Dealing with stinky
Any ideas for dealing with a skid who won't shower or bathe? The smell went from b.o. to unwashed butthole last weekend. DH doesn't seem to want to deal with it. I was thinking maybe a stinkbomb let off in her room, so she can smell the stink, too. Why should I suffer alone? If she wants to stink, LETS DO THIS THING!!
Trying to decide between Super Stink Fart Spray and Liquid Ass Pooter stink spray. LOL. I want her to taste the rainbow.
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With my autistic SS I would make a huge deal and "shame" him into showering. I still do that from time to time. We got in the car the other day and the stench hit me. I asked when the last time he showered was. I rolled down my window and kept making gagging sounds all the way to drop him off at work. I told him to not be surprised if they sent him home, that he smelled THAT BAD.
There was a time where I required him to shower after dinner every day. I had to smell his hair after because he would go in and run water but not get in. He was 18 at that time! If he refused I took his phone. He was literally stinking up my couches. I wasn't having it anymore!
Stink bomb may help!
Not a real solution, but when SS20 was about 12 he hated to shower. For Christmas we stuffed his stocking with the soap bars that have rolled up money inside and he had to shower and actually USE SOAP to get it out. He showered twice a day for months. LOL He only wound up with $20
Bath & Body Works makes a
Bath & Body Works makes a Birch Vanilla room freshener spray that lasts for days. Squirt her when she walks by... *crazy*
Your husband doesn't want to
Your husband doesn't want to deal with it????? whhhhaaaaaaaaa.. cry me a river DH.. she is YOUR daughter.. don't you care about her.. and about how people must think so poorly of her due to her stench? She might have a medical condition causing this too? you don't care if there would be a way to help her?
If this was someone in my home.. and I asked their father to "deal with it" and he was too afraid to bring it up with her (or whatever his lame azz excuse was).. I would give him one more opportunity to deal with it. "Look DH.. I'm not going to continue to suffer from having someone who smells like they went swimming in the septic tank.. she is YOUR daughter and YOU should deal with it.. but if you can't.. I WILL.. and I am not as likely to be as nice about it as you might be.. so do you want to rethink how you are handling this... before I take matters into MY own hands?"
Just another thought here... there are certain drug users that literally smell like they are rotting from the inside out.. like a farm animal pig poop soup... could she be on these kinds of drugs.. that is rotting her body?
I'd tell her straight up that
I'd tell her straight up that she smells and needs to go shower. I've had to do it with the SKs, though usually DH addresses it before I do. I think he finds their odor less offensive because they're his kids and he's used to it? I dunno, but YSK showers daily or every other day now so it has been less of an issue. OSS, on the other hand, needs to shower twice a day due to how much he sweats, but he doesn't and gets more offensive faster. Pregnancy has had my nose ultra-sensitive so I was pretty vocal with him over the summer.
When my DH wasn't dealing
When my DH wasn't dealing with this with OSD, if I was near her and she smelled, I simply told her that straight up.
"OSD, you smell, when did you last shower?" Usually it was a "Uhhhhhhhh....." answer.
Basically, if she did I would avoid sitting near her, would not be in a car with her and would not go anywhere with them if she was not bathed.
This doesn't even cover the unwashed clothing or lack of teeth brushing which compounded everything.
Just tell her she stinks “SD
Just tell her she stinks “SD you smell and it’s making me sick, you need to bathe or I’m going to start spraying you with Lysol when you walk past.”
You are the Adult.
It's your home, what you are paying for. Rent electric gas hear internet. You just tell them to shower. There is no choice. Shower put on clean clothes or get out. You don't want other people, teachers. To think there something wrong with you
You don't think that teachers don't talk. That everyone one knows the problem kids. Things like what type of mother would allow this
She doesn't go to school
She graduated this last summer. She doesn't go to school or work. Mostly she lives at her moms. If I said anything to her, she would claim victimhood and DH may or may not side with her. If she still stinks when she comes back, I will say something - regardless. I dont' want her on my couch with that smell coming off her. She can cry and rage all she wants about being persecuted, but its my house. I agree.
Seriously the amount of lazy
Seriously the amount of lazy ass piss poor fathers is astonishing.
Anyway... just no. She HAS to shower; it is not optional.
For the life of me I do not understand why you haven't fled.
Good gawd
Id wear a mask everytime SD is around.
Pin up pics of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown in her room.
This is insane.
Not so fond memories
I remember back about 6 years ago. SD23 Feral Forger is such a piggy, and her father likes things clean. The arguments! He took her door off a few times and the stink was horrid. I begged for him to put it back as to not have to smell the funk.
When SD16 SMPS smells, I just say shes looking "shiny". Her father laughs and sais shes saving water. I dont think he quite knows what to do with his girls...especially one that might be transitioning soon...
Two options: 1) Matter of
Two options: 1) Matter of factly tell the skid she smells bad and needs to shower, or 2) Tell your H he needs to tell her NOW. That either he does or you will, and he won't like how you do it.
Can you make it
H's problem? Don gloves, take some of her clothing and rub the stink onto H's clothes. If there is a realistic spray, spray H's stuff and clothes.
This one seems realistic: Gagster Stink Spray - Gagster stink to go. I know the ferals feet and breath used to stink to high heavens
It's like...
... your Avatar was MADE for this thread!
Ha ha. Love it!
You're right! I love it! Let me go hide in my room now. Ha ha.
" Do You NOT Realize You STINK????
Straight up...that's what I'd say. Her dad's too scared to say something??? Jeez....
I refuse to live with nasty people. It's gross and nasty and no telling what kind of germs she's bringing in. Ugh. Had this happened in my world when DHs kids came here for weekend visits....and DH would refuse to do something, we'd be done. Nope. I don't do stinky. LOL
Dawn dish soap, hose, long handled scrub brush, back yard.
She either bathes and puts on clean clothes like a human or she gets treated like the animal she eminates the stench of. THough when the back yard Dawn, hose, scrub brush sessions are over everything at least may not smell bad enough to gag a maggot... for a few days anyway.
Lather.... rinse..... repeat.
Would love to
Would love to, but I don't want to go to jail. She isn't my daughter, and she is 18. I believe our lovely CPS system would call that "child abuse" although it seems to be warranted in some cases.
If this situation repeats itself, I will have a talk with her, with her dad present. If she is going to stay in our home, she needs to bathe so she doesn't stink. Maybe DH will want to combine this talk with the "what are your plans for when your mom evicts you?" talk. That should be fun. I can almost hear her stomping up the stairs as I type this.