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I left him

crystaloo's picture

Hi everyone. I am new here and have been reading these forums recently. I feel I have a lot in common with many of you although my story ends differently. I left him. My boyfriend (now ex) and I were together for nearly two years. He has two children from his previous marriage who were nice to me at first but towards the last year of our relationship they were not very nice to me most of the time and could be verbally abusive toward sme and others. They were very entitled, spoiled and verbally abusive towards me. He did nothing about this and with me not being their parent I could not do anything about it. I was always very nice to his kids and treated them well so I do not believe I deserved to be treated this way. I left him. I have no regrets. If it wasn't for his kids behavior it probably would've worked. That and his mounting credit card debt were enough for me to bail. I love him very much and always will but that was not the life for me. HIs kids won. Take care everyone.

relationshipguru's picture

Congratulations!!! Your life is about to get so much better. You can have a life with someone who does not come with two entitled spoiled brats and an abysmal credit rating. I am proud of you. Please know you did nothing wrong and even though you love him in time your feelings will fade and you will meet someone so much better who does not have that kind of baggage. Take time to take care of yourself now so you do not go back to him.

newtostep26's picture

Good for you. You made the absolute right decision. You did not deserve to be treated that way whatsoever.  Oh was he mad that you didn't kowtow to his rude little spoiled brats? Too bad for him that you refused ot be a doormat and ATM to those losers. We really need to get over this child centered society. No one deserves to be walked all over and disrespected by anyone, including kids. This child centered thinking is creating monsters and divorces by the thousands. Don't even get me started about his credit card debt. Not your debt, not your problem. Do not let it become your problem. What you did is nothing short of brave, amazing, and absolutely the right choice. Your life will become sooooooo much better. Congrats!

tog redux's picture

Good for you. Sounds like YOU won. His refusal to be a financial grown-up and to parent his kids would have eventually destroyed your love for him.  

Missingme's picture

You're going to beat yourself up and second guess your excellent decision.  That you came to this forum tells me that and so glad you did so that we all could support you.  His kids really didn't win, you did. You get your mental health back and another chance at love without all the sick drama from them AND him.  You are worth so much more than all of that.  The wound is still open and it hurts, but it will heal--you will be okay.  Believe that.  (((Hugs))) 

Mrssteplife's picture

Take some time for you. Better to get out sooner than later.

usedtobeamajor's picture

You definitely made the right decision. Your love for him would've faded eventually because of the awful way his kids were allowed to treat you. He will regret losing you. Let him go and find a doormat. I'm betting whomever he finds will have a suitcase full of issues in order to accept such a life of disrespect, using and abusing. You deserve a better life than that. Set higher standards for yourself next time, you deserve it.

Rags's picture

"I love him very much and always will......"



What is there to love about a POS failed father, failed man, and failed partner?  Answer... NOTHING!

Purge the idiotic feelings of love for this POS and move on. That is your best path.

Living well is the best revenge and the best thing anyone can do for themselves as they move on from a failed relationship to a failed partner.  The fee fees are a choice.  Why burden yourself with feelings of love for this failed partner?  Make a different choice. Make a better choice... for you.  Choose you.  You have already ended it. Now purge it from your life.

IMHO of course.

nappisan's picture

your love would just turn to bitterness and anger and then your self esteem would have gone down hill.  YOU won and did the right thing!  I felt the same when i split with my partner,, his kid won and fianlly got rid of me,,, nope .... I won and am free.    take one day at a time and dont let him reel you back in.  A few weeks down the track yoiu will be thinking you should have done it sooner 

Rags's picture


This is such a powerful message.  So many people think that they are losing when they move on from a toxic partner with a shallow and polluted gene pool of failed family progeny.

If there ever is a win, this is it!

Congratulations again.

Enjoy your life while your X wallows in the collective stench of his shallow and polluted gene pool.

Dance 4


