lieutenant_dad's Blog
OSS now feels like an in-law...
What's up STalkers! It has been a hot minute since I've been on (likely to the relief of some). I haven't had much to complain about, so I have taken a break from here to give myself some peace.
On the positives: DD is now 1. She is starting to walk and just learned how to say Mama (cue me melting into goo). She is great, and I am fully in the "no more babies" camp. I hated the baby stage so much. I hated being pregnant. If you hear another pregnancy announcement from me, some cosmic force is at work and I am the punchline of its joke.
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STalkers, give me the strength to disengage...
Found out today that OSS had "his" car impounded. And by "his" car, I mean the one titled to DH and I that we pay the car insurance and registration on and allow OSS to drive.
Why was the car impounded you might ask? Well, OSS forgot to move it before a football game...THEN FORGOT ABOUT IT FOR TWO WEEKS. By the time he realized it was gone, he owed $500.
Guess who didn't have $500? Guess who called ET and ET somehow had $500? Guess who told OSS she doesn't need the money back?
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Life Update from Lt. Dad Land
Hey there everyone. It has been a hot minute since I gave any update, mostly because there hasn't been much to update on.
ET has been relatively quiet, even downright polite and friendly. She is working and seeing YSK again. Zero drama in relation to Admiral Baby.
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O/T - Private Baby is HERE!
Yeppers, little girl (AKA Private Baby) made her debut on Saturday. It was a traumatic experience for us all. Nearly three days of non-progressing labor, pre-eclampsia, and a c-section. But she is now on this side of the womb!
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OSS is up sh!zz creek without a paddle...
And I am not helping him figure it out. To say I am disappointed is an understatement.
OSS is in college. I have had a funny feeling all summer that he didn't do what he needed to do to prepare for the upcoming school year, but let it go when he said he had it handled. I was also upset that he didn't work, but he assured us he was working on music commissions (which makes sense given his major). DH wasn't pushing it so I let it go and just didn't pay for things for him.
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Ahhhh, the delusions of GBM...
I am friends with GBM on social media. Started because I was an idiot in the past and thought I could get along with ET and her brood. I stay because it has been a window into crazy amd provided some warning when things are about to go down.
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Stepmom bashing at its finest...
I am on a pregnancy forum so I dont bother all of you with my pregnancy-related crazy questions. Of course, there are SMs on that forum who post some pretty mundane things related to blending families.
Well, someone posted about sick SKs coming to their house and the BM not giving anyone a heads up that SKs are sick before they come over. Of course, the poster doesn't want sick SK over because she's 9 months pregnant with a toddler, in the middle of a flu/COVID/RSV spike - at least not without some warning about the kid being sick.
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Medicaid is such a pain in the butt sometimes...
So DH and I have covered the kids on insurance for years now. ET has kept them on Medicaid the whole time (sometimes potentially fraudulently, but that's a story for a different day and probably a previous blog).
ET hasn't been involved in YSK's healthcare since they moved in with us nearly two years ago. She hasn't given us their Medicaid card, they haven't lived with her, she hasn't mentioned it, and so we (probably stupidly) assumed they no longer had Medicaid.
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PSA: If you want to be violent or are hate-filled, get TF out of steplife and into therapy...
Not sure what is going on in the forums, but there seems to be a lot of very angry/violent/hateful emotions taking over, and we need to set the record straight right now.
If you want to hit a child, you need to leave and get therapy for yourself.
If you want to excessively punish a child to make them hurt because they hurt you, you need to leave and get therapy for yourself.
If you are angry to the point of hating a child because they dare love their bioparent, you need to leave and get therapy for yourself.
Place your bets on when ET sees YSK again...
34 weeks pregnant and I'm just a ball of grump, so I totally know I am blowing this out of proportion. But I think I could find fault in anything ET does, even if she turned her life totally around and cured cancer.
ET didn't get YSK this weekend because she is battling fleas in her house. Now, sounds like she is being responsible and letting DH know, right? Naaahhhh. Only reason we found out was because YSK mentioned that ET had a "bug problem" that was getting worse.
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