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I swear to God, i think sd was trying to poison me

Someoneelse's picture

Let's start off with me saying, sd is not very smart.

I was having a head ache and DH asked id i would like some ibuprofen. I said, "sure thank you" I guess DH asked sd to bring me some, because she brings in the ibuprofen gel cap... i pop it in my mouth and before i swallow i notice my mouth is on fire. I spit it out and realize that the gel cap punctured and it's leaking.... i go and tell DH what happened (not mentioning sd, just that it was punctured, so i go throw it away and get my own ibuprofen. None of the others are punctured, no liquid inside the bottle from the other one being punctured previously... 

Now i don't think I'd die from taking a popped pill.... but does sd? Probably. But dang my mouth burned for  a long time afterwards... i wonder how my stomach and esophagus would have felt if i swallowed it like that. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Yikes! You need to keep a sharp eye on SD and your possessions. Could that burning have been hot sauce? Do you keep any Tabasco, Tapatio, etc in your home?

Years ago, I think there was a Dr. Phil episode where the SD had emptied her SM's shampoo bottle and refilled it with Nair (hair remover). Steplife can get crazy, so please be careful.

Someoneelse's picture

No it was definitely not hot sauce, i would have smelled it, or seen it on my hands (i noticed my hands were sticky/slimy as well after i spit it back out)  but i didn't SEE anything on my hand... i think it wad the medicinee on the inside of the capsule.  It didn't have a smell or really a taste... just a burning sensation in my entire mouth... I'm not sure how to describe it very well.  

ITB2012's picture

Try it again just to see if that was it. I'd wanna know if she had something else on hand. 

Someoneelse's picture

As much as i hesitated because i didn't want that sensation again, i put a minuscule drop on my tongue... it was exactly the same.

nappisan's picture

how old is she???   does she know that you spat it out because it was punctured etc?  i would test this ,, casually mention you have a headache around SD again and say "oh i think i need some ibuprofen , could you please get me some" or something similar and see if it happens again.    Ive heard terrible stories of SK's doing things to step parents for no reason just to hurt them.  my ex-SS vandelised my belongings but im sure as hell he would try to poison me if he got the chance !!

Someoneelse's picture

She's 15, and yes she knows i spat it out, she acted oblivious as to how it got a hole in it. I was so freaked out about it that i didn't even think to check her hands to see if there was liquid from the pill until after the fact. I never could imagine she'd try to poison me.... she's destroyed my belongings, both of mty daughter's belongings... she's really just an awful kid whoop thinks she's alive everyone in the house. 

Rmf89's picture

I would be cautious around your step-daughter and husband. Dont be afraid to pack your stuff if you feel like your life is in danger. Too many people stay in situations trying to fight for a deadly cause.

Someoneelse's picture

Thank you.  Right now, the fact that i live my husband dearly, and right now i couldn't possibly afford it, i can't move out. 

SeeYouNever's picture

Chances are when you discover one thing like this there are other things she's tampered with. Be very cautious of your shampoo/conditioner/shower supplies. I'd go ahead and get a new toothbrush and keep it in your room from now on. 

I would keep and eye out and try switching something with her if you suspect she's messed with it, just to see her reaction.

Someoneelse's picture

Good idea! I actually have all my hygene items in my room already because she has messed with my (as well as my daughter's) belongings before. 

Rags's picture

Call the polic and put this little chemist in juvi where she will learn what really bad people are capable of doing to her any time they choose.

Do not tolerate he crap and do not let her idiot father mitigate the criminal consequences of her actions. He created this monster.  He should not get off without having hsi nose rubbed in the stench of his failed parenting.

Your repsonsibility should be to insure that she experiences the full consequences of her criminal crap for every second of her miserable life.

Call the police... NOW!  Make her life an escalating level of living hell resulting in being a snivvling crack head living in a gutter.

I would.

15 is long past old enough to know right from wrong and to suffer the fullest consequences of her attempt at poisoning you.


still learning's picture

I wouldn't take a drink or any medications from skids, nope!  I will get it myself.  Just like being in a bar, never lose sight of your drink. Sad that you have to think that way but better to be safe. Maybe skid squeezed or bit the capsule or it could have been faulty. Either way, too many hands handling the meds.  

Justaboutgone's picture

I would turn my back on her but I don't think she tried to poison you just by puncturing the gel cap. If she put something in it yes. But you said it tasted the same when you tried it later. You do realize that the gel cap dissolves over time and that the liquid part is in your stomach. Slight over reaction imo