Finally stood my ground on 6yr old SD
Well the time finally came where I could no longer even be around my bf or his daughter.. Over the holidays and the new year weekend I wanted a peaceful weekend with just my son and I, without the distractions, the antics coming from SD, and honestly just baring witness to the dysfunction and inappropriate relationship between her and her father. So that's exactly what I did and all hell broke loose because of it. Apparently her father just felt soooo neglected by me, which I could understand but on the other end I can also understand that I have dealt with this for almost 4 years now, and I am just too tired at this point. Too tired, and too irritated. I can't even be in their house without feeling a heavy energy, which wears off onto my son. When we are over there, his daughter is RELENTLESSLY antagonizing my son, will not respect his space or give it to him, she is loud, interrupting him, plotting on ways to get him in trouble. She will wait for her Dad to enter the room, provoke my son, my son will ask her to stop and her dad doesn't turn around she starts with her "Dada, _____ is doing this" and I have to stop her and tell him what is actually happening and stand my ground or he won't take my son seriously because she is just suuuuuuuuch a victim. Its insane to me, that she literally puts people through this to get sympathy and attention from her DADA. The fact that she even calls him that in that disgusting baby voice makes my fucking skin crawl. My son is 6-7 months older than her and he doesn't talk this way, he doesn't call his dad DADA or use baby voices. I have always supported his independence as he gets older, and allow natural evolution to happen because as much as I grieve his baby years, I do not care to keep him hindered, or his mindset at a toddler's while he isn't once. It's disgusting to me that fathers allow this to happen to their daughters. It's also ALARMING and down right weird. I've been saying for years that something is completely off about this child, there's this blank dark look in her eyes 24/7 where she has absolutely no emotion or empathy for people or for how her actions affect other people. The few times I've seen her father discipline her for her behavior towards me and my son, which I honestly think he did just to impress me or keep me from leaving, she would turn around and laugh in his face when he would explain to her that it affects us, hurts us, or him. She LOVES sitting in the corner, discipline has no effect on her. It's like a convicted felon that keeps going back to prison because they're comfortable with the consequenes as long as they are fulfillfed and feel instant gratification on their fucked up actions. And that's nothing against felons, I know a lot of AMAZING people that have turned their lives around and made great futures for themselves. That's just an example I can think of off the top of my head. Somebody that just doesn't give a fuck. Because she couldn't make it more clear that she doesn't. When I was over there, her room still smelled like nasty strong urine, their house is disgsuting and the only time it gets cleaned is if I bitch about it. It use to be clean all the time when I lived there, keep in mind this was my house too that we got together but I had to leave due to a DV case that was started between us after he had hit me in the face in front of my son because of me trying to address the situation with his daughter. Yes this is a man that has punished me instead of his daughter, that happened for quite some time. Hasnt happened since but I also have not been around him longer than 2 days twice a week since then, because I can hardly last that long in their presence and now it's down to 0. Now that I've pretty much put my foot down on this being done, hes telling me hes going to look into getting her evaulated and checked out for her mental state. I honestly think shes a mini narcissist, along with an insane case of mini wife. I doubt theres any hope, and I'm sure now that we wont be together he will not follow through on getting her help. But that's for him to deal with now. I am angry at myself for putting myself through this for this long, and allowing myself to be so bitter and angry that it affects me whenever I have my son. My son does love this man, but this situation is not healthy for us anymore, hasnt been for awhile and I feel so RELIEVED to have finally reached this point. I am not dependent on this man for anything, not financially, I have my own stable home, my own income, my own vehicle, so theres honestly no need for me to be trapped in this unhealthy bullshit. I can't even bring myself to have sex with this man anymore, I'm just so resentful and disgusted. Now I'm just