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Doing things for me.

MrsLawless's picture

So, over completely changed my behavior. I don't sit at home on my days off anymore and clean up after everyone else. Yesterday and today I woke up, got cleaned up, and left to go hang out with my best girl friend. Yesterday I got all dolled up for no reason at all and cooked us dinner. DH joined after he got off work since I was at my house when I cooked for her, I and her kids. SD is with her mom. 

Today. I spent the whole day at her house. Went shopping and dyed our hair and got dolled up again. I took me time. I needed that. 

After DH got off work he was texting me - and us all being friends I told him "hey we are here if you'd like to come hang out" he did, and played with the kids. Even still, him being there, it was our girl time And I spent time with him afterwards. Now we are home in bed, and I honestly feel so great.*i-m_so_happy*


Aunt Agatha's picture

A couple days of him changing tactics now that you are finding yourself doesn't mean he is changed.  Abusers can switch it off when their victims start to pull away.

Be careful!

ITB2012's picture

What the ever living hell are you doing hanging out with others?! That is NOT the way to do "me time" during this pandemic. Get yourself a zoom account and order some wine and do virtual happy hours. Find some online or hosted live workout sessions. CALL your friends. 
And right now your DH is just happy you're leaving him alone and he can drop in and out of your life as he wishes. The true test of how you are doing and how he is treating you will come in a few months when this is over. 

MrsLawless's picture

My best friend moved where I live about 2 weeks ago and we've been hanging out a lot. 

Findthemiddle's picture

glad you are happy - but it’s a moral imperative to consider that sheltering in place is the only thing that enable us to return to normal- health and economic wise.  Honestly, I am shocked and angered by your lack of awareness/consideration  of the safely of others - including healthcare workers and others.  But, hey, you showed him- grow up. 

MrsLawless's picture

A healthcare worker. I take care of disabled clients in there home a block from mine. I'm not out lolly gagging around I was grocery shopping *lol* I kinda HAVE to do that. And I use walmart pick up. Calm down. Otherwise I'm at my house or hers. Which all she does is stay home with her kids unless she's here. Jump the gun much?

MrsLawless's picture

I went grocery shopping with her. I have to do that for myself anyways lol. Calm down I'm not out running amuck. I went to the store and home or her house a mile from mine. 

MrsLawless's picture

The government is winning, media is winning, they have people freaked out and controlled. That's what they want.

MrsLawless's picture

Never said conspiracy theories *lol*

Its an election year. They are going to hype things up. Is covid19 serious. Yes for some. And yes people should not being going out to just go out. Me going to the grocery store for things I need is different. 

And dying my hair. Was done in the living room of my best friends house who has also been self quarentined minus grocery store trips. 

Y'all make me laugh