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Bio mum pissed off her ex baby daddy buys a meal just for their kid, not her other kids

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Just came across the link below. A bio mum with 4 kids from different baby daddies is pissed off one of the baby daddies brings a meal over like mcdonalds for their joint kid but not her other 3 kids she had with other baby daddies.

Bahaha, she reckons it's unfair and he should be buying meals for kids that are not his responsibility. He says those other 3 kids are not his responsibility and when she claims she doesn't get food stamps till Saturday, he says that's not his problem 

Article “The pandemic has slowed down the divorce process”

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have a read of this article


its centred more on USA but pretty much says the courts won’t take too happily to ex-spouses using the pandemic to benefit in a divorce, that the courts are there to kepp spouses in line, especially the ones who don’t behave and think they are above the law.

lawyers are caught in childish letter wars between ex spouses

How is everyone holding up with coronavirus where you are??

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Australia just released their 3 step plan on reducing restrictions with stage 3 done by mid july. No international flights this year will be allowed not even by christmas, only students can fly back home but no Australians will be allowed to leave the country which means there will still be hardly any international flights operating.

“Danial Craig (aka James Bond) says inheritance is distasteful and is in a blended family

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came across this article today. Here is a man who will not leave inheritance for his kids, i’m all for providing for minors whilst still young because you should be providing for them but as adults we should be launching...


“Skids (sd24, ss21.5 & sd14) resent that me and my kids with hubby exist

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because of percieved double standards”

thats what hubby told me when i told him I don’t think i can fly next month back to his country because of my university studies, one of my subjects is full on and 2 assessments every week, we have no cell reception at our home there and as we live more in the country, i also told hubby I wasn’t interested staying in a home that his grown arse son can continue to be disrespectful in and shun us and just make home environment so hostile.

4 year old daughter doesn’t even recognise her half brother as a brother or even his name...

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for kindergarten next week the kids get to do story time where they talk about there family. You bring in a picture and the teacher asks who is this and this person. So we have our annual holiday pic which my adult ss (now 21.5) is in and my dad. My daughter can say her dad, brother, mummy and granddads name... 

45yr old adult with a minor child living at home with elderly parents and no intention to move out!!

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So for those of you who know we are in final stages of settlement. Hubby transferred all funds for purchase of our home in my country of birth that our 2 kids are going to school in, home is in my name since skids have as per bio mums instructions told him to sell property and transfer into their names only.

well today agent tells me the current owners of home we purchased and supposed to move into early-mud next week has hit a minor hiccup.

Mini family holiday with demonspawn miniwives sd’s14 & 24 / nephews wedding reception pt 2

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So this afternoon hubby tells me that this friday we’ll try leave in the afternoon to drive 3 states away for his nephew’s wedding reception which i am excited to go to and catch up with hubbys family. Hubby says we will pick up his daughters along the way as they will be waiting at a petrol station. 
