New to this...never dealt with such a coddled child before
My bfs 6 yr old son is such a challenge for me. I want so much to like him. He is so utterly and pathetically coddled. It's not his fault!!! His mom did it to him and continues to do it at her house. I've worked patiently with him and his 10yr old sister, building a relationship with them. Overall it's going well. Esp with his sister, who at first wouldn't even look at me, and now gives me big hugs.
I was raised by a narcissist mother who was merciless. We were on our own, and we had to be STRONG and do for ourselves or be crushed. As a result I am very autonomous and independent. (To a fault sometimes!). I prize strength and resilience, being empowered and brave. I've taught my daughters to be independent as well. They are 5 and 7. They help me around the house when asked, bath themselves, pick out their clothes and get dressed, mostly pick up after themselves, even help fold their laundry with me. They are proud of their abilities and independence. They are also fearless and bold like me, and I love it!!!
my bf son though...his mom was still wiping his ass for him when he was SIX. She held his penis for him to pee until he was 4.5. At her house, he sleeps in her bed with her holding hands. When we first met he wouldn't sleep in his own bed. Got us up 4-5 times a night screaming bloody murder. For months and months. He couldn't put his shoes on or get dressed. Wouldn't go in the bathroom without his dad going with him. Won't go in the other room to get something unless someone goes with him. He's scared of everything and can't do anything. Cries buckets if you dare suggest he try. "I CAAAANT!!!!" He screams like his legs are being chopped off if the tiniest thing happens. Like his chicken nuggets tipping over on his lap.... I jerked the car over to the side of the road and leaped out frantically cuz I thought he was hemmoraging to death. "What!?!?? My god what is it?!?? What happened!!?!?!?!" He screams wildly "MY NUGGETS!!!!!!!! MYYYYYY NUGGETTTTTS!!!!!!" I'm staring incredulously at my bf like "holy sh*t honey, WTF is wrong with your son?!??"
He manipulates my BF. He's such a sweet, loving, dear dear man. He's so patient. I'm trying so hard. And he IS getting better. We've been working on it. But it's still so hard for me. It's like nails on a chalkboard. I just don't like him....I feel so guilty!!!!!!! I feel aweful!!!! I have been a little snippy with my bf and want him to be more strict. Then I feel guilty about that. I don't want to add to his stress...I want to be a supportive partner and teammate. I know it's gonna take time. It feels like Anything we do and make headway with his son, gets undone when he spends the following week with his mom.
Is there any advice anyone can give me about coddled kids? I struggle to empathize with that kind of behavior, and I'm an empath!!! It's such a turn off. On the outside I'm being firm and calm and constructive, but on the inside I'm screaming "Jesus Christ stop being such a f*cking PUSSY!!!!!!!!" And sometimes I have to walk away for a minute or just let my bf handle it and keep my mouth shut.
I know I can't change his son, I can only change myself and my feelings around his behavior. I want to find a healthy way to look at him. I want to see HIM...not his behavior. He's a good kid. I'm just struggling finding a way to connect with him. I'd love any advice or perspective or Encouragement!! Thank you!!
- Happydance1120's blog
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Is your boyfriend coddling
Is your boyfriend coddling his son, too? And how often does BF have the children?
It doesn't seem likely that this kid would be completely incompetent and unable to do anything for himself just because his mother coddles him unless he is very rarely with his father or dad coddles him too. If mom wipes his butt, but dad teaches him to wipe his own and then makes him do it, he's going to be capable of wiping his butt. Same with putting on his shoes and getting dressed. Even if mom sleeps with him and holds his hand, unless your BF was also allowing the child to sleep with him, he would have been sleeping in his own bed at BF's house. This doesn't sound like it's all on BM. Someone (presumably your boyfriend, since it sounds like BM isn't going to do it) needs to show him how to do things, consistently make him do them, and give him positive reinforcement when he does. Kids want to feel accomplished.
Coddled kids don't make a good transition into adulthood. They don't have good self esteem, because they never accomplish anything for themselves. A kid who can't wipe his own butt or tie his shoelaces in elementary school is going to be made fun of. Parents who are too overprotective ruin their kids. Does your boyfriend not understand this? Is he doing what he can to get his son to be more independent? Or did that only start when you entered the picture?
