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How is everyone holding up with coronavirus where you are??

shamds's picture

Australia just released their 3 step plan on reducing restrictions with stage 3 done by mid july. No international flights this year will be allowed not even by christmas, only students can fly back home but no Australians will be allowed to leave the country which means there will still be hardly any international flights operating.

it really hit me last night that my husband working in essential services is overseas since as of 2 months ago and it’ll be a year at least or more before we can physically see one another. Me finishing my university studies, stuck with 2 young kids aged 3 & 4.5 alone for a year. I snapped at my husband last night and said we aren’t in any way sharing the parenting responsibility as parents and this whole situation sucks and it just makes me hate him at times even though coronavirus isn’t his fault. 

I miscarried a few months ago and today (i would have been 24.5 weeks preggers) i just thought about how it would have been this end of august when bubs was due, me alone in hospital giving birth, with 2 young kids and just my elderly dad to help out then but i would have been stuck with 3 kids under the age of 5 (including a newborn) for at least 7 months before me and my husband could see one another and it just hit me, maybe this fate of me miscarrying was just truly meant to be because i would have been in a worser place than i am now...

so many emotions running. So i wanna hear from other steppers here how you’re all holding up and what you’re going through.


DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

You are going through an exceptionally difficult time  I sincerely hope things get better for you. 

I haven’t been a step mom since December last year as I got divorced. So It’s just my kids and I. Various ages. Lockdown is providing a challenge in terms of bored young children (I go out in the garden with them when they are about to go batty).

I think I may have had Covid 19 about 5 weeks ago but there aren’t any antibody tests available where we are. 

I had a cough, mouth ulcers, very severe headache (one which caused me to nearly lose my balance on a few occasions) and conjunctivitis (which is becoming a more recognised symptom now).  The children had a cough with a high fever. 

So who knows? Maybe I can find out in a few weeks. 

Take care x

Oh, and I have now lost count of how many times I have had watch ‘Frozen’ for my one and a half year old to ‘try’ and sing along to it!

shamds's picture

we had a cartoon movie playlist.

my cousin overseas in europe said they only test those admitted to hospital so those with flu type symptoms asa precaution self-isolate. 

Weirdly i had a few weeks back some sort of conjunctivitis a few days, earache, mouth ulcers too and homesching my daughter whilst exams and assessments are picking up is just so overwhelming. Last weekend and this weekend i had 5 & 6 assessments to do including online exams so its definitely been full on

Kes's picture

With your circumstances you are certainly having a very difficult pandemic - more so than a lot of us I'd say. I'm so sorry about your miscarriage.  I gather though that Aus is not particularly badly hit by COVID19 so perhaps a semblance of normality will return there soon.  Not so in very badly hit UK where I live - we have the worst death rate of anywhere outside the USA.   I know it's not in the same league but before the lockdown we were about to exchange contracts for selling our house and buying another. There were 6 lots of people in our chain.  The 1st time buyers at the bottom now want a massive reduction in the price they are willing to pay (due to house prices predicted to fall)  and now the whole process looks set to collapse.  I wouldn't mind so much only this is the 2nd time in 6 months that a house purchase has fallen through for us.  I suppose that one good thing is that at least we are not locked down with any SKIDs like a lot of people on the site here are. 

shamds's picture

month before news of the outbreak in wuhan came out. Australia in comparison isn’t badly hit like USA or Europe but our prime minister has banned all international flights because 3/4 of the cases were brought in by foreigners or those who had recently travelled overseas, hence the severe ban and they will allow family into the country like spouses but issue is airlines will not be operating normally and then we havr the issue where the govt is quarrantining all incoming passengers regardless if they have a home here or not, they will be forcibly quarrantined for 14 days in a hotel. My husband isn’t even gonna waste a ticket and 14 days in a hotel using up unnecessary annual leave so it is frustrating 

Aunt Agatha's picture

I am so very sorry for your miscarriage and your being separated from your DH during the pandemic.  

Can you find 5 minutes a day to just close your eyes and breathe?  I know the all you've got on your plate that might seem like one more thing. But I'm worried with all that's going on you are losing that basic connection to yourself.

Hang in there!

shamds's picture

Its like you just know things are bad and you can vent all you want but nothing about the situation and issues change apart from you got to release some stress.. so all i do is just cry sometimes... things are overwhelming and i’m trying to hang in there as much as i can but there are just times where all i want to say that day to hubby is this situation is shit

There are reports no international flights till maybe mid or late next year is the more likely thing and our prime minister won’t entertain allowing international flights as normal till a vaccine is available which currently stands at 1.5 yrs and our prime minister wants to ensure everything is under control so we are very well could be looking at end of next year and the prospect of not being able to physically be with my husband for what could be 1 year and 9 months or over 1.5 yrs is crap. I just feel like hubby is the sole income earner but the atm dad because he isn’t involved in any parenting, any nurturing whatsoever. He just sends some money every month for me to look after the kids...

being p*ssed off currently is an understatement 

Chelseybychelsey's picture

The stepkids have been with us since bm is a nurse.  Bm is staying in a hotel that freed up rooms to nurses. I bring her food a few times a week, and we face time.