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SS keeps lying about stupid things!!

keepitsimple203's picture

We have noticed lately that my 11 year old stepson is telling little white lies about the dumbest things. Things that he has no reason to lie about. DH will ask who left their clothes in the bathroom and he will immediately say "not me" when it's obvious that they are HIS clothes on the floor. He opened the car window yesterday and threw something out and when I asked him what it was he said it was a piece of paper he found on the floormat. I start telling him not to litter and my BS says it wasn't a piece of paper it was the peel from the orange SS was eating. This morning when I asked what everyone ate for breakfast he says he toasted a waffle. SS9 says no he didn't, he had a bowl of cereal. This drives me nuts!! I don't get why anyone would like about stupid stuff like this? I HATE lying!! And if he was lying about stuff that might get him in trouble (which I'm guess he lies about that stuff too) I would at least understand WHY. But there is absolutely no reason for him to tell lies about this trivial stuff and I'm not even sure if this is punishable or not?? DH doesn't seem to think so...

Thisisnotus's picture

My DD14 has done this for years. She is a great and super kind kid....never in trouble and has never caused me a single problem. But she lies all the time.....she will tell others we went on vacation when we didn't....she will say she hurt her foot/leg/arm and she didn't......she will say she went to a concert but didn't....the list goes on. It's all really innocent but odd.

I just sort of igore it haha

raindrop's picture

Ask him in a calm manner. Nicely give him all the examples that you gave us and ask him why he felt the need to lie. He’ll probably just shrug his shoulders and say he doesn’t know. And that’s when you tell him the story about “The Boy Who Called Wolf.”  And them wrap the conversation up by saying nobody will believe him like The Boy Who Called Wolf if he keeps it up and it would be in everyone’s best interest, especially his, if he stops. 

tankh21's picture

My 14 year old OSS does the same thing he lies about everything you cannot believe or trust anything that he says. I get it kids lie sometimes because they don't want to get into trouble but why lie about every little thing. My DH thinks that OSS lies because it's genetic because BM is a pathological liar. OSS is BM's mini me. It bothers me so much that OSS lies about stupid things but my DH doesn't want to try and correct it so what really can I do but ignore it. Kids are going to lie and it is the parent's job to try to correct it. I think sometimes it is genetic as well though. Does your DH try to correct SS when he get caught in a lie?

Rags's picture

Lies were a corporal punishment offense when I was growing up.  Severity of the lie made no difference.

I have zero tolerance for lying.  We battled lies from SS for many years.  He is a pleaser and would tell us what he thought we wanted to hear rather than the truth. Those were difficult years.

I understand your frustration.