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Why the difference?

Rags's picture

It is no secret that when out in public well behaved kids are a thing for me.  If they are not, it torques my jaw.  I want polite, moderate tones, and manners.  Last week I commented on the fantastically behaved young gentlemen that were at dinner with their young mom.

Tonight, I am having dinner at a competitor of that restaurant,  much smaller, family owned, a few other seated tables.  There is a little girl playing hide and seek with a teen boy.  Not loud but certainly not quiet.

Usually I might get extremely irritated by this.  For some reason, this isn't bothering me.   I think it is because it is a small family atmosphere rather than a more traditional restaurant.

Or, just maybe, I beginning to mellow a bit.

Nah!  Not likely.




WickedStepmother_'s picture

I'm not a huge fan of kids being loud or unruly in public either. I guess I always had more self control as a child. As a parenting I can get behind children playing respectful in public. I also know to remove them if they cannot be respectful. 

shamds's picture

I don't tolerate bad behaviour meltdowns and tantrums at home or at peoples homes. It just annoys me. 
my husband has an adult niece who's youngest daughter has full blown meltdowns. At my daughter's first birthday in our home, this 5 yr old was having a meltdown and wanted to carry my daughter while my husband was carrying our daughter. Hubby ignored her, next thing she smacked my daughter's leg really hard that my daughter cried.

her idiot mum didn't do anything till my husband told her off and even then did bugger all.

When my daughter was a newborn, that niece invited herself over unannounced and my idiot 17.5 yr old ss lets her in the home, nobody asked if i was upto it from lack of sleep, next thing she scratched my daughter's eyes while she was sleeping because it was funny to the point she had a scratch on her eyelid.

when my son was born she scratched my son's nose that it had a scratch. After that i put my foot down and told hubby if we were gonna do family events at hour home that she was not invited. Hubby says all hell would break loose if he singled her out so now its no parties in our home

what others let their kids get away with bad behaviour, i would have stopped a long time ago but thats just me