Am I a bad person because I wish my step children would just go away?
I have been married since Sept, 2007. I have two step girls 11 & 8 years old. They are good kids. They have their issues but nothing major. They listen to me and they try to follow the rules in this house even though they are not the same as their mom's house. So it sounds like I should have nothing to complain about. More back ground information. The BM is trying to be the girls friend and not their mom for one. She is very selfish and spends 90% of her time on herself and her personal life. When I met my husband I had a job but got laid off in March 2009 and am not working now. Last summer we had the girls all summer while the BM partied and went on all these trips. So I felt used by her for sure. She's doing all this stuff because I am watching the kids. Well this year I didn't want to do that again because I was having a baby for one and the other reason is I didn't want to get used again by her. Well it ended up still happening because if we didn't take them the BM would have put them in daycare all summer and my husband didn't want that. I told my husband it would be too hard on me with a new baby (4 months old now) but it still ended up happening. I will give my husband credit he did try to get his parents to take the girls to give me a break some of the time. I have to admit I would have loved to just spend the summer with my new baby. My husband and my relationship had been hard from the beginning. We have had a lot of stresses to deal with. But it's gotten worse since the baby came and because the stepkids have been here a lot over the summer. It doesn't help either that my hormones are all out of wack from having a baby and I've been dealing with post-pardum. He told me the girls are afraid of me and I told him if he feels that way then why does he have me watching his children? Also, the 11 year old told my husband's mother that her and the 8 year old think I am mean. Maybe to them I am and maybe they are picking up on my feelings that I wish they weren't here. I feel bad but I can't help the way I feel. I have never felt close to them and I don't have this motherly love for them. I respect everything my husband has to do with them because they are his children. I would never stop him from doing anything with them at all. The way I see it is I do things for him not for them. If he needs help with something for them I do it for him because he is my husband not for them. I have tried to help with the parenting but all it does is stress me out because I truly have no say because I'm not the parent. I feel like I should just step out from trying to help with the parenting and just let the mom and dad deal with it. But it's hard when the girls are in your house so much. Anyway, I am putting this out there because I don't know what to do anymore. There are all kinds of problems with this set up I'm in and any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I totally understand what you
I totally understand what you are talking about here. our situations are so similar. but it's getting better for me now. The first one year was really bad, I was so distressful. I tried very hard to be a good step mom,untill one day I broke off. I told my husband that I was watching his kidds just because I love him,I did it for him, not for them, and asked him not expect too much from me, I am his wife, I need his attention and tender love too, I wished he could take my place to think of things on my standpoint, if he could not do it, our marriage would be ruined.He did start to consider my feeling and I tried to reconcile myself too, we are tring to reach each other at the middle.
I feel for you and i
I feel for you and i understand, I am also one of the lucky ones that is used and abused by Hubby and the Skids mother. She changes weekends and makes plans and rings hubby and of course he just says "ok i will have the kids" but is it really him that has the kids no, its me. So like you, she goes out and does what ever and i am home looking after HER kids because my husband has to work or do something else of vital importance. I work full time too and have a baby so i resent having his kids when he just expects me to. I am also very angry and bitter and am a hazard to be around because i yell at my husband for letting the EX run our lives and he see's it as me just hating his kids so he gets his back up and we get into a massive fight every single time. I get madder because she gets government money and CS for the kids that she is "suppose to have" I fucking dont get a cent
So anyway, this past month she has changed weekends again and we have had them 2 days in the middle of the weeks as well, so i am the one that drives them to school makes lunches, dinner, washing, school uniforms etc etc... not my asshole husband. This weekend i am going on strike, i dont care how the house ends up looking. I admit i am going to struggle through the mess but i am determined to do it. Maybe then they may actually notice how much gets done by the fairy that just magically cleans up.
