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“Skids (sd24, ss21.5 & sd14) resent that me and my kids with hubby exist

shamds's picture

because of percieved double standards”

thats what hubby told me when i told him I don’t think i can fly next month back to his country because of my university studies, one of my subjects is full on and 2 assessments every week, we have no cell reception at our home there and as we live more in the country, i also told hubby I wasn’t interested staying in a home that his grown arse son can continue to be disrespectful in and shun us and just make home environment so hostile.

i told hubby i felt there were some double standards in his parenting and discipline between his kids and ours (basically anything goes with his kids) while our kids we have basic expectations and manners etc. i told hubby he claims he’s told off his kids and fought with them over it and they’re stubborn so he can’t do anything more and i told hubby but you have no right trying to torture or force me to live with your son when he behaves this way to all of us. Hubby says he has a mental issue.

then hubby says his kids don’t need to tell him but he knows from how they talk to him that they feel there is a double standard of how hubby treats us and them.

so i look after and take care of hubby and our 2 kids together and be a wife to him, his kids shun him, ignore and disrespect him, hubby is their permanent ATM. Hubby is treated like shit by them while me and my kids are the opposite. So my skids now feel hubby loves me and my kids with him more because of the fact we are loving, caring and pleasant while they are the exact opposite.

explain to me how that is my problem?? So you wanna behave like shitheads and arseholes and then chuck a hissy fit that daddy isn’t pining or doting on you or showing the same level of affection as he does to our 2 kids aged almost 3 & 4?? 

I told hubby his 2 adults need to be building a life and future for themselves not expect daddy make them the sole centre of his universe. His teenager should be wanting to grow into adulthood with her friends also, you cannot expect a parent to treat an adult child the exact same way as he does with toddlers or really young kids. The kind of love you show is different, its still love you just show it differently.

then hubby says ss21.5 hates us (me and my kids) because of all the issues ss has behaved towards us and made excuse after excuse why he should be allowed to be hostile and disrespectful towards us.

so yeah me and my almost 3 yrs old and 4 year old are resented by skids because hubby loves me more than he did they’re mum (she’s a psychotic narcissistic, pas alienator and personality disordered and abusive their whole marriage), hubby is more intimate and affectionate with me, hubby is hands on with our kids giving cuddles and somehow his adult and teenage kids expect hubby should cuddle them like you would a toddler?? But my kids always want cuddles from hubby and to spend time with him like going to the beach, grocery shopping and parks etc.

as usual stepmum here being made into a scapegoat for how dare hubby re-marry and have more kids. Instead of skids seeing how happy their dad is with me and that our kids together make him happy, they’re resentful because daddy isn’t tied down in a abusive depressing marriage with their mum and an abusive household with them. Yeah that makes absolute sense right??

i told hubby firmly I don’t ever want to go on another holiday or stay in the same house with his kids and I don’t want him to ever ask me again. So much shit has happened and life is so much better without their drama.

just to top things off hubby tells me all of yesterday it really hit him how lonely he feels when i am overseas those few weeks or months in between us flying back and forth and ss21.5 was  in his room all day sleeping or playing computer games, didn’t acknowledge his dad or even speak to him that hubby lost his shit with his kid how he thinks it’s acceptable to behave this way and why i do not want to be at home with them both it really hit hubby how i have felt the 5+ years we have been married together. Ss’s response to daddy telling him off would  be a mmmmm and a shrug of his shoulders and just stare at dad like he’s so dumbfounded.

this is just so effed up...


Livingoutloud's picture

I think you should spend less time thinking about skids for your own sanity. You live on a different continent and don't see or talk to skids. What they resent or not resent is not important. I have one insane adult SD and one good one, adult as well. I don't even spend much time thinking about my nice SD and i have good relationship with her, but I sure never think of a crazy one. Don't worry about what SS says or does. Not like you have to see him every day. Take focus off them. You have two kids to raise and educate and you mentioned one needs help to get caught up to be ready for school. So spend time doing that.

How DH raised his kids is irrelevant. He isn't even raising the ones he has with you as he doesn't live with you most of the time. So do what's important for your kids and don't worry about other stuff. You can't change your skids and your DH, they are who they are 

Disneyfan's picture

It would be interesting to know how your husband interacted with his older kids when they were children.  If he was hands off/distant, then I can understand why they are jealous that he's involved and cuddle with the younger kids.  Other than the money your husband constantly tosses at his kids, you never post about what he did to cultivate meaningful relationships with them.

SMs have posted about being bothered that their husbands treated BM one way but is the complete opposite with them.  I think it's normal for bio kids to experience the same feelings and frustrations.


shamds's picture

3 kids despite being the sole income earner. Exwife did no housework, just went shopping and refused to change her kids diapers. She’d rather they be in soiled ones and wait for hubby to come home and change them. 

