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Stoney Love

CLove's picture

In making plans for the weekend, I am coming upon the annual local festival that celebrates a dark green/black stone only found in this area - a festival I always love to go to, and Im assaulted by memories.

The last time I went, I cajoled Husband and SDthen12/13?Pouty McPouterson to go with me. Its about a 2 hour drive down. SD PMP wanted to go to a riverside inn I had taken her to during a spring break trip previously. It was on the way, and not really included in the destination.

What really stood out to me was all during the 1- 2 hour drive south, I just felt so bad! Husband complained literally the whole way down about how far it was (my memory placed it closer) and SD pouted the entire time both down and back up. It was a very unfun trip, one of many unfun trips made together.

Never mind the staggering beauty of the rugged coastline, watching the sunset over the oceans horizon. Never mind the unique one-of-a-kind creations and hippy vibe of times long gone. SD PMP pouted because she wasnt "getting anything", and wanted to go to the Riverside inn. We went to that darn place and it got dark quickly (because October) so even that didnt make anyone happy.
SD PMP has been busy with Toxic Troll moving to their new place - a mobile home "houseshare" situation (its Husbands week/weekend with her) and I find myself thinking of ways I can just do this by myself. And actually enjoy it this time. Free entrance to an event with live music, in a little coastal enclave and...lots of rocks :D 


Shieldmaiden's picture

You should go with a friend or work acquaintance who is interested. The point being to enjoy yourself and not let the SD or SO ruin your fun vacation. SD will probably be all jealous once she hears that you went without her. It will be a two-fer. LOL. 

CLove's picture

Once she ventures out of her room.

Its just reliving these memories in light of current events and current struggles.

caninelover's picture

She blew it already with her behavior.  So, just ignore her and go.  

If she's jealous let her complain to Daddeee and let him deal with her.

caninelover's picture

Go by yourself and enjoy it!!

DH and I had a lovely weekend escape to wine country a couple of weeks ago and it got me thinking about our dysfunction stepworlds.  Been meaning to post on it actually, just haven't gotten around to it.  I realized, how we would like it to be - we organize a great weekend and everyone participates and is happy - is not reality.  Reality is pouting, complaining.  And ruining your special place.

So - just go and enjoy.  Better to enjoy alone than be miserable together. 

CLove's picture

Ive had these fantasies of joyful excursions. Thats just not who they are. Cant make them any different.

caninelover's picture

As JRI reminds us, good mental health requires a commitment to reality. 

As a childless Stepmom, I know what you mean.  I would LOVE to do do fun things with SK's.  But, my SK is surly and an unpleasant, at best.  So...that's my reality:(






Harry's picture

Get crackers and cheese. Box of wine   Have a good time. At the hotel.  No SD Adukt weekend 

CLove's picture

no hotel needed! Lol, but love the idea of snacks and day camping in SUV.

AlmostGone834's picture

I would totally make it a overnight trip/whole weekend trip. Leave husband and pouty home, book a hotel on the beach, go to the festival, eat out, read a book, and relax. 

Elea's picture

That sounds so fun! I'd love to go to a black/green stone festival. You should take a SM and leave DH and PMP at home!

grannyd's picture

Hey, Elea, Noway and Clove!

You girls bring the snacks, I'll supply the wine. Maybe Aniki will join us and provide a giant bag of popcorn? 

caninelover's picture

I wanna go too!!! Pick me, pick me Smile

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I will bring Supernatural Brownies and serve up my own cocktail recipe: Aniki's Flying Five Fist Monkey Nut Punch. Garnished with tiny plastic cocktail monkeys, of course.