dealing with the "I love you and I've always tried to treat you better than anyone even though I've made mistakes" and that manipulative bullshit. I'm so thankful for this forum and this community, it's probably one of the only things that has made me feel better and kept me from losing my shit, other than my son. And even as a mother, I try to not burden him, with keeping me sane, or taking care of me in any way, because that is MY JOB as his mother, not his job as my child. My son owes me nothing but I owe him everything. Thank you all so much for the replies on past posts, for not judging and reading these long ass blogs. I'm so fucking happy I don't have to dread the DADA every 2 seconds, the waiting outside the bedroom and bathroom doors, the weirdness of their relationship, the emotional incest which is so vile to witness, the inappropriate bullshit on her part, the infatuation and obsession she has with her dad and being his second gf at 6 FUCKING YEARS OLD. The peeing, the lying, the sneaking, the plotting, targeting me and my son, stealing my stuff out of the bathroom, the pulling her shorts up to underwear and her shirts up to be crop tops in front of her dad, the lack of basic hygiene, the constant DADAAAAA I HAVE TO POTTY and going in there and faking it, just to turn around and pee in her room, and lie about that too. The ignoring my son when he expresses that it bothers him, the victimizing, the demanding of me to bond with her and do things with her and have a relationship with her which is IMPOSSIBLE. I catered to that girl for YEARS, I let her call me mommy, I bought her clothes, did her hair, took her on girls days, did everything I could to try to prevent this from happening and it just made her more possessive of her dad and obsessed with competing with me. So why would I bother? Why would I waste another few years on trying to fix something that clearly cannot be fixed? Why is it up to me anyway when it's HIS CHILD. Why are step mothers or the Gf's that step up to the mother role always blamed and responsible for this? IT'S NOT OUR FUCKING FAULT AND IT'S NOT OUR FUCKING CIRCUS NOR ARE THEY OUR FUCKING MONKEYS. To a point they are but the bottom line is we are not the biological parents and most of have our own biological children that need us to be in that role. How fucking dare people burden us with this shit when they won't even correct their childs behavior. I warned him this would happen, now those behaviors have turned into her ENTIRE personality and god is it an ugly one to witness.
Another thing that finally drew the line, was me waking up in the middle of the night to her dad fondling me while he was pleasuring himself while I was SLEEPING. I have not been over there since, and I refuse. Of course that was followed with a guilt tripping ass apology, about how he was self serving and didn't consider my feelings or trauma and he is sooo sorry and loves me. IDGAF. SO FUCKING NOT OKAY. I will never be able to get over that, I will never look at him the same. I will never be sexually comfortable with him ever again. So yeah, when I say it's over it's pretty much over. It has to be. And I'm so relieved. I don't care how good somebody thinks they treat me. What because you don't hit me anymore, or yell at me, or "I'll do whatever you ask you know that" kind of attitude, or your freak obsession with me and my body, or you never cheating on me, that encompasses treating me better than anyone ever will? In what world? Explain why the fuck I feel this way if that's the case? I'm realizing that I've just been manipulated and too scared to leave because my son loves him, but my son will be okay, he will adjust. My son is too young to know the reasons why I can't be with this man anymore, and I'm not going to traumatize him or confuse him trying to make him understand them. If the time ever comes and I ever have to explain it to him, it'll be when hes older and he has the mental capactiy to understand and make sense of it, and where it doesn't taint the innocence he has left. My son loves him because he's the only man I've been with since his father, the ONLY relationship and his father and I ended things when he was a baby, and now we have an AMAZING coparenting relationship. I adore my sons father, not in a romantic way but I adore the father that he is to my son and the bond that they have and now present and active he has been in my sons life the whole way through. I couldn't have chose a better father for my child, he's one of the greatest things I've ever given him. In the end, my son will be fine. He has us. At the end of the day that's all he needs.. he knows that.. More love is better, yes but not if that love comes with a major price, and is not actually healthy.
