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Coping with the idea of not have a BS or BD

NewSD2020's picture

I am really happy I found this website as I am a new SD to 3 wonderful SDs (5, 9, 13). I recently married the SDs mother and have embraced the SDs as if they are my own. With that being said, I am really struggling with the idea of not having a child of my own. DW indicated that it was something that we could definitely consider, but now seems very opposed to the idea. 

For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of being a dad. Taking a son to play catch like I use to with my dad, or even raising a baby girl. Either way, the idea of seeing a child of my own DNA and being a part of those early years are something that I desperately desire. Part of my issue comes from not being a part of the girls lives during the first few years of their life. And I have to share my youngest SDs time with her absolutely worthless BD (note: I still support that she loves her BD and do not try to alienate her in anyway for this. I can't say the same for him though).

Ultimately, I guess I am just venting. I am feeling a very acute sense of loss following the a recent conversation about having a child where it was pretty much decided that we would not. She knows that I am really upset and has been as comforting as possible. I respect that she doesn't was to have a 4th child and I can't honestly argue that we should have one based off of our financial situation at this time. We are in our very early 30's and I imagine that we only have a  few more years before a decision will ultimately be made for us based off the natural biological factors.

Any words of encouragement would be really appreciated as I try to process this information.

Thank you!


Aniki-Moderator's picture

When did your wife become opposed to the idea? Was it after you were married? 

There are women AND men who agree they want more children with their partner.... until they get the ring on that partner's finger. Then the baby agreement fades away.

My apologies for being blunt, but it sounds like your wife may have been looking for a substitute father for her children (you call the bio dad absolutely worthless). 

If you really want a biological child, you need to consider if this deal-breaker. Would you have married her, knowing she didn't want more children when you DO?

You have some thinking to do.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I left my first marriage in part because my XH made the decision that he didn't want kids. What he did was unfair to me knowing I wanted kids. What your wife is doing is unfair to you knowing that you want kids.

So, I don't have words of encouragement except encourage you to really look at your marriage and figure out if your want for your own kids trumps your want to be with your wife, and if it doesn't now, will you build up resentment towards her as time goes on?

As a dude, you have A LOT of years left with good sperm. You can also look at banking your sperm for a relatively small fee. If you really want kids of your own, you have time and options.

ntm's picture

This is the ultimate bait and switch. "Wonderful" people don't do that to you. It's Unconscionable. It's grounds for an annulment if you haven't been married long. Do not give up something that means so much to you. Find someone who wants to be with you fully and create a family with you. This is her family - not yours. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Your DW may only have a few years left to decide, but you have a good 15-20 years. I can't imagine sacrificing having my own in exchange for 3 skids with a worthless BD (you say you have to share the youngest, are there 2 BDs?)

In any case, you are not trapped. You can still change your mind. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture


CLove's picture

Bait and switch is apparently very common in steplife.

I feel that was completely unfair of your wife to suddenly change her mind, after marrying you, KNOWING you wanted a child of your own.

Time to really consider if this is the person for you.

If the BD is worthless and there are 3 children involved, chances are that she was looking for a good dad for her children and told you what you wanted to hear with the intention of "oh well, he will understand. He will fall so in love with my wonderful kids, that he will accept them as his own and wont want any of his own."

I myself have had a few people tell me "how fortunate you do not have children of your own, so you can give your time and resources to HIS kiddo."

BS on that!

tog redux's picture

Yeah, that's crappy. She said what she had to say to get you to sign on the dotted line, then reversed. While I can certainly see why she might not want a 4th kid, she should have said while you were dating.

shamds's picture

due to their age and no kids would want kids (a normal progression of marriage), claims i’m defini Open to it... there is no “definitely open to it”. Either you are or aren’t!!

my husband had been divorced 5.5 yrs when i met him and skids were 18, 15 and 8 at the time and the 2 sd’s aged 18 & 8 hd ceased contact with daddy about just over a year prior and only re-initiated contact over 5.5 yrs later.

hubby knew me being a 28 yr old would want kids and he was ok with that. He wanted them with me too. He knew it wasn’t fair to do the bait and switch thing because its selfish. One of his bosses wants this as a stipulation for marrying and my husband is 100% against that saying people like this have no business destroying someones life by lying to them or leading them on.... essentially he wants the sex, no kids despite the woman wanting some...

whether you think you can talk this through but don’t fall for ok we can try and meanwhile she is on birth control and trying to sabotage a pregnancy. You need to be blunt and tell her you married me under false pretenses and i’m not ok with that and tell her you will be seeking an anulment. 

She can claim she will sue you for alimony and blah blah blah but its steam. She lef you on and a judge will see that.

don’t waste your time with fake people..

