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Creepy Bioparents Committing Emotional Incest

Lillywy00's picture

....aka mini-spouse syndrome

So yesterday, I notice the mini-spouse wearing dudes apple watch AND demanding the password

Then, today, I walk into 'my' bedroom and I see this clingy dude and his equally clingy mini-spouse sitting on the bed hugged up arm in arm. 

What a bunch of creeps!!!

Anyways here are some examples of how maladjusted bioparents use their kids as emotional support lap dogs:

  • Inappropriate levels of physical affection (ex. walking hand in hand while actual spouse walks behind)
  • Shrine to mini-spouse (ex. mini-spouse artifacts/pictures of mini-spouse sprawled all over the house)
  • Mini-spouse's whims take prescendence 99% of the time over actual spouse or anyone who contributes more than m.s.
  • Mini-spouse can be seen wearing clothes, accessories, etc of their parent (remember when your actual spouse/college so/high school bf/gf wore your accessories/clothes?)
  • Mini-spouse is jealous of actual spouse and goes to great lengths to prevent 'being replaced/getting 'divorced'
  • Treat mini-spouse like an adult, telling them information that is not appropriate of being shared with child 
  • And more....

If you try to call this inappropriate behavior out you are met with gaslighting, defensiveness, excuses (they're just a kid/it's just a phase), coddling (I don't want them to 'suffer' so I do this for them), then attacks ('your jealous of/hate my kid')


Lillywy00's picture

I also noticed this dude's daughter bragging on Facetime to her manipulative c*nt mother, how she was wearing this dude's sweaters, shirts, and any other parts of his wardrobe.  

Needless to say I was highly creeped out seeing the mini-spouse wearing an obese middle aged man's garments and boasting about it like it's an accomplishment to fit tripple XXXL male clothes as an 11 year old female. 

Are these people really that hard up financially they can't afford some age/gender appropriate inexpensive clothing for their kid?!?

Quite sure their puppetmaster, oops I mean 'mother' was lapping it up, knowing her manipulation tactics of making sure her daughter is the head of the household at the house I help pay bills in. 


JRI's picture

Well, at least she isn't stealing, I mean "borrowing", your clothes, hair products, makeup, jewelry, etc.  Cuz, you know, we deserve anything stepmom has.  Regardless of whether stepmom works to pay for her own things cuz we are just as good as SM and DESERVE it.

shamds's picture

Of my husband whilst he pushed our kids stroller and i was expected to walk behind after restaurant lunch etc so i'd always tell hubby to wait a second so i could put the kids nappy bags or baby wipe in stroller basket and then walk next to my husband. Oh the miniwives didn't have balls after that and promptly walked behind us. It was some passive aggressive shit they did. 

next they always ranted on about biomum and stepdad making them relevant to any conversation we had no matter how unrelated it was.

eldest sd(then 23) followed by younger sd (then 13)believed after 2 visits that they got to be mummies to my kids who were 1 & 2.5 and would feed them. My son was anaphylactic to eggs and severely allergic to cats. Sd's had 3 cats and their clothing was always caked in cat hair and every outing with them resulted in my son being incredibly irritated all over his body for the next week. On our 2nd visit sd's decided to undress my daughter to put her in a dress they bought despite spending barely 30mins interacting with her

family engagements and weddings sd's would sit away from family just to not have a conversation, but when it was eating time they were glued to hubby. My toddlers had more independence.

after 3 visits and outings with them, i'd had enough and refused to attend any meets. Hubby claimed it was family time to which I replied we were never treated as family and he continually allowed them to disrespect me and shun me. 

i saw through their fakeness and schemes and after disengaging barely a year later eldest sd who was about 24-25 then called hubby fake crying and shaming/guilting him for marrying me and having 2 kids with me because it was replacing them. 

lets ignore the fact biomum had an affair whilst they were married with her ex high school sweetheart and married in secret whilst kids were in school and didn't even know biomum had been dating. Lets ignore the fact they married days after divorce was finalised a d divorce certificate recieved. Lets ignore the facts sd's cut off contact with their dad for 5.5 yrs over lies their mum made that they knew were lies.

Lets ignore the fact my husband tried multiple times to arrange outings and when i was overseas with our 2 kids studying, they cancelled last minute a planned trip hubby was planning to see his dad in another state 3 days before said trip and told their brother and at this point hubby was upset because he would have flown to see us instead that weekend. 

that year was so stressful and i told hubby the warning signs were there but he just refused to see them. One year when he flew in he messed up so bad. I refused to say good bye to him going to the airport and when he asked me to book a taxi i told him he was capable of doing it himself. We'd be at a shop and as i'm paying he'd put 2 handbags on counter for his daughters for me to pay just so he could sucker up to these ungrateful miniwives and claim i bought them. I shut that down real quick. 

my husband knew how bad he had stuffed up that he flew back the next month to spend time with us and make up for it. We are in a much better place now. I have not seen or had any contact with sd's since late 2018. So its been over 4.5 yrs now. Hubby will have maybe 1-2 meets with them when we aren't around but he manages that relationship away from us. 

i've made it clear we aren't family especially when your daughters guilted you for marrying me and despise our existence yet biomums affair and affair stepdad, its all fine. Nope i don't wanna torture myself with their presence 

justmakingthebest's picture

Have you ever told your SD to get out of your room? I don't even allow my own kids in my room. 

Just say "I am the only woman allowed in my bed- ya'll want to be creepy do it in her room!" 

Make it just as awkward for them as they are making it for you.

Lillywy00's picture

They got up and left when I walked in. 

But this dude admitted she would be in here when I leave out of town. 

Whatever. I'm leaving tampons and vibrators out so good luck with the inappropriate levels of allowing mini spouses full reins over a house they contribute no bills/nothing to. 

shamds's picture

Set appropriate boundaries, it causes a whole lot of issues.

it was hard setting them in place but i didn't budge. I made it very clear to hubby nothing about this situation made me wanna be intimate with him and it was such a de-motivator of sex. He realised then he'd be under more stress so started gradually making changes but i had every pathetic excuse why the basics could not be expected or done, I refused to tolerate them

Lillywy00's picture

Oh and let me add:

  • Minispouse gives you advice because theyre fully aware of their role 

I saw dude lounging with his eyes closed but his foot was moving so I said "are you awake?" Even though I knew he was awake because his foot was moving

minispouse was sitting next to him like "oh whenever he shakes his foot like that, he's actually sleeping"