I figure if my husband has to do it himself then maybe he might think twice before just agreeing to have them and saying yes all the time
Jeeeez. You need to go on
Jeeeez. You need to go on strike forever, not just the weekends. This is ridiculous. He will soon change his tune. You will be met by a lot of anger but at the end of the day. Your kids, your responsibility 100% Help out when it suits you, otherwise start batting everything back Ito his court. As you said, he agrees to have them without even consulting you and it's you that has them.
I'd love to hear more about this after you go on strike full time.
I have a lazy step son who pretends he wants to get a job. Granted he has just finished education full time, mum makes excuses for him and laps his up, but I've told my partner that I will be on strike at some point as I take care of most of the household and kids at the moment. If he is just going to laze on the bed then I ain't gonna do anything.
I know when she has to clean the place and do all the stuff I do she will get pissed off and stressed at me at first but I will redirect her to two step kids that do bugger all. I've stopped doing the dishwasher, the bin and I leave dirty dishes they leave in the sink for her to deal with when she comes back from a long day. Literally had most of the kitchen piled up on the side by the dishwasher the other day.
it sounds childish, but I can't seem to get her to get her kids to have a set rota as to who does what and when. The only thing that will work is if they cause her stress and she takes charge of them and stops them taking the piss.
I have a 7 month old bby boy
I have a 7 month old bby boy and soon I am going to have to deal with a 7 year old that's not mine. I'm not in your situation right now so I dnt have any advice as to what to do but I can however tell you how much I admire that you're at least trying. My mindset WAS that I wsnt going to try at all, it's his kid, NOT mine. But after talking to some family members I realized I have to at LEAST try... try because I love my husband (like you're trying). It's natural to feel the way you're feeling. My step-son isn't living with us yet and i'm already wishing him gone. You're not a horrible person for thinking that. The important thing is to not take your emotions out on the girls. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, talk to your husband in private... or blog about it
It shld help. Think about it this way, the most you can do it give it your all. If that dsnt work, well, at least you can say you tried and go frm there....
The important thing to
The important thing to remember in your situation is to be fair with your SDs. I was in your place 20 years ago. My SD was 5 when I became pregnant with our son, and we had her on alternate weekends, one evening each week, and holidays. I too was overwhelmed with a new baby (one with medical problems) and going back to work when he was 3 months old. It is not an easy road. Your husband and family have to realize that love does not come automatically with stepchildren. Try to involve them as much as you can in family life when they are with you. Get them to help out with little things with the baby.
I can remember an incident that happened with me and my SD weeks after the baby was born and I realized I had been strict with her due to a misunderstanding. I pulled her aside and apologized to her and told her that I was feeling a little overwhelmed with the new baby.
Share your concerns with your husband, and allow yourself some time on your own to recoup. Your husband has to realize that they are his children and his responsibility too.
You are not a bad person, hon. You are simply a new, overwhelmed mom and step-mom. It will get better, but you need support from your husband in order for that to happen.
I am and have been somewhat
I am and have been somewhat in the same scenario. My now DH and my relationship has had MANY ups and downs for the first 4 yrs of our now 7 yr relationship. Many of them dealing with my SS's BM that would drive us crazy. SS's BM was all about herself. She would go out and party and do whatever she wanted. She would let my SS10 and his 12yr old 1/2 stay with the other dad. She was all about her. She did not want my DH to be in my SS's life ever since they broke up 9 yrs ago. She made sure of that by lieing on the court stand and crying and you know, being "mother of the year".
My husband kept on fighting for him all these years so during 2009 he was finally able to see him. One day she actually up and left the boys with her brother in the middle of a school week and went to FL with her BF. She "decided" to let my DH spend time with him so basically he could watch him while she was on her vaca. He did it b/c he wanted to see him, but it was like, go find someone else to be your sitter since you don't really care about SS seeing his dad anyway, obviously.
Long story short, my step son lives with us now and I see his mother in him and all the things she has put us through just flashes back and I have the same the same reaction as you "he's not my kid". It sound horrible when we think these kinds of thoughts, but I've learned that it's more common then we think. Just listen to everyone on this site.