There are a gazillion articles out there about the negative outcomes of coddling/overprotecting kids. Any competent therapist or early childhood educator will tell you there needs to be a balance between protecting a child and letting him develop independence. If your boyfriend doesn't understand that, maybe have him read about it or talk to someone. Even if the kid regresses when he goes to BM's house, your boyfriend needs to immediately "reprogram" the kid when he returns. YOU can't do it - you'd just be seen as the big meanie girlfriend - but your boyfriend really needs to. I don't blame you for having trouble liking this kid - he doesn't sound very likeable. His dad needs to fix it. I know this isn't what you asked, but I would have trouble respecting a guy who wasn't making a lot of effort to "fix" a kid who is afraid of everything and can't do anything on his own. If nothing else works he should be trying to get the kid therapy if he's able to do so.
As for you, don't feel guilty, don't feel awful. You can't help your feelings, and it sounds like you're screaming on the inside but treating the child kindly on the outside. You're right that you can't change the child. But if you can't live with it, you need to push your boyfriend to change him or your relationship will have problems. A lot of folks on here advise disengagement, but I think a kid like this would drive me nuts even if I tried to disengage. It also doesn't sound like that's what you want.
Now that his divorce is final
Now that his divorce is final, (only last October) my BF has the kids 50/50, week to week custody. The divorce was ugly and took almost a year and a half. During that time, from the time he moved out, he only got the kids on weekends.
Yes, he was coddling them before I entered the picture. His ex was lying to the kids and talking horribly about him with her mother in front of the kids daily. He worried because of her influence that she would turn the kids against him. She doesnt parent. She tries to be their friend and be popular. So he's forced to be the "bad guy" and give them all the boundaries and do all the parenting. He also had divorce guilt...what the kids were going through was so hard on them...he didn't want to make it harder by being "tough" the couple precious days he had them.
When I entered the picture, I started gently pointing out things. I also just let my own kids be an example once we got to a place of meeting each other's kids. He saw how they acted. Saw how I didn't make 3 separate dinners for everyone. How they just go to the bathroom for themselves. Get themselves a drink of water. (I should mention I wait on my kids for plenty of requests myself!!! I enjoy getting them things and loving on them, but if I just finally sat down and they ask for water, I'll say, "I JUST sat down your legs aren't painted on, you can get it. Get me some too!") The difference is that his son would continue to bitch and moan and ask and ask and ask 100x and then resort to whining and crying until you get up and do it. He said once "the water tastes better when you get it" which is actually kinda brilliant and funny...I had to try not to laugh out loud at that one.
We have made progress
We have made progress together. 6yr old now pee by himself, is trying to wipe his own butt, can put his shoes on (My 5 yr old was there and when he asked me to put his shoes on and I said "you can do it" and he said NO he couldn't, I said to my daughter, "would you put his shoes on for him please? And she did!! Well, He didn't like that one bit and after that he wanted to learn!!!! Haha) He's finally doing better sleeping in his own bed at dads. It took me finally sleeping in the guest room one night for my BF to finally take the cot out of his bedroom.
Things are definetly improving. I just notice myself venting more openly to my BF (now that we've been together 15mo I guess my filter is slipping) and I needed to get some support and advice and venting outside of just him.
Might he have an undiagnosed
Might he have an undiagnosed developmental problem. Like you I brought my own kids up to be independent, I do not remember ever having to dress or get them ready. My two young skids were also extremely independent.
I would try setting the same expectations as you have for your own children. He dresses and organises himself, if it is not perfect will it matter? The only way I would offer other support would be if he actually has some sort of developmental problem.
Possible disability
This sounds quite a lot like my dd12 who has a number of disabilities/health issues. Such as autism, global development delay, learning difficulties and mobility problems. She will make a mountain from a mole hill. Eg if there is a fly near her she will scream like it's going to kill her. Screaming she can't do something. She also has some oppositional defiance disorder which means when she is told to do something (brush teeth etc) she will scream and rock and flap. But even with her issues she is still as independent as she can be. She gets dressed by herself uses the bathroom by herself can put her own shoes and coat on. She does struggle with buttons and they take a while but we have adapted to clothing without buttons apart from her school shirt. Is there anyway you could bring up a "friend" who's child behaves like this who has additional needs and would it be beneficial to get the child some professional help. If nothing else it could spur dad into realising he's hindering his child not helping him grow. Saying you are worried about it seems like it would be taken a lot better than you are annoyed by it. If he does have some medical issues it might also help you feel a little closer to him due to his not being able to help this behaviour. Good luck.