AshMar654's picture

I am 34 and pregnant with my first. Before DH and I got married we talked about kids and how I would possibly want to try. He said he would think about it and consider. After we got engaged and I spent more time around SS11 (now DS) I decided I wanted to try for my first Bio. I told DH I would not marry him if he could not agree. He said possibly before we got engaged and bought a house together both our names on it and then decided that he did not want another child. I flat our said well than I will leave.

It was back and forth discussion with us alot, eventually he gave me what I wanted. We are both in our early 30's as well. We will have one in his senior year of high school and one starting school in a few years big age gap. I understood my DH perspective about having to start over and do it all agian but I explained to him that I really wanted to do it fromt he beginning. I want to know what it is like to hear moma for the first time and only ever be known as that. I wanted to know what the kind of bond felt like. Do not get me wrong I love my DS very very much. We have a pretty great relationship, minus he is total pre-teen right now. I cherish the bond we have as it is something different we both have had to earn that love we have given one another.

Talk to your wife and explain to her your reasons for wanting another child at least one that is biologically yours. In all honesty if she does not change her mind and still says no I see some major resentment in your future. It sucks to be told one thing and trust it and be taken from you. I really thought that is what my DH was doing to me at one point. We talked and figured it all out. Honestly he is really excited about having another boy now.

NewSD2020's picture

It is refreshing to have someone respond with something more than cynicism. I really think that if I turned the pressure up, she would be willing to do it. I just fear the resentment on her side that will come if she feels pressured into another child. We have a very loving and respectful relationship, so I am sure that we will have several more honest conversations about the topic.

The way you described "doing it from the beginning" really struck a chord with how I feel. It is all of the little things (good, bad, and other) that I haven't had the opportunity to experience that really fuel my desire. The first steps, the first words, watching the child's face as he/she discovers the most basic things in life. I want to experience it all. I pray that I  will get that opportunity. Either way, I made a commitment to my DW and her 3 daughters that I will always be there for them. I just pray that she will remember the excitement (which she seems to pretty frequently) as opposed to the difficulties of pregnancy and raising a newborn child.

Thanks again for sharing your story with me. I am really happy that things worked out for you Smile

NewSD2020's picture

I was married once before where the conversation of having kids really was a complete 180 from how we had discussed things during our dating life. Her unwillingness to communicate and my unwillingness to stand my ground ultimately led to us getting divorced. 

If this is anyone's "fault", it is my own, as she expressed reservations while we were dating. So it wasn't just a YES then NO situation. For those that asked, I would be baby-daddy #3 (1st one is completely out of the picture but 2nd one is still around)

It is just a struggle as there really isn't a middle ground that can be reached when it comes to an issue like this. The kids are finally in a place where she can start to have some time to herself again and she is afraid of giving that up along with the toll that it takes on her body (which as a man, I really understand that I cannot comprehend what the whole process feels like and know that it isn't my place to judge). I am just really struggling with the thought of never having one of my own. It really is my own fault. I am just venting :/

I really do appreciate everyone who to the time to respond though! I am sure that I will get through this process and maybe she will have a change of heart (not foolishly, just hoping with an understanding that she may never decide otherwise).

CLove's picture

Well, I am sorry that we are cynical - we just see a lot of posts over the years. 

But thanks for clarifications that there was no bait and switch!

Vent away, thats what we are here for...

NewSD2020's picture

No need to be sorry! I welcome all thoughts on the matter while I try to deal with my emotions. If I saw my post coming from anyone else, I probably would have responded in a similar manner. I am just grateful that people took the time to respond at all regardless of how they viewed the situation :).

tog redux's picture

And honestly, you chose to be with her despite knowing she wasn't fully on board with it, so it's partly on you.  I'm not sure anyone was being cynical considering how you worded your original post - it sounded like she told you what you wanted to hear to get you on board. What's different now? How did she go from "open to the idea" to "very opposed"?

NewSD2020's picture

Just fyi - I wasn't trying to be confrontational, I just thought it was a little funny how everyone responded. No worries though, I am sure  my post came across in way that completely warranted the responses I received. The responses have been helpful in that they are making me reevaluate whether or not I am viewing our relationship through rose colored glasses (or whatever that expression is lol).

I hope that the way I view the situation doesn't change to where I see her as someone who intentionally misled me. But for the time being, I don't really think that's case.

Honestly, I am not completely sure how she went from open to the idea to being opposed to it. We had our disagreements through the dating part of our relationship where she would go from being open minded to making a hardline stance against another child. And don't get me wrong, I take a large amount of the responsibility for being in the situation to begin with.

I am sure this will be something we struggle with for years. I guess I just need to figure out how to get over my heart ache. Thanks again though for your responses. I hope my use of the word cynical didn't give off an impression that I wasn't appreciative.