If any of you are able to leave, and have been looking for a reason, well theres your reason. My advice, is if you feel in your heart it won't get better, it probably wont and that is your mothers intuition telling you what you may not be ready to accept or want to accept but I can assure you, leaving always seems like the hardest thing in the world to do, until you do it. And that is directed more towards marriages/relationships where the child will not be out of the home for another 10+ years. Please don't put yourself through a lifetime of agony. It's not worth it. I feel stupid for the last 4 years I've wasted, and luckily that isnt a lifetime and if I didn't get pushed to this point, it probably wouldve been. And I would have looked back on my life with so much regret and so much resentment. Towards myself mostly, for not listening to my instincts, and second guessing myself.
Love you all xoxo
- MamaE1994's blog
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It's not her... it's HIM.
It's not her... it's HIM. ASSAULT... ABUSE... UNSANITARY HOME. all of it is his fault. His daughter's behavior...his fault. His daughter is a victim. You don't need this
Agreed. I've always told him
Agreed. I've always told him that we as parents are 100 percent responsible for our childrens behaviors and that we have 10 years to teach and guide and correct before they're personality is set in stone. Clearly I have been trying to raise 3 kids, him included. There's no excuse for it at this point. They are both unhealthy, and he has allowed her to become unhealthy and inappropriate. Even though she has ALWAYS been this way. Even when she was a baby, if you got anywhere near her dad she would SCREAM and cry for hours on end until you moved away from him. When he would try to work on his computer, she would stand right up against his chair the entire time and would not move an inch until he got up and gave in. He never taught her independence or independent play so it's only gotten worse over the years. She still can not occupy herself without being a distraction. She still hyperventilates in her bedroom when her dad tells her to go play, repeating herself in this grunting tone "my daddeee, daddeee, daddeee, daddeee dada dada dada dada dada" in the fastest and most disturbing tone. Shes done it her entire life it just doesn't bother him. Shits like out of a lifetime or horror movie whenever I would hear it or witness it. I'm so glad to be away from it. I'm glad that no part of me wants to be anywhere near them and whatever trauma bond I had with that man is finally healing.
Please do not expose your
Please do not expose your poor child to this toxic rodent ever again.
I don't plan on it. I'm glad
I don't plan on it. I'm glad that I've reached this point honestly, even if it did take years. I clearly have some sort of trauma bond with her father, considering our past. It's just sad, because we had such a great friendship for YEARS and I honestly didn't think I was ever going to be romantically inclined to be with him, I just didn't view him that way. But I was also very broken and unhealed when we got into a relationship so I think that played a big factor. I've grown and healed so much since then and I have changed so much, so my mind is clearer and I'm able to see things for what they are vs. what I want them to be and I am thankful for that. Life is too short for me to convince people and break my back over trying to get them to change, along with their children.
Blended families should not be this traumatic and draining and miserable. I am happy to embark on a journey with just me and my son, it should have just stayed that way from the second his father and I didnt work out. I guess after 2 really awful relationships, I thought that I had hit the lottery with this one because it wasnt nearly "as bad" up until now. I blame myself for a lot of that. But it did teach me a lot. I think me and this man will never stop clashing about this topic, parenting is quite a big one considering our kids come with the deal. We are clearly 2 different types of parents, with 2 completely different styles of parenting. Granted I haven't always been the best mom, but my son doesn't have even a fraction of the issues that his daughter does. They are not even comparable. I hope they find somebody that can deal with it, but I doubt that will ever happen and I doubt that a woman will put up with this shit for as long as I did, or at all. But as long as we aren't the targets anymore, that's all I care about.
