Anyone have issues arranging bedrooms for their Skids?
My spouse and I moved into a nice house when we met so we had room for the skids. Boys had a room and the girls had a room. I have one child and my spouse has three.
Our lease is up on the house and we need to move closer to town after realizing the lack of childcare for my son in our current area. We get a small two bedroom because the corona hit and unemployment isn't considered income.... so we had to take what we would get.
Of course the girls are mad..... I throw my hands up because I have tried to create them a nice room using my things and my son's things and neither of them cared. I even gave them my son's twin bed after getting him a bunk bed because their dad never bought them beds.....
the girls would pull their clothes down from the closet shelf and hangers and never put them back up because they didn't listen to me and DH didn't make them. So eventually I left their clothes lying on the floor everywhere clean or not. Left the popsicle sticks and trash. Done.
I don't care that we are forced into the two bedroom though it will not be so great the four days out of the month they are with us. Their DH doesn't buy them furniture for our home... just the clothes and those don't even stay with us. He doesn't make them pick up after themselves. I know it is wrong but he wasn't willing to spend more money to get a private landlord who didn't care about unemployment being the source of income so...
anyway... just venting but I am wondering if anyone else has a spouse that doesn't provide much but expect their children to be able to share and have everything in the house?... I've tried to set boundaries that when my son isn't home you guys aren't to play with his toys but that never goes over well.
This is all going to be very interesting but I just have to worry about me and mine at this point.
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And you stay with this man
And you stay with this man because...?
Seriously. I can't be upset at the girls who went from having their "own" space and stuff to having to share space AND their own father didn't bother to buy them the necessities they need to live there.
There can't be anything appealing about this man that outweighs him being a neglectful father to his children when they're in his own home.
I know I am debating that as
I know I am debating that as we speak. I suggested having totes of their own things so when they came over they could have their own things to get into as opposed to my sons... or my own things. Because the oldest even though she is told not to go into the junk drawer goes in for whatever she thinks she needs like me sissies. I wouldn't care if she actually told me and put them back. DH doesn't see it this way he thinks he provides to the fullest for them. Super eye roll....
Point blank ask him:
Point blank ask him:
"How are you fully providing for them when you didn't purchase their bed and you can't provide them with their own bedroom?"
I have and he doesn't seem to
I have and he doesn't seem to see things from my point of view and thinks he does provide because he buys them clothes and pays for them to do things. He wanted a theee bedroom but COVID messed a lot of things up so we had to take what we could get basically... it's a mess.
My DH did not have a lot of
My DH did not have a lot of money when we got together but he could sure as hell provide for his own daughter and did not expect me to. He also disciplined and didn't put up with any crap from his own daughter. He was her parent, after all.
If I'm reading this right..
If I'm reading this right.. you have 4 kids having to live in one room at the same time now? 2 br place.. adults in one br and kids all in the other?
I would be upset if I were the girls to "lose" their privacy.. and also for the boys being "invaded" by the girls.
I mean, financially I guess kids will never understand those kinds of limitation.. but I think I would do a lot less trying to fix this with his girls and a lot more sending them his way to get an explanation why they have the current situation.
So how old are all of these
So how old are all of these kids and why doesn't your DuH actually parent them? Does he have some kind of disability?
He wants to spend as much
He wants to spend as much time as with them in the short period of time he has.... that is what he tells me then we argue about how taking the opportunity to teach them is important!! Idk maybe he does at this point I don't dare take the opportunity anymore. SK10 literally broke down and cried to DH one time because she felt like things were too hard at our place. Eye roll..... simple cleaning up after themselves was all I asked for.