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Homeless No More

Zara Gold's picture

Update: My friend is letting me stay with her well I get back on my feet.  I am paying her some rent for the month. Phew she is being flexible with me.

SD said on camera to DH I'm going to punch the B in the face she fat just like her dog and then flipped cameras off and said f you B to my stepmom.  So I wasn't there. I was away with friends, and they asked me about the camera I installed for my safety, and we saw it played live.  SD has tried to get me in jail, physically harm me.  SS was there too, saying B is physio stepmom and has wanted to put me in jail for false accusations that I was looking at him and try to give SD weed, which isn't right, and that what they were saying to their dad.  H said, stop that all.  So I came home and could hear them all downstairs talking about my fat body and screaming at H. They're going to beat me up.  I snapped and said, okay, do it.

The neighbor's called cops, and you will go to jail. I will take the beating and won't hit you once.  Everyone was screaming and crying, and my H told me to get the F out of his house.  Someone called the cops on us thankfully, 8 of them came out, then the skids said I was drunk they did a sobriety test on me I had not had one drop of alcohol.  So I slept in my car with all my stuff because my family doesn't want the drama and I have nowhere else to go.  So I am homeless living out of my car.  H said to come back home that I am overreacting, and he never told me to get out, which he did.  I'm exhausted.  I went to the gym, worked out, took a shower there, and am at work now.  So I live in my car and at the gym.  My family said they couldn't help my friends can't either they said they don't have room at their house. It horrible, being homeless.  DH said he is kicking SS out, and I can come back. I am just so exhausted and don't care right. I'm so done with all this drama.


susanm's picture

First things first.  Do you have access to a joint account?  Take out what you need to get a cheap hotel room and worry about division of assets in the divorce later.  When is your next paycheck?  Have you looked for an inexpensive apartment and will you have enough to move in?  If there is no money for a hotel or you can't get into an apartment yet, is there a women's shelter nearby?  Obviously you can not go back whether SS is kicked out or not because SD is just as much of a problem but sleeping in your car is not safe and you can't continue to do it. 

Stay strong.  You will figure this out.  Please stay safe and keep us posted!!!

Edited to add - I am confused about the family issue though.  In your previous blog, didn't you say that your family offered to have you come stay with them?  What happened?  Did you have a falling out with them?  Can that be repaired?

Zara Gold's picture

The family said they don't feel safe with that type of drama around them.  Thankfully my friend ok with me being on the couch.  I have some money, unfortunately, I do live paycheck to paycheck. 

hereiam's picture

Do you have ANY money in savings? Are there any resources where you live that can help? Shelters for women?


Zara Gold's picture

I seriously couldn't even think when I wrote this post I was too shocked and scared that I was homeless.  Thank you for all the good ideas.

CLove's picture

But Im glad that you are getting out of this situation.

Have you tried a women's shelter? Applied for programs like section 8 housing, or emergency housing?

Zara Gold's picture

I am glad too.  Thank you!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

And there are always students doing subleases. You just take over their rent payment . You don't need first and last and deposits . Can you look for something like that where you are ?

Zara Gold's picture

Thank you I checked some out.  That may work too.

Booboobear's picture

im so sorry this is happening!  whenever life gets this bad, it feels like you need to make a (sleeping with the enemy) move to the opposite side of the country.  you have a car.  cant you ask for your last paycheck, and use it for gas to get far away and begin a new life and job?  where people dont kick you out and threaten to beat you up?  

BethAnne's picture

OP, unless you have good savings or someone to go and live with for free I would think very carefully before quitting your job. Getting a job when you are homeless is very difficult. I would do everything you can to keep this job while finding somewhere new to live.

Plus: getting accomodation when you do not have a job is very difficult to do as well. I would say that your top priority OP is staying away from your ex and his kids and your second priority is keeping your current job. Without that job life is giong to be a lot more difficult besides just the loss of income. 

susanm's picture

No.  If you are living in your car WITH a job, where will you be living WITHOUT a job????  Do not quit your job under any circumstances.  Unless someone is chasing you, there is no need to run.

tog redux's picture

Call a domestic violence program - you are being abused by your stepkids and your H - you should qualify for housing through them.  

Zara Gold's picture

Thank you I found one and am contacting them for support now.

Thumper's picture

Please go to nearest Social Services Building. Ask for recourses for woman shelter. Ask Google for social services building near me.

Tell them you are in danger...because that is the truth. File charges against them too. Womans shelter will help you file protection orders. I AM SOOOOO SORRY.



Zara Gold's picture


Zara Gold's picture

Sorry I was in a meeting at work.  My friend said she has room on her couch to help me get on my feet.  She said that she had not read my text until now.

Zara Gold's picture

Thank you. All those are excellent ideas.  Also, I have an application pending for a loft for rent. There is a hot tube and a beautiful view.  Fingers crossed I get it.  Thank you, supportive friends, that helped me through a tough day. I turned off all the bills I paid there.  

Zara Gold's picture

I would never quit my job, and I love my job and the people there.  But yes, I need a break. I am excited for this weekend. I am exhausted phew thankfully. My friend saw my text; otherwise, I was about to spend a lot of money on Airbnb and would have only had enough money for a place for the week.  My money is liquidated it tied up in assets with only my name thank gosh I got prenuptial.  But I do live paycheck to paycheck. 

hereiam's picture

Great! Now that you have a place to stay, you can breath and take one step at a time and get your ducks in a row.

Siemprematahari's picture

So happy you have a place to stay OP. Wishing you all the best during this transition. Stay strong and know that you deserve so much better and you got this.

Onward & Upward!