Never in my life did I think a child this young would be able to have so much control in my relationship, let alone drive it into the ground with her fathers help after I've been the only stable mother figure in her life since she was born. I did so much for both of them. I sacrificed so much. But even on family get togethers at my Dads, who hardly ever spent time with either of them, their relationship made my Nana who raised me with my dad due to my moms absence and drug use, my nana (grandmother) was SO uncomfortable around them, and she never could shake it. It was written all over her face, she could not hide it and it was a relief to know in that moment that it wasn't just me. My family never could get over how they felt about them, but they were always supportive. I stopped having him and his daughters at my family's houses after that. After the peeing at my nana's and the temper tantrums and the way his daughter treated my son in front of my OWN family, HIS own family, they just weren't welcome there when it came to me. I wouldn't allow them to be involved. I didn't want to be involved with his Mother or family, because that shit goes back generations and I've never been able to look at his mother in a respectable manner since she tried to attack me at his aunts house during a visit because her son wasn't showing her attention and hanging out in her room when she had COVID. HES FUCKING 40 YEARS OLD! IT WAS THE BEGINNING OF A PANDEMIC. When I brought up emotional incest to her she lost her shit but oh well you hag because it's true! His aunt was the only person that agreed with me and understood, she was the ONLY one that had my back and treated me as an equal and I will always love that woman she deserves the entire world but this mans mother deserves a fucking pysch ward.
I'm so glad to be done with it. And I'm so glad to vent about it because fuck this has been a long time coming LOL
I'm pretty sure the toxic
I'm pretty sure the toxic rodent referred to was your BF.. not his
The issues with her..all stem from HIM. He is an abusive man.. dysfunctional parent.. he is a bad father.. a bad partner... she is 6... her development..or lack of development.. and dealing with it.. all sits on his shoulders.
You cannot blame her for the way she has been raised.. and you probably are projecting more adult intents.. on what is really a little kid's struggles. She is likely a victim of his lack of control and physical abuse as well.. perhaps even SA???? your BF sounds like a real creep.
Hopefully someone will take notice and get her help one day.
Well I don't plan on having
Well I don't plan on having him around either one of them. I don't think that he's ever going to help himself or help her, or get either of them help, especially her, and our kids aren't kids for very long. It goes fast, and soon she will be a teenager, and then an adult. My mom was an awful woman, toxic, unhealthy, addicted to drugs, had no maternal feelings towards me and even now as an adult I don't use the parent that she was or wasn't as an excuse for shitty behavior or the way that I treat people. She may be 6 now, but what about when she's 16? 26? I don't know, I guess I just have no sympathy for the situation anymore because I put so much effort into parenting her in a better healthier way, loving her like my own, giving her attention, putting her before myself, bonding with her, interacting with her, guiding her and teaching her and it never resinated or made a difference. I understand that she's only 6, but she won't be 6 forever and I highly doubt that this behavior will change considering every year it only gets worse and darker no matter what examples she has in her life. But yes, it is her Dad's fault. Completely. He's responsible and he will continue to blame me for why she is this way for the simple fact that I couldn't stick around for this shit anymore. And honestly no fault of it is mine. None at all I don't feel the slight bit responsible and he can use me as a the scapegoat alll he wants to avoid accepting that he's always been the issue. Not my circus anymore
Oh, Hon!
Oh, Hon!
Your posts are disturbing. Your partner, unwilling to get help for his gravely damaged daughter, is equally worthless in a long-term relationship. Reading your comment,
‘he had hit me in the face in front of my son because of me trying to address the situation with his daughter. Yes this is a man that has punished me instead of his daughter, that happened for quite some time.’
He HIT you?! In the face?! In front of your son?! Oh, no, no, NO! It is not surprising to me that the man’s daughter is such a mess. He expected you to solve his parental problems and provide the unlimited attention to his child that he was unwilling to supply himself. Worse still, your dedication to your partner’s daughter has robbed your own son of the maternal consideration that he deserves.
I am so glad to read that you’ve finally left that horrific state of affairs! Please stand firm and take care of you and your boy. Trust me in saying that your ex BF, having lost the person who made his life easy, will be love-bombing and urging you to return. Be strong! Stay with us on ST; you need the support and encouragement.