Thank you, I will keep this
Thank you, I will keep this in mind. I'm not sure that he has a disability. Based on how I've seen him manipulate others, I can tell he is very VERY intelligent. Actually, this kid plays Minecraft, and I've never seen or heard of a 6 yr old do the things he does and build the stuff he does. It's mind blowing. That kid is super smart.
I think it may be more that he sees the coddling as LOVE. His BM doesn't pay any attention to him except thru coddling behaviors. She doesn't play with him or do things with him that he enjoys. She just babies him. So I get the feeling that he's afraid that if he starts becoming able to do regular stuff for himself, he will "lose his moms love"...lose the attention she gives him with coddling.
Interesting that you say he
Interesting that you say he equates the coddling with love. I'm home with my skids a lot, because DH is at work and I'm a SAHM. Sometimes when I tell one of the SDs (5 and 8 ) to do something for herself, or I correct them, or make them do schoolwork, I'll get the big, exaggerated sigh, or I'll be told I'm mean. I usually tell them, "You might not believe me, but I'm doing this because I love you and I want you to be successful and grow up to be a kind, helpful, competent person. If I didn't love you so much I'd let you run around like a hellion because I wouldn't care." They'd still prefer to be waited on and do only what they want, but I know they get it.
BM Is crippling this kid and
BM Is crippling this kid and your BF is helping. He may be a dear man, but he's not a great father. I'm guessing that if you weren't there pushing for change, he'd be coddling the boy much as BM does.
This isn't going to get better, he's learning that he's incapable of doing even the basic age-appropriate tasks. BM is both infantilizing him and using him as a surrogate spouse, both of which have grave consequences for his psychological well-being. Your BF can probably only help so much since the pull of enmeshment with BM is strong, but he needs to try.
He's one of the most amazing
He's one of the most amazing fathers and men I've ever met. The situation with BM is bad and the divorce is very recent. It will take time for everyone to adjust. My BF admitted that he had blind spots with his son...he didn't see how he was being manipulated by him until I started pointing it out. He was a doormat and abused in his marriage by the BM. So he is on a journey of healing and becoming empowered himself. I have watched him become more firm and set boundaries and stick to them with the kids. He still has a ways to go but he's making great improvements.
i need help being patient. This stuff doesn't happen overnight.
I also think when the 6yr old starts going to school (he's been homeschooled the whole time Covid has been going on) it will help tremendously. He's gonna see how other kids his age behave and teachers aren't gonna coddle him like BM.
Oh NO!
there's that adjective again...."amazing."
Once skid figures out that daddyyyyyeeee has become more of a parent since having been with you, sadly YOU will become the enemy of, first the skid (obviously the BM) and when skid withdraws aka doesn't want to spend time with dad anymore because he doesn't like Happydance and dad's rules, then it is quite possible that amazing dad will turn on you. Be veeerrrryyy careful.
He's not an amazing father or
He's not an amazing father or even a good one. Good fathers are good parents from the moment their child is born, not after a divorce because their new GF is pushing them to be a better father. Not saying he can't learn, but you are giving him far too much credit, given that he wasn't parenting well at all until you insisted.
When someone calls their partner "amazing" it's always a clear indication that they have some serious love blinders on.
And no, school won't make a difference. Watch how fast BM has him in special ed and rescues him from any consequences.
First, I know, you know that
First, I know, you know that it is not really the kid's fault he is this way... between the way his parents have parented.. and potentially some natural emotional status.. his personality and behaviors are not ideal..and seem stunted from a typical 6 yo. So, while it's frustrating, I'm sure, the child isn't really behaving this way to intentiionally hurt you.. or for your's just how he has been brought up.
But, at 6, there definitely is room for growth and change. As he experiences more "outside the home" authority.. like at school with teachers and peers.. some of these behaviors may moderate as he naturally finds they aren't as effective or accepted by the rest of the world.
And.. it seems you think your BF is open to improving.. but you do want to be careful that you aren't pushing for the whole ball of wax at once. And.. you can't get into a dynamic where you are constantly picking at the kid's behavior.. or your BF may start to resent you.