Hubby was hands on and there are countless pics and videos of him with eldest 3 kids doing activities and holidays together all smiles and hugging one another..

my inlaws say after the divorce that skids were showing clear symptoms of pas courtesy of bio mum and started becoming reserved and its even worser now, they put on a fake show like its all good but you still have a barrier up like you are no longer family. My inlaws often said the youngest sd cried heeps like she was so traumatized at the thought of going back to her mum but they had split custody with hubby getting weekends of the daughters and hubby had sole custody of stepson as bio mum told the courts she didn’t want him.

hubby knew he couldn’t take her to court about it because she would abuse the kids and brainwash them to lie. Hubby didn’t want them traumatized even more

Survivingstephell's picture

Its funny how people think that a person remains the same no matter who they are married to.  People act different when they are married to another person.  Skids might be jealous because second wife brings out a better side in dear old dad than BM did.  There's a reason they got divorced.  Time for dad to explain that difference.  

shamds's picture

(Narcissistic, pas, bpd and abusive) but claimed it was hubbys fault for divorcing her, apparently a neglectful wife and mother who is abusive is someone he should tolerate with. They never had a stable home environment and hubby put up with it for so many years.

sd’s act over the moon they have a stepdad and that bio mum has moved on and found happiness over a decade ago but hubby god forbid cannot do the same. They guilt him for it..

skids know dad had no choice and it was unhealthy and unfair for him to suck it up and stay married to exwife for the sake of the kids. They know why he divorced their mum, they blame hubby for her turning into a psycho but she was always like this. 

There are spies at hubbys work reporting back to bio mum about us. I mean exwife lived off the 1st 5-6 yrs after divorce mocking hubby and feeding her ego how in demand she was that no one wanted hubby and she was hot property. Reality is she had to make a man divorce his wife to marry her (she was desperate to break up another marriage and home)

she was furious and jealous to know hubby married me... she expected him to be same dumb fool and old man she bragged he was to people. She destroyed hubby so much and i come along and he lit up. It hurts the skids that their mum can’t do the same and hubby despises her till the day she dies, he still wants nothing to do with her or be around her. He wants to get on with his life but she still needs to get her feelers into hubby via her kids trying to insert her drama into hubbys life and hubby just doesn’t comment or respond and zones that out. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

You've been here on ST for over a year, and there has been no improvement in your situation. Why do you think that is?

You've made it crystal clear that your H's exwife is a piece of excrement. It's obvious both she and your H have made a lot of parenting mistakes. But you need to stop allowing yourself to dwell in anger and resentment over past events and people you cannot control. It's eating you up, and unless changes are made, it's going to ruin your marriage. What you need is tools and solutions for the problems in your marriage.

I know you're insanely busy, but I think you should make the time to find a marriage therapist there in Oz. One who does video or facetime counselling who can listen, support, and offer suggestions and strategies that will get you and your H working together to make your marriage a peaceful one.

It's pretty clear that your H doesn't know how to manage his baggage, draw boundaries, or parent his adult children while coping with a toxic ex. Communication is everything, especially when you're thousands of miles apart, and a counselor can help you both with that, too.

It seems like you both are stuck, with this skid issue between you. You need to identify what specific things you'd like your H to do, and what you will and will not accept. A professional can help you get past your emotions, distill these things, and express them to your H.



shamds's picture

Tolerate and what needs to change. He won’t see a therapist, he’s just not the talkative type and he comes from a culture/ethnicity where you keep married issues private and not talk about them to anyone but there comes a point where you need effective coping strategies or you sound like a broken record.

i try staying out of the drama until hubby tries to suck me back in and skids with their drama affecting our daily life so i removed myself from it. I’ve just gotten more firmer and said to hubby he has no business making me tolerate this shitty behaviour or expect i uproot myself temporarily in this toxic environment when i’m with him

shamds's picture

But it’s frustrating just how effed up it was skids using me and my kids as a scapegoat for so called double standards when they take no responsibility for their actions and wonder why daddy doesn’t pine on them like they’re the centre of his universe and isn’t all touchy feely with them like he is my toddlers. So sd24, ss21.5 and sd14 want to sit on daddys lap and be all affectionate that way like my young kids do? Just gross.

its like just because their mum is a psycho and they are used to manipulating and guilting their dad to get their way, we all have to pay the price because the way they behave does affect us when my husband doesn’t address it effectively and he is definitely a big part of the problem and still suffers from guilty daddy parenting

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I really think you should give serious consideration to getting you and your H into counselling. I hear you that he's "not the type who'll see a therapist", but things aren't going to get better unless he learns some new ways. In fact, they're going to get worse because the resentment you're struggling with is caustic, and will eventually poison your marriage.

Whatever you decide, I hope you try to find a way to stop dwelling on your H's ex and the skids. You sound ever more unhappy and frustrated than you were when you first found ST, even with the new house.

Try reading the book The Language Of Letting Go by Melody Beattie. I found it helpful. You can't change your H or his baggage, but you can change your thoughts and philosophy on them.


tog redux's picture

I agree - shamds, YOU resent that THEY exist.  A therapist might help you with some acceptance and coping skills. You spend a lot of time thinking about people you never even see anymore. It's not healthy for you. Who cares if they resent you? 

Winterglow's picture

You have a lot on your plate and are under a lot of stresst. I thknk it's time you told your DH that you don't want to hear anything (ANYTHING!) about your stepkids or their family. Most of what he tells you isn't important to your life (it's just a dose of negativity) and is entirely irrelevant to the situation (e.g. his response to your explanation of why you can't fly out). Youi don't want to hear another word about his first brood unless it is entirely relevant to your or your children. All he's doing is ramping up your stress - sure, it may be alleviating his but it's bogging you down in thoughts you don't need to dwell on. 

Livingoutloud's picture

You can't change or control other people. You can't demand that Skids change their ways. And why do you even care? If your DH doesn't want to see a therapist you should see one yourself. You got to get this anger under control and have peace of mind