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SD issues?

MrsLawless's picture

Has anyone had the issue of your SD trying to play your DH against you and 9/10 times she wins? They believe her over you?


MrsLawless's picture

She's got him in our room and I'm stuck in the living room because she "wanted to talk to him" . I've been out here an hour now. But god forbid him and I have alone time. 

Kona_California's picture

God how frustrating. The bad thing is it sounds like your DH has taught SD to behave this way. SD should not be "winning" that kind of thing, especially not 9/10 times. He should be backing you up 100% because you are his wife. If that was the case, her spending some time to talk to her dad wouldn't be as big of a deal because you would be confident he would back you up. But now you're sitting there wondering how she's turning him on you this time. 

Have you talked to him and how he needs to back you up first? How does he respond?

MrsLawless's picture

Yes I have. And it usually turns into a fight. He has a shitty childhood and I guess thinks he's supposed to always have her back even when she lies on me *fool* I'm still in the living room 2 hours later, I attempted to go in there and got made out to be an intruder. He acted like I slapped him in the face. He said I guess you can come in here now you're just gonna make it an issue otherwise. So I grabbed my shit and came back out to the living room. Out of curiosity I'm looking at rentals online. I pay the rent here. 1,100$ a month. He's self employed in the cannabis industry. I work in healthcare. What I try to explain to them is I'm here because I love them and want to be. Not because I NEED to be. And I'm beginning to wonder if he loves me as much as he proclaims. He's so night and day so fast. My brain literally hurts trying to wrap it around wtf is going on idk why he's being like this. Because me and my 11 almost 12 yr old SD argue sometimes?!?! Grrrr. Maybe if he'd have my back I wouldn't be so negative sometimes.

Kona_California's picture

That is so inappropriate! YOU are his wife and part of the family, so you should never be ostracized! I would make a big ass deal out of it and say LISTEN bruh, this behavior is not sustainable for our marriage. I need to be treated with a lot more respect than I'm getting. This is turning into a dealbreaker. So either fix your attitude and treat me like your WIFE or I'm starting to look at exiting this BS. 

End. Of. Discussion. Any response from him I wouldn't even listen to and say NO. Not listening until you have solutions for your behavior. And keep exiting the conversation. What a tool! Ugh I'm so mad for you lol

MrsLawless's picture

We aren't married. Just claim each other

Kona_California's picture

It all still applies. You're a provider, and you two are partners. Whether you're married or not you should be respected. 

Winterglow's picture

"He said I guess you can come in here now"

You betcha, buddy. This happens to be MY bedroom too and I will come and go as I see fit. If you want privacy to whisper your secrets, go do it in her room. 

Then you sit down, take out a book/turn on the TV, and make yourself comfortable.

advice.only2's picture

So he's allowing his child presidence in your personal space?  Is this a normal occurrence?  Does he allow his child's needs over your own?  If so you have a DH problem.  Reek havoc on him and his inability to parent.

justmakingthebest's picture

Nope. Just NO.

You are supposed to be his partner, not her. She is a child, not a spouse or SO. There is no reason for her to be in your room at all. EVER.

If he can't understand that in a relationship that is progressing towards marriage or in a marriage that you 2 are the team- that you don't ever go against the other in front of children- he is going to forever be a shit parent. You will always be last place.

You are self-sufficient. It is time to move on. They can live happily ever after together.  Take the money you would give him for rent next month and use it as the deposit for your own place. Even a little loft apartment would  be better than living like that.

Simpleton21's picture

Sounds to me like he is using you to take care of him and SD.  Quit taking care of a man child and his evil spawn.  There is so much wrong with this and the last blog he said he hated you!  Nope, no way in hell should you allow any of this.  You are currently his doormat.  His behavior is disgusting!  Please love yourself enough to know that you deserve better than this!

MrsLawless's picture

And I addressed the situation. After a long day at work. I was already fed up. And tried to triangulate me. I got how i felt out and we will see how this goes. So far so good.