Thank you so much! And yes it
Thank you so much! And yes it did rob my son, and I'm so glad that I came to my senses on this. I have been distanced and disengaged for quite some time now, and haven't lived with him for over a year now. I refused to move back in and in doing so I got stable and can stand on my own two feet now.
I do not plan on going back, I have had the biggest wake up call this last year and so happy to start on this new journey with my son. My son will understand when hes older and he will adjust to the change of not having them in our lives. We only ever saw them one day out of the week for the last six months, and hopefully that distance will make this easier for him since it was pretty much already there which was done intentionally on my part to prepare us for this. Trauma bonds are crazy and it took me years to realize that this was one of them. Thank you so much! I will stay strong for my son and I!
"My son is too young to know
"My son is too young to know the reasons why I can't be with this man anymore"
I think you'll be surprised at how much he knows and takes in. I also think you'll be surprised by how happy he'll be to not ever have to be near that little girl again - losing her father is a small price to pay. So don't stress yourself or beat yourself up over what you perceive as a potentially negative situation for your son, he might be over the moon and see it as great outcome!
Your BF is the root of all
Your BF is the root of all the dysfunction and he is also an abusive, sick pervert. You deserve better. Your BF's daughter acts the she does because of his lack of parenting. She is a miniwife. She also sounds very manipulative and mean. It almost made me laugh reading that your BF felt neglected. You are the one being neglected.
I urge you, please leave this situation. It won't change. It won't get better. You will be on the losing end.
Please put yourself first.... keep us posted...
Right? The neglected part
Right? The neglected part pissed me off, and the demanding that I have a relationship with his daughter and take her to do things to bond with her or buy her stuff which I had just bought her christmas presents that were actually quite expensive. But I didn't want to be unfair, considering he bought my son christmas presents as well and I didn't want to be an asshole on Christmas. I honestly don't think her behavior throughout the year warranted any christmas presents from me, especially with the way that shes treated me but I have always celebrated her birthday and Christmas and been fair about it, I wanted my son to see that I was the bigger person. It's weird, my son will mention them when we aren't around them for some time and that he misses both of them but the second he's around both of them his demeanor and behavior instantly changes and he's annoyed and wants to be left alone especially by her. I honestly think he only feels that way when he's "bored" or needs some sort of stimulation, so now we just do stuff together with each other and I play with him or interact with him, so that the stimulation is healthy and not negatively affecting him like it does when we're in their presence. I clearly have gotten my child to a point where he's comfortable in the chaos of it all, which is my mistake as a parent but I am doing my best to fix it and so far it's going well. He will become adjusted just like I have. Her Dad said that I can't blame my sons emotional responses when hes at their house on the environment or on him and his daughter, or his behavior, and I laughed because I don't know how I couldn't, when his behavior is clearly affected by both of them and by his daughters action. Like you mean to tell me that my son can't be affected by others peoples actions when he's around them? He can't be affected by being targeted, having his boundaries disrespected and ignored by a girl DEMANDING attention and sympathy? Because I'm almost 29 and even I'm affected by it so how the hell is that possible or valid? Neither of us clearly enjoy being around either of you anymore so why would we be? I've felt so free these last almost 2 weeks and so much lighter and optimistic. I'm not dreading my weekends anymore or trying to figure out how to put a happy face on for my son because theres no reason to force it anymore. CLEARLY I was affected by it if that's the case. Typical narcissist to think that your actions shouldnt have any emotional affect on other people for fucks sake.
And yes the daughter is very mean. Antagonizing my son until he can't take it anymore and turning around and laughing and smirking about it, "disciplined" and then to turn around and do it again non stop is fucking evil and manipulative. At her age thats terrifying!!!
His daughter isn't the
His daughter isn't the problem... but she does have problems.. at 6 years old.. her father is negligent in the way he has not helped her.
Along with his abusive actions towards you.. you are well done with this.. and hopefully your son doesn't have any lasting issues from living in such dysfunction.