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One week to go

ICanMakeIt's picture

I just made the last payment for SS for CS.

He ages out this month. 

Still one SK to go but looking forward to a little financial relief. Its been a long time coming.

I'm not sure how we should celebrate this mini milestone, but I'm happy to entertain some ideas Smile


missgingersnap2021's picture

Why are you making the payment? I am assuming you just sent the money but DH paid it. I would take the amount you have been paying and use it all on a big splurge then goign foward just paut that amount into savings. Depending on how much it is you could go for a nce meal, a little get-away or self-pampering.

Oh and  I had thought up until this January that DH was done with CS AND alimony next month. I was doing the single degit countdown and getting so exciteduntil he told me he screwed up his math and only CS stops next month. Now I have to wait until NEXT November for him to be 100% free. When that happens I am planning on us taking a trip!

ICanMakeIt's picture

Yes just doing the task of making the payment as I was off today and doing bills. 
It's surreal to even think we are this close. 
im sorry your countdown had a hiccup  it enjoy the mini break before the big one! 


CLove's picture

What a nice thing to look forward to! I know that once alimony stopped that was a huge relief.

And We joke that once child support is over, Toxic Troll will be blocked completely, and we will have a party with that money Biggrin Or a vacay.

Husbands amount is really small - 347 monthly - but still, after its done thats $24,000 that will have been given over.

Plus all the extras.

ICanMakeIt's picture

I really think being done with HCBM is almost better than being done with forking over all the money all these years. Still have to wait for the blocking party with the remaining SK but I do dream of that day! 

Survivingstephell's picture

Take the difference and save for the big celebration at the end of CS.  That will really piss everyone off.  Depending on how much it is, doing something extraordinary.  

ICanMakeIt's picture

I think we will do something semi exciting but that money is going to have to start making up for retirement investing now! DH is not a spring chicken. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

This is precisely what DH's CS payments will become: retirement catch-up. It's fun to fantasize about a big trip or buying a new car/boat, or just blowing money on whatever you want that you couldn't before. Practicality, though, would be retirement.

Though if you do decide to do something big, make it flashy! Perhaps a giant diamond ring? Trip to Vegas? Expensive pair of shoes? If BM ever used the money for things for herself that never trickled down to the kids that she is going to lose now without CS, I'd be tempted to buy or do that thing and plaster it all over social media with a caption like "FINALLY get to do this thing after YEARS of watching others get to do it on my dime instead!"

It'd be petty, but sometimes you gotta live for petty lol.

hereiam's picture

DH and I thought we would celebrate big when CS ended, but when it finally did, we were just so glad it was over, we didn't end up doing anything special. Just knowing it was DONE was rewarding enough.

ICanMakeIt's picture

I'm kinda feeling a weird almost letdown like I thought I would be more exuberant but it's more a weird calm. 

hregal2011's picture

Congrats!! Luckily, BM submitted papers to stop the CSa year idea why but we were thankful.  We are just holding our breath to make sure she doesn't get pissy and reinstate it.  It was 700/mo for SD 16 since she was 5..(about 92,000...) it's sick, we even had 50/50 custody...

thinkthrice's picture

Tried stopping CS over a year ago for the last feral trying to get the extra stimulus money for him as she knew it was our turn to claim him for his last year (2021).

NYS did not agree it was an emancipation event (local CSEU gets federal kickbacks for collections).  YSS had not yet moved out so CS marches on until he turns 21 in 1/2024.  To give us the last middle finger, she claimed him anyway for 2021 despite agreeing not to in writing on the CO.

She since has moved to a much smaller house near her Aunt so who knows if YSS moved with her.  The clock is s l o w l y running out.

ndc's picture

I'd probably have a champagne toast to celebrate, and then start putting the CS money that would otherwise have been paid into an account to save for something nice the two of you want - a trip, an outing, a toy, something along those lines.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Six weeks after my DH's middle child turned eighteen, his youngest daughter moved in with us :(.

We hadn't seen her for six years, so we were completely unprepared.

We had barely any time to savor having a little more disposable income before YSD14 came back into our lives. Worse yet, unlike  the two older skids' BM, her mother was a deadbeat, so we had to pay for EVERYTHING. YSD brought her all her belongings in just two trash bags, and most of her clothes were more suited for clubbing than for a young teen. Between giving the guest room a teen friendly refresh and buying her a new wardrobe for school, we spent far more than we saved on cs.

That's the slings and arrows of step life for you.