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Just frustrated...50/50 my ass.

gimmeabreak's picture

Just need a place to vent for a minute so I don't let my emotions out in front of skid. My husband and his ex are supposed to be on a 50/50 split for my two step sons, 12 & 14. However, BM put up a ridiculous fight recently when deciding where to live in relation to the kids schools (we live just down the street so they can walk to school and all their friends houses). Long story but she basically felt we were "forcing" her to move to our neighborhood (which believe me...I didn't want), so decided to take a stand and move to just outside the city limits. This means the kids are too far to walk to school or to see any of their friends without being driven 20 minutes. Not a huge deal other than the fact that it has now made things way more complicated and caused the need for way more communication about pick ups/drop offs when the whole purpose of her moving in the first place was to simplify things and limit the need for communication as almost every time she talks to my husband it explodes into a huge argument. 

Anyways. The kids now prefer to be at our house obviously because they have the freedom to see their friends whenever they want. This means the 50/50 split is more like 80/20. This is supposed to be her week with them and the older one has been dropped off at our house for the last 3 days because he doesn't have school and wants to see his friends. I NEED my weeks off to stay sane. I'm pregnant right now and doing a lot of work from home and the 14 y/o has his girlfriend here everyday meaning I'm expected to supervise them. That and I just went out and purchased a bunch of expensive food for pregnancy smoothies which he went ahead and ate. Sorry, but this is extremely frustrating to me at the moment given that they are supposed to be AT THEIR MOMS not eating all OUR food, taking up all MY time and taking 25 minute showers racking up OUR utility bills. 

I really don't have a lot to complain about in regards to their behaviour, they are pretty good minus the typical teenage BS. But I live for my quiet days at home right now on our weeks off and find it incredibly annoying that I'm losing that because their mother wanted to make some stupid point and just ended up making everything more complicated for everyone. 

Rant over. Thanks for being the space I can put all of this out into. 



justmakingthebest's picture

Can you take over a drawer in the fridge for your special stuff with a "Keep the HELL OUT" sign?

You shouldn't have to, believe me I get it, but if they would respect it, at least it would be something.

gimmeabreak's picture

I did that for a while on the weeks they were here when we were actually respecting the 50/50 schedule. The problem has been that nowadays I don't know when they are going to show up and they are friggin speed eating bottomless pits and will get to stuff before I have the chance to label anything. I guess I should start doing it all the time now. 

ndc's picture

Is your husband supportive?  Could you tell him you didn't want skids there on BM's weeks without starting WW3?  Would he at least support the girlfriend not being there so you didn't have to supervise?

gimmeabreak's picture

He is supportive. But he also doesn't get my level of frustration because they're his kids so it's kind of a "what's the big deal if they're here" mentality, and he has this idea that if he tallies up all the days they're here when they are supposed to be there that he'll have leverage for us to take a vacation or something later on, but lord knows that won't happen. But I'm able to talk to him and he tries to make things easier on me. Like today for example he told the skid he had to be out of the house all day at his friends houses and couldn't have anyone here because I'd be working. But apparently now his "plans fell through" and he's been here all day because he has nothing to do with his friends. That's how it happens most days to be honest. His mom drops him off here under the guise of him spending time with his friends, but he is here from 8am-4pm eating our food and asking me constantly if I can do things for him (so far today it's been to supervise him and his girlfriend and drive him across town). Almost willing to do the drive him across town part just to get some time to myself. Haha. Just frustrating that it's almost every single day. 

ndc's picture

Sounds more like he pays lip service to being supportive.  He tells the kid he can't be in the house, but then the kid is in the house anyway?  That's not exactly helpful.  And what's going to happen when you have a baby in the house and you are definitely not going to want the skids there on their BM's days??  I would really try to get DH fully on board to respect the 50/50 schedule now, before it becomes a bigger issue once you have the baby.

WarMachine13's picture

Tell your husband to buy a mini fridge for the skids and put a lock on yours. He needs to reimburse you for that food too.