You should've been able to spend this summer with your baby to get to bond a bit. Even if you did something like maybe every other week with the skids since your DH really wanted them to not sit in daycare. At least that would've still been better than not being able to have some time alone with your baby. This will also have you resent them a bit b/c you missed out on something that you could've had. Hopefully not though.
I told my DH before, during an argument, that my SS is not my kid. It kind of hurt his feelings, but this is also something that has been inside of me and eating at me. Maybe bad timing, but there was no other right time to say it so and it just came out. Sparents sit and have these feelings bottled up b/c we love our DH/DW and don't wanna hurt them. I am still in the spot. I have been through so much with my DH, before we were married, that I refuse to deal with anymore crap. I know marriage is not easy and there will be some things that come up, but not this kind of aggravation. So right now I am kind of in stand off mode with some things regarding my SS. I don't know if I give off a vibe, it's quite possible, but I can't help it. I don't wanna deal with cleaning up his BM's bad parenting b/c I think I have put up with enough, but the only other option is divorce so what do you do now?
Felt exactly the same. I just
Felt exactly the same. I just got in with it but once I was admitted it to myself that I wish I didn't have step kids and wish it was just me, partner and my kids, it was an emotional weight of my shoulders. Holding onto those guilty feelings when it is natural to feel like that is bad. In the last 6 months I have been open with my friends about how I feel and what I've gone through in the last 10 years.
Thanks for the comments. It
Thanks for the comments. It is so huge to know that I am not alone out there. My husband does not like it when I say "your" kids. He gets really upset and he gets defensive. But they are not my kids and he wants me to act like we are this big happy family. It doesn't help when we are not getting along either because it doesn't make me want to help him with them at all. So this summer I didn't get to spend it with my new baby, I was the one watching them during the day while my husband and his ex were at work, and I can't help but feel used. Why am I the one doing most of it during the summer when they are NOT MY KIDS? I don't have a problem with them so much when my husband is there and not working on those days. I think it's a lot to ask of me. Plus they are afraid of me and think I'm mean. So really what is the point? It doesn't sound like it is good for the step kids or me. There are members of my husbands family, if they knew how I truly felt, would say well you signed up for this and you knew what you were in for. What do you say to that when you find out you really can't handle it? Especially when it's all summer. During the school year it's every other weekend and I do a lot better with that because my husband is there. I have tried getting involved with their lives and play a more parental role but it doesn't work for me. It just stresses me out because they are going to listen to their parents in the end and I really don't have any say anyway. How do I get my husband to understand that they are not my kids, their never going to be my kids, I'm not going to have that love for them that he does, and that he should be happy and greatful for whatever I can do to help? And not complain about all the things I can't do. Any help is again appreciated.
Your question: How do I get
Your question:
How do I get my husband to understand that they are not my kids, their never going to be my kids, I'm not going to have that love for them that he does, and that he should be happy and greatful for whatever I can do to help?
That is the question of the year! hehe. I need the same thing answered. It's like everyone expects you to do so much and all your thinking is, this is not my job. I don't mind helping out, but this is something btwn you two. You made the kid/s together and not everything should be put on the DW just b/c your there. It's like you figure it out.
I married you, but I don't have this to deal with all this stuff you have me dealing with. It's not what we signed up for. We signed up for better or worse, but not craziness and hatred and then at the end just deal with it and get no respect. I will do a lot of things for my DH, but give up my sanity is not one of them.
When you have your own baby you bond with them and become so attached. You raise them to be good kids, well at least try. You teach them things so they can do good in life, teach them manners and not to be rude. Then you have kids that come in to where you see the total opposite and it's like, if that was my kid, they wouldn't be like that.
I cannot agree more to what
I cannot agree more to what you said.
I love him but I would do everything for him but to give up on my sanity is not one of them. Either way. I always feel bad, feel bad as in I cant love him as a whole and love him about his past and carry his baggage, a 5 years old kid and on going finanical settlement.
I feel like being understanding and letting him to go see his son whenever he needs is the most that I can do.