So... perhaps try to come up with a short list of one or two things that you can't accept. And approach those things in the vein of being helpful for the kid's development.
I got my DH to buy in on working on his kid's politeness over meals because I pointed out that they might not be popular guests and they might be embarassed when they find out most people don't shovel food in with a spoon and throw fits if they are given a new food.
Trying to focus on the behavior or action.. vs associating it as a negative personality trait.. or that it is the kid you are hating on.
Again.. there are ways that dad can help his son.. and if needed.. perhaps even have him evaluated for adhd or autism etc.. if there is a concern that there are things driving these behaviors behind the scenes..
Thank you so much, you are
Thank you so much, you are right on about everything.
what you said about focusing on the behaviors rather than seeing them as a negative personality trait is what I needed to hear. I want to like HIM, see HIM and separate who he is as a person from the negative behaviors he displays. I feel like I'm missing out on his good stuff cuz of how much the bad stuff effects and sours me toward him.
Two extra thoughts?
So I wonder if part of the guilt you feel when you want the kid to toughen up is the sense that maybe you or your mother. I also want to say I totally agree with you! Kids should be able to wipe their own butts at that age! And not lose their cool over nuggets! But also you gave us the context of how you were raised, which points out not only how you've become aggressively independent (and me too), but also that it was traumatic. And I guess I want to say, because I feel this way sometimes, you aren't crazy and I think you're seeing this correctly. You aren't being your mom. You aren't being overly tough. Of course you wanna like your partners child. But it also sounds like things are quite off with the kiddo. I also have a very naturally attached kiddo but work really Hard to foster more independence (because my mama didn't raise any pansies). So in case any of that fear of repeating childhood patterns is part of this, I just wanna say that based on what you're saying here, your response is perfectly normal.
and the second thought it's just based on so many of us here were with partners who created very dependent children, consider always keeping your finances separate. A kid who can't hold his own penis to pee at four might not be a kid who leaves the house at 18. So consider that for yourself, but also for how much additional support it sounds like he may need. I know you said BF, so likely they are already are separate, but just keep that in mind in the future.
Def accurate
You're right, my trauma with my mom plays into this. That's why I mentioned it. I have personal, deep rooted triggers when I see weakness and helplessness and laziness in others. It's a gut response, like repulsion. I don't ever want to be like my mom, and have had lots of therapy, so I know how to recognize the feeling and respond in a constructive, loving, teaching way rather than blindly react. This kids behaviors are deeply entrenched so I am triggered often everytime we are together. It's draining. It's difficult. I'm starting to resent his son and not look forward to spending time with him as a result. And that makes me sad. I want to like him.
Turn and run
Your situation is so similar to mine except I am married and have no bio kids. My ss is 7.5 and sadly has really put me off ever having my own kids.
my husband and I are very compatible financially and in terms of what we want in life. But his parenting absolutely sickens me.
I was also raised to be independent and contribute to the household from an early age. My ss behaviour really triggers me. Ss would not know what a chore is!! My ss also does not wipe his own behind (he has to when he's alone with me because I REFUSE!!), needs help bathing, won't eat properly so my husband has to cook separate meals (of processed crap), can't sleep in his own bed unless my husband is with him and will wake up constantly throughout the night. He's now on a mattress in our bedroom so husband can get sleep which is making me FURIOUS. My ss is coddled so badly it makes me sick. I've raised the issue with my husband but it has just caused fights between us.
my ss also literally spends his entire day (when not at school) in front of our big screen tv. He has been glued to the iPad since long before I met him. If there is no screen in front of him he cannot entertain himself and will drive you crazy. And he just constantly wants junk food and will never touch a vegetable. I like to go for walks and every now and then he will come but he will complain the whole time about being tired and wanting to go back. It really saddens me that a 7.5 year old could be so unfit and unhealthy.
im also triggered by weak people so your post really hits home. I guess my point in this response is to tell you to turn and run. The misery never goes away. These men don't change. The kids won't change. Your bio kids could end up being affected by this child's behaviour. Living like this is constant stress and anxiety!! Go and build a happy life for yourself and your kids without this nonsense. I'm telling you from experience...!!!
wish I could run away but sadly it's too difficult now!!