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BM texted me to show her "appreciation" and I wasn't nice

sadlonelyone's picture

To recap: we got a 2 week notice for summer visitation with no return date for SD14. There was a mishap with the ticket DH so we paid $960 on Father's Day to get SD here. The day after SD gets here, BM says she needs her back by July 4th, less than 2 weeks. They have "plans." We could've bought a return ticket or she could've said something before SD was already here.

Anyway, today the amusement park is 2 for 1 so I'm taking SD as we're on limited time and DH doesn't like going. I also took her and my sister to a scary movie on Friday.

BM just texted and said "SD is so excited to go to the amusement park with you. Thanks so much for all you do."

I replied "Have to cram everything in less than 2 weeks.. Unfortunate that we can't be grown ups and properly communicate visitation plans."

I am not getting a response back, I know it. But she's not my friend and I don't want her "thanks" for always making us an after thought. Fuck her. I know I should've not responded but I hate her. She also wants to get SD a job at a fun place back home for 4 weeks instead of seeing her dad 600 miles away. 


sadlonelyone's picture

Maybe SD only wanted to stay 2 weeks but this should've been communicated 3 weeks ago so we could've bought a round trip ticket.

SeeYouNever's picture

I hate when people are saccharinly sweet after screwing you over. I don't expect you'll hear a response from her. 

It's possible SD only wanted to stay for 2 weeks. It sounds a lot like something my SD would do. She would then play the "I didn't want to hurt your feelings" card to my DH. This always works for him because he thinks she's being so sweet. But then she turns around and does something really rude that directly hurts his feelings so I know she was just too much of a wimp to tell him.

sadlonelyone's picture

More than likely but I still let it under my skin. BM, however sleeps like a baby. Ironically, I'm sure she thinks we're the crazies.

Stepdrama2020's picture

Dang, make it hard on you and then syrupy sweet thanks for all you do. 

The circle of life with toxic manipulators. Aint it fun.

sadlonelyone's picture

No! It's been 10 years and literally nothing has changed. If it weren't for BM, I wouldn't believe such shitty people exist.

Harry's picture

SD goes home on the day of the plane ticket.  No changing plans, no standing on your head. No going along with a crazy BM