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Mother’s Day is a bitch!!!

SKIDSarekillingme2's picture

I know this is strongly worded but it is how I feel.

I get that it’s supposed to be a day where I feel celebrated and happy, but in the past,  it has not made me feel this way at all.  The biggest reason is BM Sunday is always a kid exchange and BM doesn’t want the kids for any extra time, so we are always forced to interact with her and SD’s.  Every year we’ve had to cart SD’s around at BM’s whim…after all it is her day.  I almost can’t even type that without laughing.  It is truly laughable to call her a mother since she never behaves like one.  BM demands SD’s be there at a moments notice so she can have her Facebook props when she’s ready and her two-hour makeup job is perfect.  This means even if DH is in the middle of making me breakfast and trying to celebrate me he drops and goes.  He says it’s because if he doesn’t she will make his life hell and then the kids will come  back in a bad mood.

I think they come back to us disgruntled regardless.  BM is really good at manipulating and poisoning them.  SD’s have always behaved with apathy toward me on Mother’s Day, well most days if I’m honest.  It is obvious they don’t feel comfortable celebrating me.  While I understand this is a tough position they are in, it really makes for a sucky interaction for me.  I feel guilty for saying this, but I dread seeing them on Mother’s Day.

Add to this we have gone NC with MIL based on some really complicated and terrible issues with her (read previous blog “MIL go away” if you want to understand this better).  Last year DH still sent her a Mother’s Day text.  While I understand this is his need it also makes me feel icky.

The most difficult of all of these things is my own mother passed away 8 years ago.  I miss her terribly and often but especially on Mother’s Day.

So it’s a bitch for me.  DH does a good job of making things special and my D15 is awesome.  So the small amount of time we have just the three of us is great!  I hang on to that like crazy and try to hold it in my heart!  That is how I combat all of the bitch of it. 

This year I’m taking a few steps that I think will help.  I’m asking DH to set up drop off and pick up time for SD13 without allowing BM to change things. That way we can plan our day and expect the incoming and outgoing.  We are NC with SD18 and I have blocked her on my phone. I’m asking DH to make sure she has no access to me this day.  I’m asking DH to keep me out of any contact with MIL, SD18, and BM.  I don’t want to know or even hear any of their names on this day.  I’m also asking DH to talk to SD13 on the way home from her Mother’s Day with BM to remind her how important this day is to me.

Maybe this won’t change anything but at least I will know DH and I both did our best….I will put my blinders on and only focus on D15 and all of the joy she has brought to my life.  I know I’m blessed to have her and I’m sticking to that thought.

Does anyone else struggle with Mother’s Day and find her to be kind of a bitch?  How do you deal?


advice.only2's picture

I hate Mother's Day it's an overblown Hallmark holiday that has gotten to the point where some mother's feel they should be given the world on that day.

I usually just tell my DH and kids I want to be a slug that day, or I want to be able to just do my own thing. My DH and kids are good about respecting that and letting me do that.

tog redux's picture

I love how everywhere you go, they wish you a Happy Mother's Day, even if you don't have kids.  What if someone had a miscarriage last week? Don't wish every woman Happy Mother's Day, that's silly.

MissK03's picture

This happened to me in 2017. We were in Florida with skids on vacation that year and I must have heard it 100 times. At that time is was kind of awkward because the skids were still seeing BM every other weekend. 

Fast forward to now. BM has taken the skids to Dunkin' Donuts and home 2018, 2019 for Mother's Day. Although, I do wish I would just get a simple "thank-you" on Mother's Day I don't expect it. A part of my wishes she would actually take the skids for the day (especially this year) SO and I are off from work and it would be nice to have a child free day together. 

tog redux's picture

Good boundaries OP - except just let go of wanting them to care even a bit on Mother's Day. You aren't their mother, and with one like BM they are going to be in a loyalty bind about you every day of the year. Take your bio daughter somewhere and enjoy your day.

And your DH needs to find his spine and set limits on BM. What's she going to do, take custody away? She doesn't want it.  Alienate the kids? She already is.

shamds's picture

how about our partners, spouses, kids and skids actually behave respectfully and not abuse us, shun us and all the other things they have done, allowed to happen or enabled to make our lives hell and basically told you to suck it up!!

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Ever since SKs came into my life I have truly dreaded anything that is supposed to be my day. Birthdays, mothers day. SO always goes out of his way to plan something nice, but then he always includes SKs because he wants them to show kindness and appreciation LMAO!  Within minutes they start a fight with him or each other, then yelling and back talking begins, then I leave and either go in my room or leave the house, thinking to myself it would have been better to have nothing at all than all that aggravation. 

Thumper's picture

Hallmark Holidays are by far the worse. They have high expectations and some self centered moms are  expecting the day to be centered around them being QUEEN for a day. 'because it is MY day, I want this, I want that and if I don't get it I will pitch a fit". Calling women "queens' drives me crazy too lol

Before my Mother died, Mothers Day was about what I could do nice for her. Even though I too,  was a Mother. It was always about her...she was a very humble, sweet women.

.I do not need affirmation from my dh or my kids..they tell and show me often how they love and appreciate me. Mothers Day for me is now to celebrate my/.our together kids---the joy and laughter THEY brought to my life are the greatest gifts given to me. Even the naughty times. Wink

Sorry that you're mother has passed away. I miss my Mom too.  OP I hope you can have a decent Mothers Day ((((HUGS))))) Make it about your wonderful daughter !!!! you could make her breakfast in bed Smile