, I am hopeful that I return to a termination letter so I can leverage a few months of unemployment to reset and fund a job search. If I by some fluke of fate am not terminated upon my return due to restructuring, I am seriously considering resigning.  

I do not want to put the full burden of supporting us on my DW. Though she earns more than enough for us to be comfortable.  As I near 60yo duplicating position and income is proving to be a challenge. I was out for 2yrs following the last time I was hit in a re-org. Half was due to the COVID pandemic. That was a long 2yrs.

This week off is not for enjoyment, we sign the closing docs on the sale of our home this coming Friday. The buyers sign on the follwing Monday and we will get our proceeds from the sale.  In addition to clearing out the house, I will be cogitating if I am willing to keep doing what I do where I do it. I like what I do. I do not like where I do it or who I do it for.

Scratch one-s head


JRI's picture

Just a reminder that 2 things are true about transitions: they're painful and they're over at some point.

You had good insight into your wife's former toxic employment.  What does she say about yours?

I feared the unknown of retirement and I think you might, too.  A lot of my self-esteem, work ethic and personal relationships were connected with work.  I've been so, so pleasantly surprised by retirement.  I could not have forseen how my life filled up.  DH and I often ask each other how we managed to work full time all those years 

Hoping for your best outcome.  

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Whatever happens, you will land on your feet. Working a job like that is just draining. I think a lot of companies have become more toxic since the COVID mess. My job today is barely recognizable from what it was pre-COVID. The changes were subtle and incremental, but it went from satisfying and tolerable (basically the best you can expect in my field) to dragging in with a migraine every night and waking up the next day with a sense of dread. When it's time for a change, you just know. As you like to say, take care of you! 

Rags's picture

I know you are both right. JRI and Rumple...  

At 59 I am not ready to pull the plug but my tolerance for idiocy is at the end of its rope.

I also do not want to strain or marriage and my DW by putting the next 6-8 years of earnings and retirement savings entirely on her.

I do have some applications out and I am getting calls.  The issue is... where we live, my profession does not have much industrial infrastructure to support a large number of Sr. leaders.

We may have to do a bi-state thing. If I can land a hybrid work location role, DW already has one.  We can flip back and forth.

Thanks again for the perspective.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I wouldn't quit just yet but I would put my all into job hunting. 

Some other thoughts if you do decide to pull the plug.

You have a life long medical condition that needs managing and I can't imagine the stress from a toxic job helps.  I'm thinking back to some of the posts you made about how worried you were about the impact stress was having on your DW's health.  I'm sure she'd prefer to have you around and healthy rather than thowing your health away on a job.  She maybe having the same worries about your health due to job related stress.  You two need to sit down and discuss this.  


JRI's picture

I used to worry about transitions, worried about my family members in transition situations.  Then, I realized I need to accept that transition is part of life.  That's what I struggle to accept, it's my mind wanting things to stay the same where the essence of life is change.

Your mind wants you to stay in the "male gainfully employed" mode.  Life might be saying something different.