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lieutenant_dad's Blog

I call BS, ET...

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Dropped off YSS at ET's new residence on Friday night, which is a solid 15 minutes further away than the last place of residence (can't even say "her house" because neither were/are hers). She "hurt her knee" and hadn't been able to drive, so her BF has been driving her everywhere. The "hurt knee" is also why she hasn't been working. Though, on Friday, I saw her walking on her knee with no brace on, so not sure what "injury" prevents her from driving but not from walking.

DH gets a text last night saying he needs to come pick up YSS because they can't bring YSS home. 

Anyone/thing else wanna come for me this Christmas season?

lieutenant_dad's picture

It has been a week, and I'm flucking over it.

1.) My dog had a stroke. She is recovering after $900 at the emergency vet (plus another $300+ when she goes to her vet early next week for follow-up testing). I was absolutely terrified for her and realized how not ready I am for her to cross the rainbow bridge.

2.) ET quit her job. She also is moving in with her new BF in the new year. Anyone else feel like they've read that blog post before?

Are you effing kidding me?!

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Was going to respond to my last blog, but might as well start a new one because I forgot how much ET trying to play "good GF" in a new relationship boils my blood.

DH gets a call from ET last night asking if YSS was coming over for his regularly-scheduled weekend with her or if they were changing weekends due to winter break. DH says he didn't know when all our family shenanigans were because we had scheduled around switching weekends/weeks with ET (which she was cool with).

The Chronicles of ET

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We're coming up on a year of YSS living with us full-time because ET's life imploded and YSS has a mental health crisis. While YSS has improved drastically in that time, ET has...well, continued to be ET.

ET is getting divorced from STBXH#3. They split last month. She already has a new BF that she introduced the boys to over the holidays. When we asked what his name was, both boys went "uhh...I think his name is X?" Stellar.

The IVF Train is About to Leave the Station

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Quick recap: DH had a vas reversal in 2019. It was technically successful, but his counts didn't return fully to normal so we had an uphill battle conceiving naturally. Tried IUI late last year/early this year and those failed. Fertility doctor assumes I have endometriosis due solely to the pain I feel during my period, my IBS, and the failed IUIs.

Mental health care sucks in the US...

lieutenant_dad's picture

Well, all health care does, but mental health care is a particularly vicious beast.

Backstory for those that don't remember, YSS came to live with us earlier this year partly because YSS threatened and made plans to commit suicide. DH got him a crisis intake the next day and services started the next week.

C'Tucky is Back

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She randomly moved in with my parents over the weekend. Well, I say randomly. My mom says that they gave her permission to move back in "temporarily" because she and her DH are on the outs again. C'Tucky says it's for good this time, but this is the third time in as many years that she has packed up and moved back (and 4th or 5th time she has left her DH).
