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The Fender Bender

ICanMakeIt's picture

I'm realizing that more stuff bothers me than DH when it comes to the alienation and fall out of the SKs. 

SK recently had a fender bender. (We are long distance from SKs). DH talks to them multiple times a week via FaceTime and regular calls.

Sibling tells DH about it, NOT the driving SK. Sibling insists not to tell that they told.

DH talks to the driving SK and beats all around the bush giving lots of opportunity to bring it up. NOTHING. This is 2 days after it happened. We get to weekend when he typically has FT calls and STILL nothing. 

I'm completely annoyed by this and DH I think has resigned himself to "It is What It is". 

Anywho, not sure why I'm even posting, I guess to see if you all agree this should have been shared info. I understand there were no injuries but a couple thousand dollars each car SK is now responsible for. 

DH is the soft parent, so I doubt SK would be worried about getting an a$$ chewing from him. More than likely got that from BM already. 


justmakingthebest's picture

Part of me always wonders if it isn't about "getting away with it" for some kids. Like yeah, mom knows but I totally kept it from dad, he has no idea! 

tog redux's picture

Usually with alienation there is an alliance between kid and alienating parent to keep info from the other parent. BM probably frames it as "your father will use it to get me in trouble" or "your father will find a way to stop you from driving" or whatever.