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DH had skid#2 picked up for truency

no1smaid's picture

Long story made short DH and I both had to work today and left before the skids went to school. On my way to work I got into a minor fender bender. Someone lightly tapped my truck, no damage aside from my coffee getting spilled all over my clothes, thank god it wasn't scalding hot. After the deputy gets done writing up the paperwork I turn around and head home to change before heading to work. I walk in and there sits skid#2, the 15yo Watching TV. The kid almost had a heartattack when i walked in and tried giving excuses he wasnt feeling good etc etc. I called DH none of the kids had called to tell him skid#2 was ill, DH called the school, skid skipped Friday as well. So DH talked to the truency officer and had him come pick the skid up since he was in a full rage that he wasn't lying he really was sick and was refusing to get into my truck to leave. Kid has no fever, does not have a cold and is not throwing up, no symptoms aside from per him I dont feel good.

Anyone ever have a kid picked up for truency? Not sure how this is going to end up playing out. But I think exhausting him with chores isnt making enough of an impression, i am sure his bed is going back into the garage and he is back to a cot as of tonight- something tells me this kid needs some wall to wall counseling instead of psychiatric counseling.


LizzieA's picture

If he keeps up the truancy without parental involvement, the school can file child in need of services on him. That happened to SS. Opened the door to court appearances and legal nightmare that hasn't stopped as SS is dumb and keeps getting in trouble.

buttercookie's picture

Anyway you can get FIL on stepkid 2's butt? No advice on the truancy officer but I can say Kudos to you and their father for making them go to school.