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Merry Christmas - Have a Pee-Soaked Jacket! UPDATED with Bonus Vent!

lieutenant_dad's picture

Small vent: Remember how DH bought OSS a tux jacket for band?

Yeah, apparently BM's cat p*ssed on it. How do I know this? Because it's in a plastic bag in my house with BM saying it needs to be dry cleaned.

Lord give me strength. Cannot and will not deal with this on Christmas. DH is already salty about it (and salty about our broken dishwasher), so clearly it hasn't been addressed with BM. I'll give it 24 hours before I lose my sh*t about it.

BONUS VENT: Apparently BM is "deciding" whether she wants to work or not since her new DH doesn't want her to. Whether that is a sign of him being controlling or feeling some weird obligation as the man of the house, I don't know. But that just fuels my "you aren't doing SH*T for her" feelings.


Mountains's picture

“Your cat, your cleaning bill.  Thanks for asking.”

Lady.Tremaine's picture

Well since she has so much time on her hands being unemployed I'd give her 3.50 ( or whatever is the cost to dry clean a garment these days)  "be a dear and please clean up after your cat."

It would be better if she paid for it but I personally think handing her petty cash would add some nice insult to her self made injury 

Jcksjj's picture

If shes like BM here she will actually be thrilled and not insulted about the petty cash. She once spent a day arguing with DH about something worth $5. He said something about "whatever we will just give you the $5, I cant believe you're arguing over that."  

Probably like a month after that BM tried to short him $50 for health insurance repayment and used the same line back on him "I cant believe you're arguing over $50." She actually was just hoping to keep shorting him money.

But yeah, OP, I really hope to see an update to this that BM was made to go do it herself. Dont open that can of worms. As soon as she gets away with that it will be something else, and then something a little bigger, and so on. 

Oh, and also I'm sure shes sitting at home snickering about causing drama on Christmas *bad*

didn'tsignupforapunk's picture

That jacket would go right back to her house with a note that read, "it's YOUR cat that pissed on the jacket, and if you're big enough to figure out that the jacket needs to be dry cleaned, you're big enough to figure out how to get that jacket to a dry cleaner yourself and pay for it."

Bex_S's picture

Please don't open that can of worms...I can tell you from experience. I did a bag of laundry for BM once as a favour as apparently her washing machine was broken. From then on for around 6 months she would send all SD's dirty laundry from the week over with her to our house because she "didn't have time to do it". Don't give BMs a finger or they'll take the whole hand.

thinkthrice's picture

"Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile"

Livingoutloud's picture

I woke up too early and read “BM pissed on it”. I was like this BM is new kind of nasty, was she drunk. Now I see it was a cat lol  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I really want to send your BM some gorilla shite. Maybe I can get it rolled in cat litter...

susanm's picture

As a veteran cat owner, I advise you to steer clear of this.  Her cat did it and it is her problem.  And when I say problem I am not kidding.  That smell is not going to come out.  Maybe if it had been taken care of right away but now that it has had time to set in even the most skilled dry cleaner is not getting it out.  It will seem "clean" but as soon as the child wears it and his body heat warms it up the smell will come back out of the fabric in waves.  And it will be you that is blamed if you undertook the job of finding the "right" cleaner.  The only option is buying a new jacket.  But let BM figure that out for herself.  Stay away from this and turf it back to her.

SteppedOut's picture

I agree with this. The only problem is, BM will not purchase a new one. So either the child goes with out, or OP's husband purchases a new one. 

tog redux's picture

Honestly, I'd make the kid help pay. He's old enough to be sure his tux jacket is hanging up where the cat can't pee on it.  

susanm's picture

Agreed.  If it was hung up properly this would not have happened.  Unless that was one talented and determined cat!

tog redux's picture

Exactly. Unless the cat has magical peeing abilities, the kid is a teenager and left his tux jacket on the floor, obviously. He should pay for all of it, or go without. 

Cover1W's picture

Exactly.  One of my kitties is very territorial.  She will pee on clothing either left by the front door of the house or in line from her food bowl.  No exceptions.  DH had a jacket peed on, and OSD had several things done in the same way.  And I warned them many, many times.  Don't leave your stuff on the floor - how hard is it?  Also, with OSD I think my cat knew about her

lieutenant_dad's picture

That is a question I have - where was the jacket that allowed the cat to pee on it?

OSS wore it recently for a concert, so it wouldn't surprise me if he had it laying on his bed or a chair or something to clean it. It also wouldn't surprise me if he had it on a pile on his floor (less likely to believe that because he usually does a good job of keeping his concert clothes put away). It also wouldn't surprise me if BM took it, intending to clean it, and left it out for the cat 

Ultimately, I think it's up to BM and OSS to decide how to handle it.

Cooooookies's picture

Back when SS17 crapped himself, BM2 sent back 2 pairs of his underwear a la poo crusted.  Mind you he was visiting at her house for 2 weeks.  They went in the bin.  BM's and their damn audacity.

thinkthrice's picture

returned it with a load of cat crap and let BM know it can only be hand washed in woolite. or one of those woolite dry cleaning sheets in HER dryer of course.