I do not like to argue with him about his past and argue with childcare issues as this is not my matter. He got to sort it out himself and I can only support the best that I can
I feel like that today. Just
I feel like that today. Just wish it would all go away!
I'm just going to answer the actual original post question.
No, you're not. Personally for me, I think not admitting I don't want them here for the last 10+ years has caused me a lot of guilt and anxiety. Now I've realise that I was just doing my duty because I have my own kids, but ideally I just wanted it to be my own kids.
Mine are now adults and I don't have to have a huge amount to do with them and I am waiting for them to leave. I'm not sure what I can say to you if yours are quite young. I suppose, cut your losses or just try and get on with it for as long as you can. It's much harde when they are young.
Don't try to parent, pass all the crap and all the discipline on to your partner, it's his job not yours. You don't even have to cook or babysit if you don't want to, set boundaries. His/her kids are not your problem. Help out when you feel like it, but you are not obligated at all. They will pull the whole 'You knew I had kids thing.' on you, that's fair enough but you are not their mother. His responsibility.
Set boundaries, but then he said I'm selfish
I have my own rules at home so I expect strict enforcement. I expect both of them to respect it.
I've started setting boundaries but then I feel guilty and anxious like what if he's going to leave me. But I know I have to be myself so I just have to stick with it.
Thank you, you've been so helpful. You might see my post here every so often. Please bear with me.
10 years later this is also still a relevant issue
Isnt it interesting that this issue is STILL relevant? I wish that there were more books and more general public knowledge.
Its a bit discouraging that this is STILL an issue 10 years later...but hopefully things will change for us, for the better.
This is exactly how I feel
I have two SD's age 7 and 10 plus 4 year old twins of my own with my husband. We get the older girls every summer and for every school break they have which basically means every holiday. My husband also works nights so I end up taking care of all the kids and disciplining them everyday. It is a lot and I am at my breaking point. The BioMom is awful and wants to be her kids friend not their mother so while the girls are not terrible they are not used any real rules or structure. I try to bond with the girls, take them shopping and buy them clothes for the summer, and hang out, but I just do not love them they way I love my children and by late summer I cannot wait for them to go back to their moms house until Christmas. I feel bad for my husband because he doesn't get to see them for months at a time but honestly I prefer when they are gone. I can't talk to my husband because he misses them so much and if I tell him this he just says, "oh you hate my kids". I don't hate them, they just are not my responsibility but I am the one taking care of them all summer long. I feel guilty about my feeling towards them and sometimes catch myself being a little too harsh and try to correct. I feel like a terrible person everyday for not loving my step kids and wanting them to not be here.
This post resonates with me
Such a common issue. The bio parents simply cant relate. It's like everyone thinks there own kids are flawless. But they somehow expect us to magically feel that way about their kids that had with the ex? As does society. It's crazy really. Like I get how my husband feels about wanting spend time with his kid, because I want to spend time with my baby on wknds. It gives me pleasure. But spending time with skids doesn't fulfil me. It does the opposite, it exhausts me. What's funny is when another kid comes over that isn't related, like a friends kid for example. And almost everytime DH comments afterwards about how exhausting so and so's kids is and how he couldn't wait for them all to leave because he'd rather just have his own. In those moments I feel like saying "yeah imagine how I feel allllllllll the time" actually I have had that conversation a few times. Met with a very blank stare followed by the rants "you hate my kids"
Also, why they think they get to make decisions with BM that involve us infuriates me. We never get a look in but yet expected to just be available. What are we? The hired help? I've lately been putting my foot down. It's not nice because it end in arguments about kids and I come off looking like the bad guy everytime. But like you OP I was done with being used and not even so much as asked. Stop assuming we're pumped to have your kids. The blokes live in an unrealistic dream work where we love their kids like they do and they have managed to rebuild a family life for their kids. I worry sometimes that's all they are focussed on. Building a family unit that's all for their kids and not because they like us as adult partners.