Trying my best
I'm new to this but I feel as though I need another form of venting. I have a SD that is 3 yrs old. She works every nerve in my body. I try to be patient but I am annoyed easily by kids that don't listen. I barely deal with the BM. Since my BF & I have started dating she has tried to tarnish our relationship. We've been together 3 yrs now & have our own daughter who will be 2 this Christmas Eve. I'm concerned about the child's upbringing. She does not know her alphabet, struggles with identifying colors, has a hard time counting, cannot tell you how old she is, behind on identifying body parts & has not learned how to trace her name. When she comes over, I take the time to work on these things but it's NO HELP if no one is working with her at home. My SD's mother's focus primarily revolves around men. She tends to be hypersexual & promiscuous. My SD also refuses to eat any fruits or vegetables which are important for her development. From my understanding, she only eats noodles & nuggets. I'm concerned because she is falling behind & will be 4 in October. Her behavior is an issue. When she is left alone with me, she is defiant & placed in timeout for 3 mins when she does something inappropriate. I'm trying to be patient but I have a feeling her mother may tell her to act differently around me. I would love to have a bond with her bc I feel bad for her but it is hard. Especially when she acts so much like her mother.
- Annoyed87's blog
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Where on God's green earth is
Where on God's green earth is Dad in all this, and why isn't he doing these things for his own daughter?!
If you would like, you can
If you would like, you can try making smoothies with fruit/vegetables depending on the combo I add a little sugar. That's how I can get my daughter to eat vegetables sometimes. You can try a fruit/cucumber/ little vegetable like spinach or something.
I understand what you are saying about reinforcing learning- if you want to continue trying I think every little bit helps. My 3 year-old can't tell you how old she is or trace her name well, but can do the other things you listed and some other things.
My 3 y/o is currently getting on my nerves, but with the pandemic, working from home, and no one else to watch her I'm thinking this is normal. I know that she has a lot of energy and just isn't able to use it all. On the days we can go outside to the beach, park, backyard, whereever she is 'better/more behaved/exhausted'. Yesterday, as we were driving out of the neighborhood she waved at some kids playing on the sidewalk.
It's kind of you to care, but
It's kind of you to care, but really you are not responsible for how SD turns out. Nothing you do will make much difference. You're trying too hard, and you care more than the parents do.
You are doing too much
She has a BF and BM. It's there jobs to teach her. Not yours. Let them handle her. You have your own child to worry about.
You should never do more then the birth parents. That includes babysitting there child. Your future SD does not want to be a happy family with you.
I agree with prior posters
I agree with prior posters that your expectations of a 3 year old may be a little high. My SD6 couldn't do a lot of what you described at 3-1/2. She still successfully finished kindergarten this week and is doing fine. When she started 4K, many of her classmates didn't know the alphabet, couldn't count very high and didn't write their names well (or at all). They learn so much in preschool. It's nice if you have a parent who reads to you and works with you on letters, numbers, colors, etc., but kids succeed even if they don't have that. With an October birthday, this child is more than a full year away from 4K. She'll be fine even if your DH and BM don't teach her much of anything.
I also wouldn't assume that BM is telling her to be different or defiant with you. 3 year olds can be a PITA.My skid delayed her terrible twos until she was three! She also would have been happy to eat nothing but chicken nuggets, spaghetti and pizza. Where's her dad in all this? Can you let him handle her?
Ahhh...The "Saviour Stepmom"
Ahhh...The "Saviour Stepmom" I know, because I was that Stepmom too. I went out of my way to make up for all of Skids BM's shortcomings. Planned amazing weekends, helped with school projects, purchased all summer reading materials, took them clothes shopping for everything they needed because the mother never spent a cent of the CS on them. It was all for nothing. I haven't seen or heard from SD in almost 7 years. Save all that love and attention for your own baby. It's not your problem. And I know that sounds harsh as all hell, but believe me, that kid will turn on you and side with Mom the first chance it gets. Save yourself the heartache.
Same as above posts. Toddlers
Same as above posts. Toddlers are notorious for a reason. Occasionally one will be more easy natured. If your baby is easier count your blessings and enjoy. It's luck of the draw most of the time. A consistent environment may give your child a bit of boost over SD also. But I wouldn't worry about it or compare them. At that young age kids abilities can vary greatly. I know some 5 year olds who can read very well and others who have to work hard to write their name. Both have excellent parents who love them to pieces. They will likely both be fine. Also at 3/4 it's usually not yet apparent if they have a learning or development problem. Developmental milestones become more consistent and pronounced as kids get older. I'd be more concerned down the road.